On his book tour, Michael Moore exposes more wrongdoing by greedy big businesses and callous politicians around America. I realize this is absurd on the surface but since we see how capitalism has failed far too often who can foretell the future? An quick aside: I have to say that if English is your second language, you speak (or i guess, in this case, type it [possibly with spell check], it's ok, by the way, we all use that, much better than I speak or type any Asian language you could name. I have the utmost respect for people who have had to endure working for this type of company. you die in its parking lot. In 100% of the situations, the long-term economic effect is negative. Go get educated. Use the HTML below. The wealth of the wicked will be laid up for the just. 102 0 obj
Ǔ�D2���'��.pp�İ�끉DW��I����l]EvL. 99% of all goods sold in Wal Mart are made in China and other third world nations. Let me say that again. If we stop giving our jobs to foreigners, create the demand for american produced goods thus creating american jobs instead of giving these jobs to china, taiwan, mexico etc to save 10-15% then the american average payrate goes up, small businesses strive, the american dream is resurrected, the economy is stimulated, americans make more money, there is more money to spend and the 10-15% savings from walmart is rendered non existant. The walmarts here are nice. You have to take a half hour lunch at 6 hours. I think Wal-mart willn't sustain in long term unless they change their behaviour towards people and their employee. Other than that great video. Even then it wasnt the townspeople who fought it. One time I went to buy ice melt at a hardware store and they happened to be out and the owner asked why i didn't go to walmart, because they might be cheaper than him and I said I rather support a local business he looked rather shocked after I said that. These people think the world owes them a living. In fact, shoe companies, such as Nike, and clothing companies, such as Hollister, are known to make their products in sweatshops. Out of several stores I went to, my grocery bill was the HIGHEST. The US finds it more cost effective to make software for example and China and the third world finds it easier to make toys and tools. Someday their entire 'Tower of Babel Enterprise' will fall and then people like the Esry's can once again stand on their own two feet and make wealth for themselves and successive generations as their OWN bosses and not have to watch what they built with 40 years of blood sweat and tears be washed down the drain and GIVEN to wal mart only to watch their own grandchildren have to work for slave wages AT wal mart. It happened here in Quebec. Take for example , a foam finger at a sporting event . Wal-Mart’s core value - delivering low prices - has proved successful, everything they need at a lower cost. My dad use to boast working the hardest at his job, but i can't see trying my best here if I am going to get yelled at whether i do or not. They don't make their own products with a company that sends the labor overseas. And the ultimate way to punish WalMart - take your business elsewher - and it you cannot do that, then try to live without or find a product substitute !!! A 'Mallwort' was built in a community about 20 minutes away from me in the year 2001. After thinking a bit I was wondering it would be humorous to enter one of the bathrooms and post a note talking about union's when no one is in there so as to not be seen doing it unless of course they have anti- union cameras in the restrooms which wouldn't affect me because I don't work for them. You can ban Wall Mart and then go to Canadian Tire or your so called pharmacy or Zellers, Costco, Ikea or any of those...stuff is stuff and in all of those stores you will find cheap stuff. Guess what? They wouldn't even cover her hospital bills. Working a dead end job with “a raise of $1.80 a year” is not going to get you places. They treated OUR employees who worked with Walmart rudely, callously and sometimes abusively. You dont get to be the biggest Company in the world without being evil. If you want real money get a class "A" license and drive truck for Walmart. Though it is an entertaining documentary, and quite informative, one cannot help but be disgusted by the incredible bias forced down our throats in this "happy music/EVIL music" film. Baking their own bread is hardly cost effective and can not achieve economies of scale for single parent families with two or three people in the household. We got a lot of feedback from customers about the longevity of their new appliances. Combined, there are more than 200k people following us through these channels: You should sign up for our newsletter. i read all ur comments. Prepared B
I had a job cleaning a target in my younger days. clark... that's exactly why the film is anything but biased. Who are you trying to kid? Human Relation Communication
Do they put money under the table so they can get away with this? We have made progress, but there is a lot more to be done to end corporate welfare. People being insulted, treated predjudicially and underpaid and totally mistreated. The most bankrupt states have highest Union workers. Dollar General had everything and was lower. If you think they can, maybe you should watch this again...Wal-Mart is not a good choice, nor will it ever be. How fair is that? Most people in America work for small businesses of 50 employees or less. Obviously this company is horrible, but what company isn't. If you were any other species on the planet, with so little to contribute to your species, Darwin would have destroyed you already. Private invest funds banks which fund everything from big yachts to small public schools. Not once was there any narration, which is supposed to instill a "this is a very objective documentary!" Even though you could have been surly, you took your responsibility as an employee seriously.
Together they have more money than Bill Gates, yet they exploit people here and oversees. I assure you, you won't be missed. They will make more money than ever. Some of these managers, I wonder how they got their jobs. Zenith Radio Corporation v. Hazeltine Research, Inc. GET YOUR CUSTOM ESSAY I've rarely shopped at walmart and might not any more considering the info given. 1.hy do you think Lee Scott, President and CEO of Wal-Mart, says that Wal-Mart has, “generated fear, if W not envy in some circles”? But you make sense in your comment RavenPup, One person can make a difference, and ever person must try. And all of you know this! Wal- Mart is using the same economic empowerment model that worked in the US and exporting it around the world. One main component of sustained competitive advantage is having superior returns sustained over a long period of time. I'm paying $900 a month out of my own pocket for health insurance because I'm self employed. I have worked for both. Walmart has far an away more U.S. made product, but the unions didn't get their way so now it's sit back and lie just like they did with Coors Brewing and host of other big companies they tried to force their way into and failed. 10/18/2013
Small businesses that pay fair wages with proper benefits would have their place again and we would be that much closer to a healthy economy. => Wal Mart : Number 1 at hollowing out the industrial base of the USA. Stop complaining. This women was working 10 -12 hour a day in womens clothing and covering in the deli when they got backed up. Wal-Mart’s adoption of a cost leadership strategy attracted price sensitive customers to purchase the lowest priced goods in the market. I'm broke, I have more children than I can afford in this economy, yes I chose to have them and I love having them, yes I have to shop conservatively, but I still have enough sense to know that demand = jobs = more money = the lack of need for imported cheap goods to make the waltons richer. If you want to say something feel free, but stay on topic and keep your religion and your gods out of this. ALL i CAN SAY THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH IT HERE ON EARTH BUT NOT WHEN THEY GO BEFORE GOD. You and I can boycott Walmart all we want....but they appeal to the masses. If you do no like it do not shop or work there. Are you able to specify, properly, as you intimate others are not able to do, where this video's contents are inaccurate, Ken? wage). Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. established a competitive advantage in providing consumer goods at lower prices than competitors in the discount retailing industry. I sure hope wal-mart won't enter australia. The logic is undeniable! I'm never shopping at Wal-Mart again. I believe that people must realize that “”Men are not against you; they are merely for themselves” (Gene Fowler). Unfortunately people are just plain nasty. No one comes off the farm working 12 hours a day for crops to work 12 hours a day in factory for pay unless it’s better pay and a better deal than the one they left. I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT WHEN WE ARE FINALLY FORCED OUT OF BUSINESS, THAT HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE WILL BE LOST WITHOUT US. Looking for something to watch? The early industrialized world in the west had similar conditions but the higher relative wages of the factories compared to working a farm enabled the children of US factory workers to rise up the socio-economic ladder and become the middle class. %PDF-1.4
Between Walmart, sky-rocketing drug prices, generics going up by hundreds of dollars, insurance companies screwing us- PBMs paying us UNDER THE COST OF THE DRUG (yet they pay CVS pharmacists 5000% for the very same prescription than Independent pharmacists), not allowed to be a "preferred pharmacy", and mandatory mail order, we are barely able to keep our doors open! The fact that the actively secure the inside of the store protecting their merchandise and does not implement the same security outside of the store shows that Wal-Mart only cares about itself. It sounded korean. No one. world, destroy communities and stick it to workers it wants to let I can understand Mandarin and some of the Chinese people were talking about something else. However, If these Walmart employees can't make a living working at Walmart, LEAVE! Unions allowed the great American middle class to exist. h�bbd``b`��@����� � �� �A�H���D�I���A,�D\ �A�?�Ě$�"���U ! Cleaned up after your fellow employees who were not only lazy but in a hurry to clock out before they were over in their hours? They can't afford land to "till the soil" when they can barely pay rent at the apartment complex they are living in whilst trying to save up for the down payment for a house whilst paying off their student loans from their first college degree. That's just being pragmatic. Look at the proud flag waving American. Why would anyone need that much money? Some, towns that have been dominated by the monopoly that is Wal-Mart, see up to 80% of the local crime take place in the parking lots of Wal-Mart. Get an education, learn a skill and stop having offspring that you expect someone else to afford. They don't pay the employees and we as taxpayers get stuck with the BILL while they rake in BILLIONS each quarter? So take a bit of heart: if it was as bad as you thought, the situation would be dire indeed. Everywhere she turns for help, there's not much anyone will do. It was an outside group from Fairfax, Va who were river conservators that started the "grass roots" campiagn. We cannot propose increase hourly rate or encouraging union because that is against the fundamental purpose of a business: Profit. The players get their cut , the marketers get theirs , the organizers , the promotors , the list goes on and on . Walmarts’ low prices come with additional costs that we are, Wal-Mart’s competitive advantage is driven by its low-cost, high volume strategy which aims to increase profits and customer satisfaction. A month ago, I just applied at Walmart.
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