• Go to the folder where you have installed the BIOS. The frame limiter will limit the FPS of your game to these values. That hasn’t stopped the BIOS files from being widely distributed online, but it does mean the only free-and-clear legal way to obtain the necessary BIOS files is to dump them from your own PS2. For Linux Users Get the new binary from here or the source from Git. Should only be used for debugging and testing.
In Load state, with "Backup" you can load a backup save state created with the "Backup before save" option for the selected slot. Boosts speed significantly in multi-core systems for software rendering with more than 2 cores.
None: Will not use any level of anti-aliasing, Wireframe rendering: When checked the plugin will only render in wireframe, so you'll just see some polygon lines here and there. For more information about the BIOS, check the BIOS configuration section of this guide. The video will be saved in the PCSX2 root directory as "zerogs.avi". Keep in mind that whenever you change the selected plugin, you will have to press the "Apply" button for the emulator to load the new plugin and make the Configure button available for it. (e.g.
ZeroGS exposes a couple of extra options to tweak its various settings. 2. Here you can also specify a different folder for your plugins if you want, by unchecking the use default setting checkbox and selecting a folder of your choice by clicking Browse. As you can already most likely tell, these cheats look nothing like the codes you find on my Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King CodeBreaker Codes page. Renderer: Here you can choose how the graphics will be rendered.
You can disable it after you start a fight to get the speed back. Using codes on the PCSX2 Emulator is a royal pain in the butt and if you're inexperienced with computers or a naturally impatient person it is likely that it'll be too difficult to figure out. You'll see a screen like this (click to enlarge): There are 3 tabs, Plugins, BIOS and Folders. Custom window size: Set your preferred size for the video window in pixels. Click settings to adjust saturation, brightness and contrast to your liking for the video output of GSdx. FPU Negative Div Hack: Needed for Gundam games, fixes the camera view. Note that you can use external shaders even with a GSdx (software) renderer, which is the best way to get higher visual quality with this rendering mode. Location of the cheats folder in My Documents. These settings are ONLY for advanced users that know what they are doing. Always hide mouse cursor: When checked, the mouse cursor will not be visible when it enters the video window. Recommended if you encounter graphics bugs with the Direct3D (Hardware) renderer. You can try using the same values for your game in case it fixes it, or try your own. Logarithmic Z: This setting may help when some of the games graphics are "see through". Check the HDLoader compatibility list for games that will NOT work with this (usually marked as needing mode 1 or slow DVD). Default to fullscreen mode on open: When checked, PCSX2 will start on full screen. • Press on the Finish option for completing the setup procedure. • At last, click on the “Plugin Settings” option. Bilinear Filtering: When this is checked the plugin will filter the display, smoothing out edges. 7. VU0: In this radio box you can choose one of 3 choices: Interpreter, microVU Recompiler and superVU Recompiler [legacy]. While the PCSX2 code is completely legal, Sony owns the code of the PS2 BIOS. If your BIOS image does not even appear on list even after you have selected your right bios directory, it is an invalid image. Click configure to select which you want to enable. Audio/video recording: Check the Recording box to record sound during each of your gameplays in a file called zerospu2.wav. Compatibility should be as high as Safest. Real time mode is a tighter time stretching mode for games that need additional accuracy and lower latency. You can toggle it while running a game by using the "F5" key. There is only Dev9null v0.5.0 included in the 1.0.0 package, yet another Null plugin which is exactly like all the other ones. (Not available in Linux at the moment.). Below you'll see a screen shot of the inside of this file, with a few cheats that I have already added and can confirm they work; below this screen shot I have the raw text version of these same cheats which we're going to be referencing for the other part of this guide. By unchecking "Use default setting" you can click the "Browse" button to find a folder of your choice where PCSX2 will store: Save states, snapshots and logs/dumps respectively. It was first based on Gigaherz's SPU2 and later modified by Jake Stine (Air) of the PCSX2 team. We'll start with EE/IOP.
Attention: It is recommended that you have all files for BIOS newer than the SCPH-10000.bin. Wait for vsync on refresh: When checked, PCSX2 will use vsync which can reduce tearing but also greatly reduces actual FPS. Take the RAW code and copy and paste it into the .pnach file then scroll up to my previously mentioned codes and copy and paste one of them into the .pnach as well; we're going to be using the code for formatting purposes. Enable debug options: Checking this will make the Configure Debug Options button available. Ignore Bus Direction on Path 3 Transfer: Fixes Hotwheels. In general, try it if you get graphics glitches in case it fixes them. By clicking browse you can specify a custom folder from which PCSX2 will try loading its memory cards. 5 - Aggressive Plus: Lots of speed hacks, many games will be bugged but speed will be even better for those that will work with it. Emotion Engine (EE) Cyclerate: This hack increase the time an emulated operation takes, thus the task is easier to do for your CPU. If you can't see this on your own computer and only see it in my screen shots then you'll need to enable them. Switch to GSdx software rendering when an FMV plays: With this checked, GSdx will automatically switch to a software renderer when it detects a video playing and back to hardware when it's done. Anything other than default can break your games, make them appear sluggish or make them start skipping frames. Auto-Eject Memcards when loading save states: Description is in the GUI, recommended to be checked. Apparently, it fully supports various steering wheels so if you own one be sure to check it out! Frames to Skip: Specify how many frames will be skipped when the above frames have been drawn. Only available if a Software Renderer has been selected above. If you select ISO, the internal ISO loader will be used to load your selected games (described above).
patch=1,EE,20297058,extended,0280102D. Other Hacks: Various hacks with different usability.
Clamping mode: These settings go from faster to slower from top to bottom. Note that if your speed is low, your sound will also be as slow as your video with this setting. You also have to enable multitap in the Lilypad input plugin for it to work. This is useful when you want these options to be enabled only for that particular game and not to affect other games. System =>Check/Uncheck Automatic Gamefixes: This will enable/disable game fixes. Source: https://mcafeeoactivate.com/how-to-setup-pcsx2-bios/, https://mcafeeoactivate.com/how-to-setup-pcsx2-bios/, 10 Signs the Pandemic Is About to Get Much Worse, Elon Musk’s 2 Rules For Learning Anything Faster, 30 Programming Jokes That Will Make You Laugh, A Radical Proposal for Dealing with Trump Supporters After Biden Wins, 26-Year-Old Programmer Built a $1 Billion App In 2 Years — After Following His Girlfriend’s Advice, Life Lessons Learned in My 40’s That I Wish I Could Tell My 20-Year Old Self, The Only Four Books Bill Gates Has Rated Five Stars. Edge anti-aliasing (AA1): This box is only usable when having selected a software rendering method. This way some upscaling bugs are prevented which would be present if you set a Custom Resolution in the boxes below. Hint: Setting this to lower values than normal can speed up a few games but doing so can break some games. Mute: Will mute sound, giving a bit of extra speed. • Click on the corresponding key provided on the system keyboard. As explained at the start of this section this is a Null plugin thus it will not render anything on screen. Then the selected key will be assigned to NONE again. • Start maximizing the “First Time Configuration” menu. MSAA: Adds Anti-Aliasing of the selected level to every surface rendered. Under "Compression Method" you can select either ".Z - compress faster", which will compress your image faster but make it larger or ".BZ - compress better", which will compress your image slowly but make it smaller. Once you've properly formatted your cheat you can delete the other one I told you to copy and paste into the file. This will bring up the box that you see in the screen shot below.
I've personally used this download link and can confirm there's no malware or spyware but you should scan it anyway to make sure yourself. Default value here is 'Normal' which works fine for most games without compromising speed much. For the purposes of this guide, my Dragon Quest VIII file was named F4715852.pnach. Slider Level 1: Small speed increase, small compatibility hit. Note that if the game will try to read any other sectors from the ones not included in the dump file, it will obviously stop responding. Since version 1.2.0, PCSX2 is able to use external shader programs to add various effects and visual improvements. When clicked it will present you with various logging options which can be enabled for debugging purposes. By selecting "OpenGL (hardware)", GSdx will use the OpenGL backend, which at this time is a slower equivalent of the DirectX renderers, with the same or worse compatibility.
These settings can and WILL cause serious glitches if used in games that don't need them! GSnull is, as the name suggests, a null graphics plugin which will not output any kind of video. Can give big speed boosts but only in a few games. Thanks to Falcon4ever for bugging me with XHTML validation. Here are the plugins that handle the Firewire port of the PS2. Aggressive-CRC: Read the description at the right panel of the box for more information. Since this guide is extremely detailed and a long read, avih created a much shorter quick start guide which you can read here. Options are various screen resolutions that your window will be resized to. • You will get the schematic with the options which you need to set up. Thankfully, the PCSX2 PlayStation 2 emulator comes with full memory-card support. System =>Check/Uncheck Backup before save: When this is checked, PCSX2 will create a backup of your saved state each time you save it. • Configuring PCSX2. Setting this to higher than 100% is. Using USB controllers is key to playing PS2 games with an emulator because the PS2 controller cannot be connected to the computer.