Histoire, saveurs, savoir-faire, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cuisine_africaine&oldid=175483902, Article contenant un appel à traduction en anglais, Page utilisant Lien pour un article existant, Catégorie Commons avec lien local identique sur Wikidata, Article de Wikipédia avec notice d'autorité, Portail:Alimentation et gastronomie/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Destinations Food & Drink News Stay Video. The Khoisan who raised cattle called themselves "Khoi-Khoi" and came to be known by Europeans as "Hottentots.". In many ways, the daily food of native South African families can be traced to the indigenous foods that their native African ancestors ate. In her book, In the Shadow of Slavery: Africa’s Botanical Legacy in the Atlantic World, she outlines the origins and trajectories of each of Africa’s major native crops that were brought over to the U.S. on slave ships. Even more important, how often do we consider that it was an enslaved population that brought them here? L'ugali est un plat d'amidon (farines) qui accompagne les viandes et ragoûts. Some common ingredients used in this region include oranges, lemons, limes, chillis, capsicum peppers, maize, tomatoes, and strawberries. L'Afrique centrale est l'une des seules régions en Afrique où les pommes de terres sont considérés une des bases principales, surtout dans la région Kivu. Le liboké est une papillote faite avec des feuilles de banane remplit avec de la viande, les courges d'amandes ou du poisson mariné et cuit sur un barbecue au charbon. Spain and Africa add most to Cuban cuisine. There are also several types of traditional and modern alcoholic beverages including many European-style beers. Haitians are fond of frog legs, cold cuts and French cheese. If you enjoy this post, please subscribe to Epicure & Culture to snag our FREE Responsible Tourism Checklist + access to our monthly #MoreCulture newsletter. Des siècles plus tard, les Portugais, Français et Britanniques influencent les cuisines régionales, mais ceci en partie seulement. Le week-end, tout comme les Sud-Africains blancs, ils organisent un braai et le repas se compose généralement de pap et de vleis, de la bouillie de maïs et de la viande grillée. Les Bantous mangent des plats de céréales, de la viande, du lait et des légumes, ainsi que des céréales et produits laitiers fermentés, tandis que les Khoïkhoïs mangent de la viande et du lait et les Sans chassent les animaux sauvages et ramassent les tubercules sauvages et légumes. La partie la plus réputée de la cuisine éthio-érythréenne se compose de divers plats de légumes ou de viande et entrées, généralement un wat ou un épais ragoût, servi sur une injera, une crêpe faite à base de farine de teff. They later become known worldwide as part of the original formula for Coca-Cola. Les populations autochtones de l'Afrique australe sont divisées en deux groupes et plusieurs sous-groupes. In the lowlands, the main dish is akelet, a porridge-like dish made from wheat flour dough. Le maïs est la base de l'ugali, la version locale, d'Afrique de l'Ouest, du foufou. A variety of local ingredients are used while preparing other dishes like spinach stew cooked with tomato, peppers, chillis, onions, and peanut butter. My son loves all things about African cultures, so I think I’ll share him this article and see what he has to say about all these cool facts. In West Africa, [for example], flavors tend to be bold and fresh. Le brassage de la bière est effectué par les femmes et le statut d'une ménagère en Afrique australe pré-coloniale est fonction de son habileté à brasser la bière. While in Guinea or Mali, the fonio grain is king. Coffee, Coffea arabica, Ethiopia: Many people associate coffee with South America, but “Ethiopia is the birthplace of the world’s premier coffee,” writes Carney. Swahili culinary influences can be found in dishes such as: mandanzi, pilaf rice, kachumbari, sambsusa, kuku paka, etc. Du Nouveau Monde, l'Afrique du Nord intègre les pommes de terre, tomates, courgettes et les piments. This monthly themed newsletter will help you discover conscious travel brands, book sustainable trips, and get involved with important causes! Il existe également plusieurs types de boissons alcoolisées, traditionnelles et modernes, mais aussi de nombreuses bières de style européen. Northern regions like Morocco, Tunisia or Algeria tend to have couscous-based dishes and use spices like cumin or cinnamon. It’s an ingredient in the southern succotashes of many states and reigns supreme in many of the gumbos of New Orleans and southern Louisiana. Il est également très courant de manger dans le même plat au centre de la table avec un groupe de personnes. La cuisine locale et les recettes d'Afrique de l'Ouest demeurent profondément enracinées dans les coutumes et traditions locales, avec des ingrédients tel le riz local (Oryza glaberrima), le fonio, le mil, le sorgho, le pois bambara, la lentille de terre, la cornille, le haricot brun, les légumes-racines comme l'igname, le taro, la patate douce et le manioc. Tihlo, prepared from roasted barley flour, is very popular in Amhara, Agame, and Awlaelo (Tigray). En ce qui concerne les boissons, l'eau a une très forte signification rituelle dans de nombreux pays d'Afrique de l'Ouest (en particulier dans les régions sèches) ; l'eau est souvent la première chose qu'un hôte africain offrira à son invité. It doesn’t help that white, southern chefs often receive credit for showcasing certain “heritage” foods on their menus without noting that they’re actually native to Africa. Recipes From the Heart of Senegal and The Ghana Cookbook. In countries like Kenya or Tanzania locals tend to consume maize dumplings (called ugali) or spiced, tender grilled goat meats (called nyama choma or mshikaki). Pour comprendre la cuisine indigène, il est important de comprendre les différents peuples autochtones de l'Afrique australe. Just $1.00, with daily blog posts! But people still also kept eating all the foods they had eaten before they started farming: figs and honey, groundnuts, palm oil, and fish. Les variétés de bariis, dont le plus populaire étant probablement le basmati, servent habituellement de plat principal. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). Scholars debate where exactly on the continent the fruit came from, but it was cultivated widely in ancient Egypt, where it was buried in pharaohs’ tombs to provide hydration for their journeys to the afterlife. The Berbers adapted semolina into couscous, one of the main staple foods. Du fait que la réfrigération est rare, le lait est laissé à fermenter pour obtenir une sorte de yaourt. Les plats de riz comprennent par exemple le benachin en Gambie et le riz wolof, le plat de toute l'Afrique de l'Ouest, similaire au kebsa arabe. Asian seasonings like pepper, cinnamon, clove, curry and nutmeg were introduced as well. Fufu is served buffet style with grilled meat, fish, stews, greens and piment . Imported ingredients and crops from American origin include sweet potato, chili peppers manioc, peanuts, maize and tomato. Les Khoïkhoïs mangent de la viande rôtie mais aussi de la viande séchée, pour une utilisation ultérieure. Dans certaines régions, les peuples traditionnels consomment le lait et le sang du bétail, mais rarement de la viande. Over several centuries traders, travelers, invaders, migrants and immigrants all have influenced the cuisine of North Africa. Please also share on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. [17] After meals, homes are traditionally perfumed using frankincense (lubaan) or incense (cuunsi), which is prepared inside an incense burner referred to as a dabqaad. Guinea fowl eggs, eggs and chicken are also preferred. Here people began to farm root vegetables, especially yams, and so they lived mainly on yams and a lot of dried fish. Fruits include apples, grapes, mangoes, bananas and papayas, avocado, oranges, peaches and apricots. The Kenya and Tanzania foods sound wonderful. African Food – History – Cooking and eating in early Africa, Early African warfare – mercenaries and catapults, Science in Islamic Africa – medieval African science, African map project – al Idrisi and Ptolemy’s maps, Ships and sailing in ancient Africa – early boats, Medieval African history – Timbuktu and Great Zimbabwe, https://quatr.us/africa/medieval-africa-food-people-eat.htm, https://quatr.us/africa/african-food-colonization.htm, https://quatr.us/africa/figs-come-from-history.htm, Who we are: Quatr.us' mission and history. We also have an article about African food during colonization here: https://quatr.us/africa/african-food-colonization.htm, Terrible resource nothing like in Africa where I lived. You can read about that here: https://quatr.us/africa/medieval-africa-food-people-eat.htm, There are dates in the article. More often than not, the ingredients used to prepare an African dish are fresh, very cheap and easily used to make a quick meal. It is made from sugar, cornstarch, cardamom powder, nutmeg powder, and ghee. Salt fish was introduced following trade in the late XVIIth and the Kikongo term for salt fish, makayabu, comes from the term bacalhau (ba-cal-ha-u). Un plus petit groupe se compose des habitants primitifs de la région, les Khoïkhoïs, qui selon certains archéologues, vivent dans la région depuis au moins 10 000 ans. Injera is made out of teff, wheat, barley, sorghum or corn, and resembles a spongy, slightly sour pancake. I’m s chef would love to know the food sebs! Diners then break into the section of injera in front of them, tearing off pieces and dipping them into the stews. Examples of these include benachin from The Gambia and Jollof rice, a pan-West African rice dish similar to Arab kabsah. The U.S. Census Bureau defines African Americans as "a person having origins in any of the Black race groups of Africa."[1]. Her blog, Epicure & Culture #MoreCulture Newsletter. North Africa lies along the Mediterranean Sea and encompasses within its fold several nations, including Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and Sudan. So these people began to eat mainly pita bread and porridge and barley soups, like the people of West Asia. People in Egypt also made their barley into beer. Photos by Evan Sung. Slowly West Asian foods like barley spread to Africa … Somalis serve dinner as late as 9 pm. Desserts may simply be fruit, but there are some more western-style puddings, such as Malva Pudding reminiscent of Sticky toffee pudding, which was inspired by both British cuisine and Dutch cuisine. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Ailleurs, d'autres peuples cultivent différents légumes et céréales. Open to your sponsorships, link exchanges, or just friendly talk about history. Around 6000 BC, as the climate changed and the Sahara Desert gradually took over the grasslands, it got harder to get food and so some African people began to farm some of their food. La cuisine de l'Afrique des Grands Lacs (Burundi, République démocratique du Congo, Ouganda et Rwanda) varie d'une région à l'autre. Les cuisines Érythréenne et Éthiopienne, surtout dans la moitié nord, sont très similaires, compte tenu de l'histoire commune de ces deux pays.

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