Egypt This specialisation provides a rigorous, practical foundation in the key skills needed to unlock the value of data, and an in-depth understanding of how companies can use data to make decisions and improve business performance. Nepal Thanks. Students will be selected and nominated to QTEM by the University of Exeter Business School following a competitive internal application process. Greece Available in two study modes, this programme is available as a one year, full-time programme, studied at our campus in London, or as a part-time, two year online programme, studied from anywhere in the world alongside your career. For questions about optional modules, please contact us at: Papua New Guinea Our Penryn Campus is located near Falmouth in Cornwall. This specialisation provides a rigorous, practical foundation in the key skills needed to unlock the value of data, and an in-depth understanding of how... Malawi You will be taught by internationally respected academics who are at the forefront of their research. MSc Business Analytics prepares graduates for a future of data-driven and evidence-based decision making. For such an expensive course, I would not recommend it. The programme consists of six core modules (90 credits), two optional modules (30 credits) and a dissertation/report (60 credits). The Student Room, Get Revising and Marked by Teachers are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. Malaysia Estonia Denmark MSc Management Cass vs Warwick vs UCL vs Imperial - and Why? Ukraine Slovakia During the programme you will study modules totalling 180 credits. Find out more about tuition fees and funding, University of Exeter Business School research has global impact, with the majority of our researchâ¯rated as world-leading or internationally excellent.*. University of South Florida and Exeter have entered into a 5 year student exchange between the two Universities. Portugal Zambia We warmly welcome international students and work hard to ensure you have the support you need to make the most of your time in the UK. Myanmar (Burma) We offer two fantastic Double Degree options with: **The opportunity to study with Fudan is specific to MSc Economics, MSc Economics & Econometrics, MSc Financial Economics and MSc Money, Banking and Finance. Venezuela Namibia Nicaragua We want to ensure that postgraduate study remains accessible to the brightest minds of the future. Hungary Hi, how is the MSc Business Analytics (with specialisation in Management Science) at UCL compared to the MSc Business Analytics at Imperial?
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