His wife has a complete nervous breakdown. [n 5] Cinematographer Sven Nykvist, a friend of Josephson and frequent collaborator with Ingmar Bergman,[n 6] was asked to join the production. When Otto asks, Alexander mentions that his relationship with God is "nonexistent". The Sacrifice", "A Second Look: Andrei Tarkovsky's 'The Sacrifice, DVDBeaver comparison of 5 different DVD editions of the film, BAFTA Award for Best Film Not in the English Language, Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion, A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Sacrifice&oldid=981511520, Best Foreign Language Film BAFTA Award winners, Articles containing Swedish-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Per Källman, Tommy Nordahl as ambulance drivers, This page was last edited on 2 October 2020, at 19:20. [n 1] As Maria leaves the scene, the "mute" Little Man, lying at the foot of the tree, speaks his only line, which quotes the opening Gospel of John: "In the beginning was the Word. These days, it takes more courage for an artist to admit his spiritual beliefs than to deny them. "The Sacrifice" is not the sort of movie most people will choose to see, but those with the imagination to risk it may find it rewarding. When he learns that about an imminent nuclear war, he makes a When Tarkovsky made "The Sacrifice," he knew that he was gravely ill. Now he lies dying in a Paris hospital with a brain tumor. Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist. The old workman gave the younger workman the use of his shop: Andrei Tarkovsky came to Sweden to shoot a movie on the island of Faro, the same island where Ingmar Bergman lives and makes most of his films. In 1975, he won the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished criticism. Tarkovsky's film was produced by the Swedish Film Institute, it was photographed by Sven Nykvist, Bergman's cinematographer, and it starred Erland Josephson, who has acted in many Bergman films. Promises of life, and of death are the main premise of the film, and one cannot walk away from it. Title: A dying man in his forties remembers his past. Alexander, a journalist, philosopher and retired actor, celebrates a birthday with friends and family when it is announced that nuclear war has begun. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. The Sacrifice subtitles. Click here to make a donation. There are spaces between events that are large enough for us to ask ourselves if we would do what the man in the movie is doing. As he plants the tree, his small son watches him and then toddles thoughtlessly about on the surface of the planet he does not yet know is a planet. He lives in a beautiful house with his actress wife Adelaide (Susan Fleetwood), stepdaughter Marta (Filippa Franzén), and young son, "Little Man", who is temporarily mute due to a throat operation. Already withdrawn as a result of his routines, Sasha quickly regains confidence when he accidentally ... See full summary », Like the Russian poet of 'Nostalghia', who, accompanied by his Italian guide and translator, traveled through Italy researching the life of an 18th-century Russian composer, Andrei ... See full summary ».   |  その後、自殺を図った次男は治療の甲斐なく脳死状態となり、移植のため腎臓の摘出手術を受けた。深夜に柳田が次男の遺体とともに帰宅して間もなく、長男がこの時間に偶然にNHKの衛星放送で『サクリファイス』が放送されているのに気付いてテレビのスイッチを入れると、映画の終盤の場面が映り、そのBGMは『マタイ受難曲』のアリア「憐れみ給え、わが神よ」であった。, 最後の家屋が全焼するシーンは撮影中にカメラが止まってしまったため、セットをすべて作り直して再撮影された。, https://ja.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=サクリファイス_(1986年の映画)&oldid=76289851. It was recorded live in November 1997, at the Cold Meat Industry 10th Anniversary Feast in Skylten, Linköping, Sweden. Nevertheless, Alexander sets forth to give up all he loves and possesses. Build up your Halloween Watchlist with our list of the most popular horror titles on Netflix in October. With Bergman, he is one of the five living filmmakers who have concerned themselves primarily with ultimate issues of human morality (the others are Akira Kurosawa, Satyaijit Ray and Robert Bresson). Michal Leszczylowski. The movie doesn't hurtle headlong toward its conclusion, taking our agreement for granted. In his monologue, Alexander first recounts how he and Adelaide found this lovely house near the sea by accident, and how they fell in love with the house and surroundings, but then enters a bitter tirade against the state of modern man. According to Nykvist, almost sixty percent of the color was removed from these parts. Blood Axis - Blót: Sacrifice in Sweden (Full Album) - YouTube Perf. Beautiful, binding, and supremely terrifying. Gino Moliterno is Convenor of Film Studies at the Australian National University (Canberra). Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, BAFTA Award for Best Foreign Language Film, List of submissions to the 59th Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film, List of Swedish submissions for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, "Offret = Sacrificatio (1986) Andreï Tarkovski", "Andrei Tarkovsky's Martyrolog on...The Witch", "Foreign Classics: Andrei Tarkovsky's The Sacrifice - To Sleep, Perchance to Dream? Everything depends on the ability to empathize with the man in the movie, and Tarkovsky refuses to reach out with narrative tricks in order to involve us. Yet Tarkovsky is a master, too. Alexander: アデライデはヴィクトルから鎮静薬を打たれ、自分の願望といつも逆のことをしてきたと語る。彼女は子供を起こそうとするがジュリアに止められる。アレクサンデルはヴィクトルの持ち物にピストルがあるのを見つける。子供は眠っている。その頃ヴィクトルの前でマルタが衣服を脱いで彼を誘っている。, 神を信じなかったアレクサンデルが初めて、家族も家も自分の持つ総ての物を放棄するから愛する者を守ってほしいと神に祈り、力尽きてソファに倒れ込む。眠っていたのを起こしたオットーから「実は魔女のマリアと寝なければ世界は救われない」と教えられると、アレクサンデルはマリアの家を訪ねた。アレクサンデルが語る母の思い出を、だまって聞いているマリア。マリアの前でピストルをこめかみに当て、救ってほしいと訴えるアレクサンデル。2人は抱き合った。, 翌朝、アレクサンデルが目覚めると、電力は通じておりいつものようにオーディオセットで海童道祖のテープを聴くことが出来た。それどころか、テレビをつけると核戦争自体が全く無かったことになっていた。, 何事もなかったように朝が訪れたのを、アレクサンデルは自分が魔女と寝たからだと、そしてそのことを教えてもらえたのはこれから自分が払う犠牲のおかげだと考えた。彼は神に約束した通り、犠牲を捧げることを始める。, 作家・柳田邦男は著書『犠牲(サクリファイス) わが息子・脳死の11日』(文藝春秋、1995年、ISBN 978-4-16-350490-2)で次のようなことを書いている。, 次男は生前、バッハの『マタイ受難曲』を気に入って何度もレコードで聴いていた。またタルコフスキーのこの映画『サクリファイス』にも傾倒していた。 He decided to film The Sacrifice with Erland Josephson, who was best known for his work with Ingmar Bergman,[n 4] and whom Tarkovsky had directed in Nostalghia. Come here and give me a hand, my boy. Alexander takes his gun, leaves a note in his room, escapes the house, and rides his bike to where she is staying. Brian Cox, Erland Josephson and Andrey Tarkovskiy. For within its spectacular – and possibly Zoroastrian – flames the beautiful but gloomy and ultimately paralizing nostalgia, congealed in all those houses that have appeared so insistently in Tarkovsky’s other films, is finally not only dispelled but transfigured, into light, into madness and into laughter through the joyful affirmation of the Moment and of Life. [10] Production designer Anna Asp, who worked on Bergman's Autumn Sonata and After the Rehearsal, and had won an Academy Award alongside Susanne Lingheim for Fanny and Alexander,[11] also joined the project, as well as Daniel Bergman, one of Ingmar's children, who worked as a camera assistant. The last of what would turn out to be a mere handful of films by this major director, a relatively meagre opus which nevertheless houses some of the most remarkable and lyrical images to have ever been created on film, The Sacrifice (Offret sacrificatio) is undoubtedly Tarkovsky’s cinematic last will and testament. The footage in the final version of the film is the second take, which lasts for six minutes (and ends abruptly because the camera had run through an entire reel). Yet a certain joy shines through the difficulty. A guide leads two men through an area known as the Zone to find a room that grants wishes. Roger Ebert was the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. Some people came to the birthday party: the man's wife, his daughters, some friends and a mailman who apparently is the island's mystic. Just before the film ends (in Swedish): "This film is dedicated to my son Andriosha - with hope and confidence. Alexander, a journalist and former actor and philosopher, tells his little son how worried he is about the lack of spirituality of modern mankind. It is also worth noting that an idea that appears in Tarkovsky's diaries as early as 1970, which he titled, Josephson, who met Bergman in 1939, began working with him in the mid-1940s at the, Nykvist served as cinematographer for all of Bergman's films from, Daniel would later become a director in his own right, with films like, In an interview he gave in June 1986, Tarkovsky denied a Bergman influence, saying that "for [him], God is not a mute". In his despair Alexander turns himself in a prayer to God, offering him everything to have the war not happen at all. Despite a contemporaneous offer to shoot Sydney Pollack's Out of Africa, Nykvist later said that it was "not a difficult choice", and like Josephson, he became a co-producer when he invested his fees back into the film. | In March 1982, Tarkovsky wrote in his journal that he considered this ending "weak", as the happy ending was unchallenged. Founded in 1999, Senses of Cinema is one of the first online film journals of its kind and has set the standard for professional, high quality film-related content on the Internet. [10][n 10], The scene had to be reshot, requiring a quick and very costly reconstruction of the house in two weeks. He offers his own life as a sacrifice, if only his family can be spared. Their maid Maria leaves, while nurse-maid Julia stays to help with the dinner. The film opens on the birthday of Alexander (Erland Josephson), an actor who gave up the stage to work as a journalist, critic and lecturer on aesthetics. Seven year old Sasha practices violin every day to satisfy the ambition of his parents. Filmed on the Swedish island of Gotland, Sacrifice featured a primarily Swedish film team. Cast: Erland Josephson, Susan Fleetwood, Allan Edwall, Sven Wolter. "Sacrifice" was his final film, made while Tarkovsky was dying of cancer. One could briefly explain some of the plot, but that would mean nothing.

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