As sugar consumption grew in the latter part of the 20th century, researchers began to examine whether a diet high in sugar, especially refined sugar, was damaging to human health. [95] Because brown sugar contains 5–10% molasses reintroduced during processing, its value to some consumers is a richer flavor than white sugar. The resulting thin syrup is concentrated in a series of evaporators, after which further water is removed. Sucrose, obtained from sugarcane is the most common type. For a person consuming 2000 calories a day, 50 grams is equal to 200 calories and thus 10% of total calories—the same guidance as the World Health Organization. Both involve the precipitation of a fine solid in the syrup and when this is filtered out, many of the impurities are removed at the same time. [14] In the Indian subcontinent,[4] the Middle East and China, sugar became a staple of cooking and desserts. [15][16] The Greek physician Pedanius Dioscorides in the 1st century CE described sugar in his medical treatise De Materia Medica,[17] and Pliny the Elder, a 1st-century CE Roman, described sugar in his Natural History: "Sugar is made in Arabia as well, but Indian sugar is better. Maltose may be produced by malting grain. Sugar is the generic name for sweet-tasting, soluble carbohydrates, many of which are used in food. Simple sugars have the molecular formula $\ce{C_{n}(H_2O)_{n}}$, where n is at least 3. ar (sho͝og′ər) n. 1. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Sugar is the generic name for sweet-tasting , soluble carbohydrates , many of which are used in food . The fructose to fructose plus glucose ratio is calculated by including the fructose and glucose coming from the sucrose. The crystals are then separated from the liquor and dissolved in water. The crop is harvested mechanically or by hand, chopped into lengths and conveyed rapidly to the processing plant (commonly known as a sugar mill) where it is either milled and the juice extracted with water or extracted by diffusion. [3], Sugar has been produced in the Indian subcontinent[4] since ancient times and its cultivation spread from there into modern-day Afghanistan through the Khyber Pass. ", "Labeling & Nutrition - Changes to the Nutrition Facts Label", "Engineering Resources – Bulk Density Chart", College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, The Silk Roads: A New History of the World,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Granulated sugar (about 0.6 mm crystals), also known as table sugar or regular sugar, is used at the table, to sprinkle on foods and to sweeten hot drinks (coffee and tea), and in home baking to add sweetness and texture to baked products (cookies and cakes) and desserts (pudding and ice cream). What does the phrase “reducing atmosphere” mean in quantitative terms? By 1880 the sugar beet was the main source of sugar in Europe. While brutto-formula of sugars usually is close to $\ce{C_{n}(H2O)_{m}}$, it is not s sufficient criterion to find one. They are used for dusting foods and in baking and confectionery. rev 2020.10.21.37848, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Chemistry Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. China established its first sugarcane plantations in the seventh century. [85], Refined sugar is widely used for industrial needs for higher quality. toast and cereal) and beverages (e.g. Monosaccharides include mostly linear-chain molecules with three to seven carbon atoms that consist mostly of $\ce{-CH(OH){-}}$ and one $\ce{-C(O){-}}$ units terminated with hydrogen on chain ends. 100% DV is defined as 50 grams. Screened sugars are crystalline products separated according to the size of the grains. It took until 1600 for Brazilian sugar production to exceed that of São Tomé, which was the main center of sugar production in sixteenth century. Sugar is the generic name for sweet-tasting, soluble carbohydrates, many of which are used in food. [57] DNA and RNA are built up of the monosaccharides deoxyribose and ribose, respectively. Glucose has the molecular formula C6H12O6. It supplemented the use of honey, which had previously been the only available sweetener. The resulting thin syrup is concentrated in a series of evaporators, after which further water is removed. For instance:[87], In most parts of the world, sugar is an important part of the human diet, making food more palatable and providing food energy. They each exist as several isomers with dextro- and laevo-rotatory forms that cause polarized light to diverge to the right or the left. Several significant sculptors are known to have produced them; in some cases their preliminary drawings survive. [75] About 2,500 litres (660 US gal) of irrigation water is needed for every one kilogram (2.2 pounds) of sugar produced.[76]. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. [56], Biopolymers of sugars are common in nature. It is used by plants as a structural component in their cell walls. Sucrose is used in prepared foods (e.g. Deoxyribose has the formula C5H10O4 and ribose the formula C5H10O5.[58]. Its varieties, synonyms and characteristics are defined in nighaṇṭus such as the Bhāvaprakāśa (1.6.23, group of sugarcanes). Monosaccharides are also called "simple sugars", the most important being glucose. Humans can digest cellulose only to a very limited extent, though ruminants can do so with the help of symbiotic bacteria in their gut. Sugar alcohols (also called polyhydric alcohols, polyalcohols, alditols or glycitols) are organic compounds, typically derived from sugars, containing one hydroxyl group (–OH) attached to each carbon atom. That's easy enough. It is sometimes added to animal feed, or processed to produce, Firmly packed brown sugar 1 lb = 2.5 cups (or 1.3 L per kg, 0.77 kg/L), Granulated sugar 1 lb = 2.25 cups (or 1.17 L per kg, 0.85 kg/L), Unsifted confectioner's sugar 1 lb = 3.75 cups (or 2.0 L per kg, 0.5 kg/L), This page was last edited on 14 October 2020, at 02:04. Be warned. [113] Some studies report evidence of causality between high consumption of refined sugar and hyperactivity. In November 2019, scientists reported detecting, for the first time, sugar molecules, including ribose, in meteorites, suggesting that chemical processes on asteroids can produce some fundamentally essential bio-ingredients important to life, and supporting the notion of an RNA World prior to a DNA-based origin of life on Earth, and possibly, as well, the notion of panspermia.
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