Current efforts to preserve local knowledge and lay expertise receive attention throughout the documentary, most notably in relation to localised systems of food production that work with rather than against nature. One of the interviewees, Conservative MP Zac Goldsmith, describes how we have created a system “that could not be more wasteful”. The film is well paced and doesn’t hold back in its criticism of globalisation. Policy and Purpose: Where Next for Global Learning? The MIT Press colophon is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. There is some interesting footage of two Ladakhi women on a ‘reality tour’ with Helena Norberg-Hodge that includes visits to a nursing home, a supermarket and a municipal waste dump. It provides ample evidence of the social and environmental costs of industrialised agriculture and the carbon-intensive global circulation of food, especially for farmers in developing countries. Fourth, the welfare state appears to be a compensating force: higher unemployment benefits are associated with higher national well-being. There is potential for further enhancement of the website through the inclusion of materials for teachers and trainers, such as freely downloadable worksheets for in-class exercises and discussion cards that could be used in conjunction with the film. In contrast, the film shows people around the world resisting these policies and demanding a re-regulation of trade and finance. He uses the example of how tuna caught on the west coast of America is flown to Japan for processing and then back to America to sell to the consumer to demonstrate his point. Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username, MIT Press business hours are M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Film Review: The Economics of Happiness. For example, Vandana Shiva stresses the need to involve older people in education to ensure the survival of local knowledge and practices. Cambridge MA 02142-1209, Suite 2, 1 Duchess Street The material is presented in a clear, concise and engaging manner. London, W1W 6AN, UK. Pressing economic issues such as forced competition and de-regulation, growing indebtedness and the continued subsidisation of unsustainable agricultural practices are highlighted throughout the documentary. In addition, the documentary introduces viewers to the idea of ‘reality tours’ – that is, excursions that give members of non-Western cultures the opportunity to experience key institutions and patterns of everyday life in the west and that aim to promote cultural reflexivity and critical awareness of cultural differences. This holds true after controlling for the personal characteristics of respondents, country fixed effects, year dummies, and country-specific time trends. The MIT Press is a leading publisher of books and journals at the intersection of science, technology, and the arts. Enter words / phrases / DOI / ISBN / authors / keywords / etc. The film makes the case that globalization has led to an expansion of power and influence of big business and has, ultimately, decreased world welfare. This is an often neglected area that deserves much more attention in academic and popular literature and in the media than has hitherto been the case. Book Review: Measuring Happiness: the Economics of Wellbeing.

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