From 2005-2007, Ethiopia’s Central Statistical Agency provides different numbers of zones per region. Learn more about our Privacy Policy I Agree. That’s how easy it is to create a map of Ethiopia Zones! Ethiopia Administrative Regions, Cities and Population. They claim to be descendants of Noah. Harari Region has the least number of zone (1) while Oramia Region has the most number of zones (20). Somali. We use cookies to properly format the display and to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Regions. Ethiopia occupies an area of 1,104,300 km², compared it is twice the size of France or slightly less than twice the size of the U.S. state of Texas. Map Created by: Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Ethiopia, historically also known as Abyssinia, is Africa's oldest independent country and its second largest in terms of population. RW COVID-19 page: Find latest updates on global humanitarian responses. Please note, some phrases translation could be wrong, Ethiopia - The Nile and The Renaissance Dam, Southern Nations Nationalities and People (SNNPR). Mapline also makes it simple to see summary information about the locations inside each zone just by clicking on them! List of alerts, ongoing and past disasters covered by ReliefWeb. to comply with all of the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The 9 regional states of Ethiopia and 2 chartered cities (Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa) are divided into 68 zones which in turn are sub-divided into 529 districts. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia featured by population statistics in maps and charts. Sign up now to create a map of Ethiopia Zones. Ethiopia is divided into 11 regions including 9 Regions and 2 Chartered Cities. Using Mapline, you can easily create a map of Ethiopia Zones. We advocate for effective and principled humanitarian action by all, for all. Copyright © 2020 Ethiopia is a Federal Democratic Republic composed of 9 National Regional states: namely Tigray, Afar, Amhara, Oromia, Somali, Benishangul-Gumuz, Southern Nations Nationalities and People Region (SNNPR), Gambella and Harari, and two Administrative states (Addis Ababa City administration and Dire Dawa city council). Ethiopia is the 2nd most populous country in the African continent, having more than 86.5 million in population. The Map is showing Ethiopia, a landlocked, mountainous country in northeastern Africa in the Horn of Africa. Latest humanitarian reports, maps and infographics and full document archive. 2 Chartered Cities are Addis Ababa and … Open job opportunities in the humanitarian field. For best viewing experience on this website, please use Chrome browser. From 2005-2007, Ethiopia’s Central Statistical Agency provides different numbers of zones per region. History has shown they participated in military campaigns against the Abyssininan Empire in the 16th century along with Ahmed Gragn, the Amir of Harar. ReliefWeb Labs projects explore new and emerging opportunities to improve information delivery to humanitarians. Home ... Home → Africa. All Rights Reserved.By using this Web Site, you agree Find help on how to use the site, read terms and conditions, view the FAQs and API documentation. These 9 regions are Afar Region, Amhara Region, Benishangul-Gumuz Region, Gambela Region, Harari Region, Oromia Region, Somalia Region, Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region and Tigray Region.

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