These forms were completed by the Research and Experiments Branch of the Ministry of Home Security and contain the following information: BC4 forms give the number of casualties in an incident categorised as killed (K); seriously injured (S/I); or lightly injured (L/I) but do not give their names (see section 6 for advice on tracking down someone killed by name). “it’s just fascinating stuff,” said Glenn Stockton, who with his wife, Lori, plan to find a home for the artifacts at local history museums. Its purpose was to provide the government with a complete picture of air raid patterns, types of weapon used and the damage caused – in particular to strategic services and installations such as railways, shipyards, factories and public utilities. Information was gathered locally by police, air raid wardens and military personnel. They live on a top floor developed after the fire station closed. How was the Bomb Census information gathered? Search by year and month only (searching by place name not yet possible) for reports in HO 201 or browse the 43 pieces of the series. You can search the catalogue using keywords and dates. The documents, which include testing materials and certificates for successful air raid warden candidates, also reveal the way the belligerents of the second world war increasingly attacked civilian targets. National Fire Service and Air Raid Precautions, 8. The Ministry of Home Security divided the UK into 12 civil defence regions and information about bomb damage was coordinated through these regions. These reports, in HO 202, are arranged into just ten pieces and are searchable only by report number range or date, so it’s easier simply to browse the series to locate one. It was a post that required an outgoing, unreserved individual. To find records held in local archives, search our catalogue and restrict your search results to ‘Other archives only’ using the ‘Held by’ filter. Alternatively, use the advanced search option to search across all three at the same time, placing HO 198, HO 193 and HO 192 in the reference boxes. There are also some useful online sources relating to Second World War bombing. Alternatively, find contact details for archives elsewhere using our Find an archive tool. Air Raid Precautions (ARP) were organised by the national government and delivered by the local authorities. Air raid wardens were even vested with powers of arrest “even though they have no police authority,” according to the documents. They were responsible for the handing out of gas masks and pre-fabricated air-raid shelters (such as Anderson shelters, as well as Morrison shelters), and organised and staffed public air raid shelters. London (region 5) was sub-divided into groups and further sub-divided by borough. Rank Warden. Enlisted. Discovery is a catalogue of archival records across the UK and beyond, from which you can search 32 million records. Citations. “Remember that fire (not the bomb) is the chief danger and a jet of water is still the best weapon.”. “People were obviously tremendously prepared for whatever came,” Stockton said., Woodlands Junior School, Hunt Road Tonbridge Kent TN10 4BB UK. (Larry Steagall/Kitsap Sun via AP), Connect with the definitive source for global and local news. The information relates mostly to damage to domestic, industrial and commercial properties in London but also covers the rest of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The Imperial War Museum has many personal reminiscences, both written and oral, from civilians and civil defence workers as well as photographs of air raid damage. Bomb Census maps are in HO 193. These files are in HO 192. London (Region 5) is further divided into groups between 1940 and 1942. “But after a year or so, you got used to it.”. Air raid wardens were the first link in the chain of Britain’s civil defence system. The map sheet reference is normally written on the BC4 form and/or the accompanying tracing. The BC4 form is often accompanied by a sketch map showing features such as the road layout, and the point of impact of the bomb. Ann Saunders (ed), The London County Council Bomb Damage Maps 1939-1945 (London Topographical Society 2005) – includes a very useful introduction by Robin Woolven. Some air raid incidents were followed up with a more detailed investigation. ARP wardens had various responsibilities including. HO 193/90 and chapter 7 of HO 191/203 include some information on the historical background to the Bomb Census survey. Air raid wardens posted signs in their windows declaring themselves to the neighborhoods they served. In April 1937 the government decided to create an Air Raid Wardens' Service and during the next year recruited around 200,000 volunteers. “He was just always civic-minded,” Roberts said of Lent, the city’s retired fire chief, Marine veteran and the first of many in a line of Lents in Bremerton. matters will be given by the local wardens. v3.0, except where otherwise stated. He was a part of a vast network that served as the eyes and ears of the city’s civilian defense force — and more. You can browse through HO 198 document references for Bomb Census reports arranged by the different types of bombs that were dropped, as follows: You can browse through HO 193 document references for Bomb Census maps arranged by the different types of bombs that were dropped, as follows: The printed catalogue available in the reading rooms at The National Archives gives more precise descriptions of the maps available than our online catalogue provides. For London, The National Archives holds tracings that show where bombs fell, but does not have the underlying printed map. The National Archives has maps and tracings for all of the London Civil Defence Region, but far fewer for provincial towns and cities. The volumes are arranged by county and borough and include the full name of the casualty, their age, names of parents and/or spouse and when and where they were injured and died. Your search returned 8 records. The three most useful series of records are: Of particular significance among the records in HO 198 are the BC4 report forms. This research guide will help you to find air raid reports, Bomb Census maps and sometimes photographs of bomb damage sustained during air raids in the Second World War. The Stocktons even found identification tags that could be tied to victims after the aerial attack that never came. When bombing raids occurred, wardens on duty had to monitor and report bomb damage. Though the website does contain some inaccuracies, it provides online access to the map data which is otherwise only available in our reading rooms at our site in Kew, London. Initially, only information relating to London, Birmingham and Liverpool was collated but by September 1941 the Bomb Census had been extended to cover the rest of the UK. The Stocktons don’t live in your traditional home. Even nets were erected at Rich Passage so ferries could come and go but enemy submarines could not. Neil Wallington, Firemen at War, The Work of London’s Firefighters in the Second World War (Jeremy Mills 2007), For quick pointersTuesday to Saturday Alfred Price, Blitz on Britain, 1939-1945 (Sutton 2000) – examines the different phases of the bombing attacks of Britain. The files include general assessments and reviews of defence measures, weekly reports summarising the damage to and effect on production and daily damage reports giving the same information in tabular format. As Bremerton, a quaint town of 15,000, ballooned to more than 80,000 during the war, air wardens helped keep the peace. In 1941 these were replaced with the National Fire Service (NFS). The air raid wardens were prepped for the prospect of a toxic gas attack, for instance. The tags included boxes marked “Catholic,” ″Protestant” and “Jewish” — perhaps to alert the correct clergy to administer last rites or other religious services. “An air raid warden is not a Doctor, or a Policeman, or a Fireman, but he may be called on to perform the duties of any of these,” a training paper says. We can either copy our records onto paper or deliver them to you digitally, Visit us in Kew to see original documents or view online records for free, Consider paying for Service Air Raid Warden. Try searching on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website to trace a record by name of someone killed by a bomb. The records themselves are not viewable online so to see them you will have to either visit us in Kew or order copies. What was ARP? But he could also render first aid and fight fires when necessary. Other records of air raid attacks and damage, 9. If a light was spotted, the warden would alert the person/people responsible by shouting something like "Put that light out!" Emergency medical service and sanitary engineering files of the Medical Division, 1942-44. These volunteers were know as Air Raid Precaution Wardens. The London Metropolitan Archives holds the London County Council bomb damage maps and other records relating to bombing incidents in London. Personnel records for the NFS and ARP have not survived but you can search our catalogue for surviving policy files and other records relating to central government oversight of the two services. Some county, metropolitan and other local archives hold records created locally, relating to the area, such as incident maps and registers or ARP wardens’ logs. The information was digested, summarised and sometimes collated with intelligence from other sources. “It would jar you loose at first,” Carson Connelly said of the sirens. Alternatively, search The National Archives’ library catalogue to see what is available to consult at Kew, including the following publications: Basil Collier, Official History of the Second World War: The defence of the United Kingdom (HMSO 1957), Peter Doyle, ARP and Civil Defence in the Second World War (Shire 2010), Norman Longmate, The Doodlebugs: the Story of the Flying-Bombs (Hutchinson 1981), Norman Longmate, Hitler’s Rockets: the Story of the V-2s (Hutchinson 1985), Terence Henry O’Brien, Official History of the Second World War: Civil defence (HMSO 1955). CFHS Ref 12589. Unit / Vessel. For the first two years of the war, fires were dealt with by locally run Auxiliary Fire Services, staffed by men who were unable to serve in the armed forces. Air raid wardens were even vested with powers of arrest “even though they have no police authority,” according to the documents. Their Ironsides Avenue residence was born in 1942 as a fire hall. Air Raid Precautions Card (HO 186/2247) Transcript. Such plans included building public air raid shelters. Service No. This was known as the ‘Bomb Census’. Wardens worked from a network of wardens’ posts, which were connected to higher command by telephone or messenger. Records in other archives and online sources, publications about bombing in the Second World War, Friends of The National Carson had been deputized as what was known as an air raid warden in the Westpark neighborhood (now Bay Vista) during World War II. Surname BATTERS. But they were trained for the worst, the documents found reveal. A copy is available at the library of The National Archives. He ensured his cul-de-sac was pitch black in case of aerial attack. A key to the London map sheet numbering is also available in the reading rooms. The reports, in HO 203, are arranged into just sixteen pieces and are searchable only by report number range or date, so it’s easier simply to browse the series to locate one. Awards. Archives, Open Government Licence Property protection completed questionnaires, correspondence, and related blueprints and drawings received by the Los Angeles City Engineer and Area Camouflage Officer, November-December 1942

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