[5], Around 30 members of staff work in SWP's information infrastructure, which provides information services to both SWP academics and the Bundestag and federal ministries. SWP or the Stifung Wissenchaft and Politik is an organization that gives advises to decision makers in the area of security and international politics. Further publicationtypes can be found on the pages of our Research Divsions or the Executive Board. The European Parliament’s Involvement in the EU Response to the Corona Pandemic. The SWP does not provide funding for external projects. [15], In a Guardian interview about the January 2010 event at the US Embassy, Perthes said he had suggested that “unexplained occurrences” or “computer failures” were preferable to military strikes. The results of the project were made public in Syria and internationally via the report “The Day After. This is made available to the (professional) public via various portals, catalogues and indexes, as well as SWP's own professional portal, IREON.[6].
doi:10.18449/2020C48. To help it carry out its role as a civil-law foundation, SWP receives institutional funding at a rate determined by the Bundestag. 34 Pages, German Armed Forces Approaching Outer Space, Customs Union: Old Instrument, New Function in EU-Turkey Relations, The Abraham Accords: An invitation to rethink the Arab-Israeli conflict. The protests over the outcome of the presidential election in Belarus continue unabated. Belarus: Is There a Way Out of the Crisis? The chair of the research advisory committee is Christopher Daase (Frankfurt University). October 2020, Internships at SWP in Germany (3 Months) SWP offers a limited number of three-month full-time internships for highly motivated students. New dossier: Internal and external developments in Ukraine and Russia; repercussions of crisis in the region and for European and international security.
There are currently more than 140 staff working at SWP, not counting visiting academics or researchers on fellowships. [10] During the presentation of the new White Book by Federal Defence Minister von der Leyen, Volker Perthes emphasised that Germany was “a responsible middle power” and needed to “safeguard and transmit the European and global order along with other states”.[11]. Regions: Germany. The question was based on the assumption that such programmes (cyber-attacks or other forms of sabotage which could render parts of the nuclear programme inoperative without starting or provoking a war) already existed. Moreover, the election of members requires a two-thirds majority. “the private bench”: at least seven eminent figures from academia, business and public life (currently 8).
32 Pages, SWP Research Paper 2020/RP 11, In November 2010 and January 2011 WikiLeaks published memos by US Embassy staff in Berlin on two events in December 2009[12] and January 2010[13] in which SWP director Volker Perthes had participated. Monetary Policy Implementation in East Asia. Above all, Europe must take greater security precautions in its own neighbourhood: that is its own responsibility and no-one else’s. A number of Syrians subsequently founded an NGO called The Day After[8] to publicise and discuss the results among Syrians, and to contribute to the post-war order through projects in transitional justice mechanisms, document security and national heritage protection.
Great importance is also placed on academic exchange with colleagues at other research institutes. It offers select SWP publications as well as further information which analyses the issue from different substantive and structural perspectives. SWP offers a limited number of three-month full-time internships for highly motivated students. So as well as offering up-to-date information and demand-driven consulting, SWP also carries out rigorous academic work.
Every two years, the guiding framework[4] is redrafted by SWP's research department and the institute's leadership, before being submitted to the SWP Council for confirmation and then being put to the vote.
In the financial year 2016, the SWP was federally funded to the tune of 12.3 million euros. Overall, the guiding framework concentrates on general issues in the two-year time frame, with particular reference to the current and foreseeable state of affairs in international politics. Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, SWP) advises political decision-makers on international politics and foreign and security policy. We are particularly interested in attracting young academics in political science and related social sciences (economics, law, administration, occasionally also regional studies, ethnology, or journalism).