I would like to continue that series on how to record at home and go into more detail. I'm not so sure I feel that way anymore. But it’s during times like these that I am glad I have spent so much time designing my own little worlds. Now, how I play that song is up to me. My relationship with art is my oldest and perhaps most intense one. A great place to start is “Family Portrait” which is the beginning of the Family Tree, all songs and stories stem from this one. If it could be raised a foot, maybe a foot and a half, that would be good. Det blev smukt formidlet af Radical Face' stemme, og hans lille band, der også bidrog med stemning og go' energi. People are paying money and then physically coming to a space to watch you play music. And I’ve also come to realize that a lot of this is in my outlook. I am glad I can call upon that focus I've learned when I need it, but right now I'm even happier that I can ignore it. Playing songs for people is often really fun. And now I find myself drawing every day again. I have come to see them as attention-based economies (as opposed to content-based). I typically had no other new music to listen to, because I didn’t have the money to try again, so I gave those albums way more of a chance than I probably would have nowadays. In a really nice way.
So we are approaching the 6 month mark of life in a pandemic. But as another challenge to go with this video, I decided to illustrate a lot of the lines. Josh and I have been having lengthy conversations about how much of a future we have here. Here's the result: I was fine with the performance, but I wasn't very happy with the image quality.
Josh has been playing strings most of his life, and it was really cool to hear a version of the song arranged by someone who really knows the instruments. Nothing about that mood lends itself to the idea of performing, and I have often felt a disconnect with playing the songs live because of that. For me personally, it was not for the better. Somehow, when all that upheaval happened, a lot of things lost nuance and became conflated. But I’ve been asking friends and colleagues what they see in shows, and their answers have been a really nice reminder. I don’t enjoy spending time thumbing through stuff that I have, at most, a passing interest in and walking away an hour later wondering what the point was, wishing I had read a book, or played a video game, or watched a tv show instead. Some of them I am just a mix engineer and design the covers, others I am part of from top to bottom. This has been no different. I'll keep trying to think of ways to help, but I am also open to suggestions. Some of them have taken on very different shapes because of this. And I find myself returning to a much earlier way of life, artistically speaking. Find information on all of Radical Face’s upcoming concerts, tour dates and ticket information for 2020-2021. While the existential dread of a roaming virus is definitely there, and living in such a political and economic state of uncertainty demands its toll, my newly vibrant relationship with art shines a lot brighter at the moment. So that is why I have kept the Hidden Hollow website password protected. So the vast majority of these are still going to spam, if they are delivered at all.
Beyond that, I just want to say that I am really happy with the progress and sound of my new record. I only have about 15% mobility on the left side. But social media not a place for depth. I saw them supported by Little Books, who are great in their own right, and also performed band duties with RF. I spent a week drawing for this, about 8 hours a day. It might appear like touring is the more exciting part of music, but when I am home and working on projects, every day is different. One thing I thought a lot about is how much the world of music has changed since I was first getting involved and seeing some success, and how much the value system has shifted. There are a number of reasons for this, but here is a big one: When the music world moved away from personal websites into social media, I had to change the way I communicated. Naturally, I have also been rethinking what my work is going to look like going forward. And since Radical Face was my most popular project and where the bulk of my income stemmed from, it quickly became the sole focus. For me, that difference is night and day. Sure, I don't know what I will do with these things I make, but that's not a new question either. Until touring began in my early twenties and my world was flung much wider. Some agents booked a tour for me. I'd rather you think about whether you are sharing something you've found, or something you've made, rather than trying to categorize the result. But that’s not the nature of social media. That's how I came up with “Hidden Hollow.”. That was much more than I thought I had to say! I've been having fun. Unfortunately there are no concert dates for Radical Face scheduled in 2020. I like walking away with something to think about. Since we are the ones creating the content for the platform, it will always be more about quantity than quality. And honestly? It's a far darker story for those that are sick, or those that are helping them. So if I show you the guitar part (which will be the most common), I will upload a version of the song that has the guitar muted. But as for what this project is? In 2000 Cooper was asked to replace the lead vocalist for Helicopter Project band having met Alex Cane.