( Log Out / God save me from the “arbiters of Truth.”. I guess we would be cousins. Don’t be led by these virtue signalling left people to destroy America, folks. Happy Friday, folks. Pay attention, folks. I have a post I’ve been working on, partly written by my writer friend who happens to be black that is so hopeful. Much bigger and glowing hot. Come explore with me…. But this blog is also about living off the grid and about my experimentation with diet—most recently the Carnivore Diet. But today, a warning. But this blog is also about living off the grid and about my experimentation with diet—most recently the Carnivore Diet. And in fact, they are starting to threaten you even if you are SILENT. It feels like something that has to exhaust itself before the smoke can clear and wisdom and common sense return. Hamburgers on the grill. Which is the dream?? So I’m interested in prophetic dreams, lucid dreaming, creativity and dreams, night terrors. ( Log Out / Who isn't interested in that? They are tearing down all American historical culture and the left governing bodies are allowing it in these cities (not that moving confederate statues or renaming military bases might not be in order if people vote for it). Satan says,”That’s where we put sinful Englishmen.” Tour continues. As they struggle to leave, low-ranking devils, sitting on the rim, pitchfork them back in. And at least our immigration problem will be solved. It’s our NEIGHBORS and FRIENDS pulling us back into the cauldron. The day before my son was born, my mother “dreamed” or was told my son would have Down Syndrome, something she told my brother ahead of time. How long, I don’t know. But I’ve become interested in the effects of diet on not just my health, but on creativity. He’s a Jungian (and more). Even hate speech was tolerated in its honor. I’ve been doing that since I was old enough to read. I’m interested in Freud (more Jung) and Einstein’s theories of time and how their ideas inform my dreams. Satan shows him around. That is faith in the possibility of human transformation …faith in the sacrifice of the current self for the self that could be. Take a look at what the Obama administration did to Donald Trump–even if you hate his guts. There are two main factors to his media absence. ( I’m working on a novel about premonitions and dreams.) Who isn’t interested in that? “That’s where we put sinful Frenchmen,” Satan says. I started on the Ketogenic diet, but have moved into Carnivore. I’ve been reading Jordan Peterson lately, I find his writing so clear and commonsensical. The Canadian psychology professor Jordan Peterson has been described as “the most influential public intellectual in the Western world.” He is an exponent of … I promise to post my hopeful post soon. Nothing remains unknown. But today, a warning. It’s too bad George Floyd has been hijacked for the new socialist order. I am simply recording my experiences on carnivore and keto! I take some comfort in your optimism that comment sense and wisdom will return. Freedom of speech is no longer tolerated. I started on the Ketogenic diet, but have moved into Carnivore. …The totalitarian says, in essence, “you must rely on faith in what you already know.” But that is not what saves. ( Log Out / ( I’m working on a novel about premonitions and dreams.) Sincerely, Lara, He is definitely thought provoking. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Everything has been discovered. This blog started out being about my work, and it will continue to be. Bigger cauldron and hotter. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Dr. Jordan B Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist who taught at Harvard and the University of Toronto, and became a YouTube sensation for his controversial opinions on a variety of topics. Just that his post is still hopeful about people in general. A cautionary tale, America. Jordan. I love words so I write them. Ah, dreams… The day before my son was born, my mother “dreamed” or was told my son would have Down Syndrome, something she told my brother ahead of time. I promise to post my hopeful post soon. “Greatest temptation of the rational faculty is to glorify its own capacity and productions to claim that in the face of its theories nothing transcendent or outside its domain exists. “This is where we put the Russians. Great quote: Parts of it. One cannot question climate change and you are literally silenced if not humiliated (or fired) if you disagree or partially disagree or want to see more evidence. However, I’ve had some personal problems. You can say anything you want. It’s getting to be like the Soviet Union. The famous psychologist and his daughter swear by a regimen of eating only beef. Jordan. “You have freedom of speech. I’ve been doing that since I was old enough to read. Leave me remind you that slavery did not originate in the US and it was not practiced only by whites. View all posts by lynnfay73. This is true of scientists, not just the general public. The Jordan Peterson All-Meat Diet. Your neighbors now will report you if you choose not to wear a face mask or you are violating one of their new civil liberties laws. I’m interested in Freud (more Jung) and Einstein’s theories of time and how their ideas inform my dreams. Gonna post a long-ish quote by Jordan Peterson. And I’m interested in the effects of the diet on my dreams. It is a waste of time and energy. They pass a large cauldron. The news that Intellectual Dark Webber Jordan Peterson had caught the ‘rona hit his fans on Reddit hard.. Gonna post a long-ish quote by Jordan Peterson. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. How long, I don’t know. Take a look at history and how horrible socialism and communism are and what happened under their regimes.
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