3 0 obj %PDF-1.5 It posits that regeneration policy; planning and implementation should be inclusive of the input of architects working closely with slum dwellers, administrators and other relevant stakeholders to ensure that occurrences of slums are reduced to the barest minimum. Online Available: www.guardian.co.uk. 2013;  Some of the contributory factors are: 3.1. Slums in Nigeria There are several factors which contribute to the prevalence of slums in Nigeria. stream The outcomes are the proliferation of slums which are characterized by overcrowding, flooding, dilapidated structures, existence of stagnant waste water in generally dirty and unhygienic living environments. 'l�`� II. <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 33 0 R 34 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 6 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S>> endobj 0000002454 00000 n x���A 0ð4�)��Ʈ�� X�M��/��x���C. The condition of the old homes declined as they were progressively subdivided and … 6 0 obj Online Available: 3investonline.com, 3, Olaniyi, B. and Azutalam, C., I’ll continue to demolish Port Harcourt’s waterfronts – Amaechi. Due to the 133 -137, 2006. Thesis, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, 1998, Afrol News, Environmental Cleanup brightens up Lagos slum, 2003. 0000003491 00000 n 0000005621 00000 n 0000001487 00000 n Owoeye, J. O., An Assessment of Public Health and Environmental Sanitation in Akure, Ondo State. A sizeable proportion of this figure is in sub-Saharan Africa, with Nigeria having the largest number. No 4. The Review of Some Previous Regeneration Programmes in Nigeria, 6. 3543 0 obj <> endobj All Rights Reserved. 0000002182 00000 n Countries (LDCs) such as Nigeria, where slums have grown as a seemingly inevitable part of the urban area. Suggested Way Forward for Nigerian Slums, 8. Factors Resulting in the Formation of Slums in Nigeria, 3.1. Proceeding of National Workshop; organized by Department Of Estate Management, University of Lagos. Olanrewaju, D. O., “Town Planning: A Veritable Means for Poverty Reduction”; 38th Inaugural Lecture; Federal University of Technology, Akure, 26th October, 2004. Vestbro, D. U. 0000006385 00000 n %PDF-1.5 Omole, F. K., “An Assessment of Housing Condition and Socio-Economic Life Styles of Slum Dwellers in Akure, Nigeria”, Contemporary Management Research. social features of slums. According to UN-Habitat, over 880 million people live in urban slums globally. The study examines the physical conditions in Makoko, an urban slum in Lagos, Nigeria. Arimah, Ben C., Slums as expression of social exclusion: Explaining the prevalence of slums in African countries, Paper presented at United Nations Human Settlement Programme, held at Nairobi, Kenya, 2001. 0000002579 00000 n �_ӈ4P��숋�T����L�+ZA�t�*5i��*�� �6�e��zrK����O&�ի�V� ��Qdx4!�RtF�LHS This approach was based on the notion that such slums were illegal, but temporary, and would disappear with economic growth (UN-HABITAT, 2003b). %PDF-1.4 %���� y��/��EG�O��-Kɞ�w�sw|@n[������\�?%�,��� 3. �\��[y�~��d��{�2�/�3��˳A��f�ݑx^O~(���2n7��mلh����ɛ�ۓ����J�MU�"�.�, �a^��Gs�+ ��>~=/D�� ��5��Ι����=�^��POg��}�f���ꔙcI9��= \?���EY�XL�JO�u)�.���ء(U�UF_Xv{��5em��oAs쁬d��0���R��4ݦ�1XU��k�`Q�t`��W!zBZ��DK�[�a_W�4"�e���_c�*+u3�L��.�h��Ǐ\�b��Mik�S[Z��N������M�C� �J� �Ș4 p�d���*uh���g��*��1 �Jm�-]J���Ǻ���# VPD ������MUZ��*e����~�ԛ�0�40�Jપ5tQO,��z=u�%O_���Y��i�zDZG#�Lcd���0H�ODf`M United Nations -Habitat, “Cities, Slums and Millennium Development Goals”, Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Housing and Human Settlements, 2006. 0000002040 00000 n Pp 273-290, 2010. 4 0 obj endobj 0000060195 00000 n Olotuah, A. O., Housing Quality in suburban areas: An empirical study of Oba-Ile, Nigeria, Dimensi Teknik Arsitektur, vol. Received 24 February, 2017; Accepted 24 May, 2017 One of the greatest changes that have occurred in the last century in developing countries is the urban growths which have produced more slums in our cities. Use of sub-standard Building Materials, 5. Abuja, Nigeria Abeku, D. M. Salihu, C. Kure, M. A. ABSTRACT Increased population coupled with rapid urbanization has led to the unavailability of affordable decent accommodation which has caused many urban residents to seek shelter in unacceptable living places like the Slums. Lands Division, Federal Ministry of Works and Housing, Regularization of Squatter Occupation as a Tool of Land Management, 18th Conference of The Heads of Lands Division/Departments in Federal and State Ministries, held at Akure, Ondo State Nigeria from 20th to 22nd August, 1996. Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. 3 No. Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria. The World Bank, “Cities without Slums”, Urban Notes 2, 2002. 0000006652 00000 n 0000005094 00000 n Cities, Environment, Regeneration, Slums, Urbanization. Some of the contributory factors are: 3.1. endobj 1 0 obj 0000003869 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n �8�z*�#�:�V4��S�y�H4�46܉�� 0000052753 00000 n Correspondence to: Alexander A. Fakere, Department of Architecture, Federal University of Technology, Akure, 340001, Nigeria. Map of Nigeria showing some Nigerian cities and the spread of slum prevalence. Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria. endobj Guardian News and Media Limited, 2011. %���� 0000000734 00000 n Copyright © 2011 Scientific & Academic Publishing Co. All rights reserved. Pp. formation of slums in Nigeria’s major cities. 4 0 obj Onyike, Joachim, “An Assessment of the Affordability of Housing by Public Servants in Owerri, Nigeria”, Journal of Land Use and Development Studies. The Nation Newspaper 29. 2, pp. The Macro level – The Community Development Sphere, Akinyode, B. F. “An appraisal of community improvement programmes (CIP) in developing countries: A case study of World Bank Assisted Urban Renewal Project in Ibadan”, M. Sc. Scarcity of Lands, Services and Security of Tenure The inability of most low income earners to secure cheap plots with services and the prevalence of non-secure tenures invariably breed squatting, congestion and consequently the growth of slums. �R�?Ð��74tw���� �˪;)�'^�gh�%� ?dՖ�Έy�(�8Yo��:�*� �+�IYL�e1�'����hO>R��㧯��9��������f��m��=���� ���8(�^H� <> Bello, A.A., “An Appraisal of Socio-Economic Effects of Slum Environment on Urban Dwellers: A case study of Osogbo in Osun State”, B. Sc. Urban decay in Nigeria is essentially caused by rapid urbanization and the mismatch in the provision and maintenance of housing and infrastructure. <>/XObject<>/Font<>>>/BBox[ 0 0 545.82 31.668] /Matrix[ 0.13191 0 0 2.2736 0 0] /Filter/FlateDecode/Length 294>> 1, pp 21-34, 2007. 2 0 obj <> ��g����f>���0��� �s�5 What are enabling housing Strategies? x��\[sܶ�~W��_N�LJ� ��%�r�l�^g;��݇�}�4�h��P��}��h���� ���P��.I������M�����|���ビ25����Sc*U'�Iu���J�:��~p���v����.��N|�����N�N޽p�x��R�u�ݫ. George, C. K., Nigeria: Challenges of Lagos as a Mega-City (2). Most of the housing quality related problems in Nigeria results largely from inadequately planned land use and non-secure land tenure, poverty, poor construction and weak development control. Osoko, O.S., “Environmental Sanitation and the Health of the People of Ogun State: A Case Study of Abeokuta”, MURP Thesis, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, 2000. 0000001724 00000 n 3543 21 <> <> Slums accommodate the majority of the population of cities in developing countries and it is estimated to be home to over 800million people. Paper presented at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria, 2003. FIG Working Week, 2009. <]>> 0000003244 00000 n One of the disturbing features of rapid urbanization in Nigeria has been the formation and development of slums in urban centres, many of these slums are developing as rapidly as the city itself, consequently leading into urban poverty. endstream endobj 3563 0 obj<>/W[1 1 1]/Type/XRef/Index[226 3317]>>stream Prospect. Confirming the above, is the unavoidable evidence of “SLUMS” in the following locations; Cazenga in Angola, Nima in Accra Ghana, Ajegunle in Lagos Nigeria, Mukuru Kwa Njenga in Kenya and so on. �_A�X492�YD��� 4m��T]�kC��z}t�z��Y��f���w����`�b�Q����\/�a� "x���cx�拐e�o�Y?��̛�`4��F]�����V8@4��`�o�����bO4����a�n��{���j`]4|�. Understanding Slums: Case Studies for the Global Report on Human Settlements, 2003. Generally, slums in the traditional sense includes housing areas that were once desirable but which deteriorated after the original dwellers moved on to new and better parts of the city. startxref In Vestbro (Eds) Are Architects and Planners obstacles to slum upgrading? Papers from a Seminar in Barcelona, 2008 Online Available: http://nigeriansabroadlive.com. Formation of slums are a common corollary of urbanization with particular reference to developing countries such as Nigeria. Settlement Facing Man Made Changes. endobj 49-70, 2003. Scarcity of Lands, Services and Security of Tenure Online Available: allAfrica.com, Guardian Unlimited, John Vidal’s photo journal. This paper examines the prevalence of slums in Nigerian cities and outlines useful management inputs. The proliferation of slums in Nigeria has been over the years a matter of great concern. 5 0 obj The inadequacy of the quality of most urban housing stems mainly from the poor physical state of the buildings. endobj 0000006889 00000 n Scarcity of Lands, Services and Security of Tenure, 3.2. International Conference held on the 18. 3(2): 45-51, Department of Architecture, Federal University of Technology, Akure, 340001, Nigeria. o�m�ә�2�ʹvi+2'zJ&u�c�?�9�81��LQ��ѕo����h��A��hl�*�����A�B�"��� health of the adolescent living in urban slums in Nigeria. endobj <> x���MK1����9ja��l&WQ��j�vA�b=��}�+�{iY�L�gf'�.җ5��*Q�i�c_�qL��RKwkH腌�Wj�%f�Z�A9��֬*�} X$��v��&�ٓr���vkk63k|���G��T}�L�>�żH�㾬���_u�'|(�JuO�R��_A��`���&���L��K�sp���m�Q�u��|�$ * �3���S��t�N˿/:0�RgF���?��I�C�A;��5�I�����[k����� 6�gT�����2O� ���/ <> George, C.K., Basic Principles and Methods of Urban and Regional Planning, Libra – Gen Limited, Nigeria, 1999. 45-51. doi: 10.5923/j.env.20130302.02. Brand Stewart, How slums can save the planet. Fourchard, L., Urban Slums Report: The Case of Ibadan, Nigeria. ��)�>44����z$��_�x��n�)�̻�c��,u�k�a�Ɩ�3�O�:YK��\y�Y�������m��//l���3�}�M�fY�/ Literature review Writer such as Jessor, (1991) assert that large segments of our young people are growing up in circumstances of limited resources and pervasive adversity that, for many of them, their health, their development, indeed their lives as a whole, are certain to be severely and perhaps irretrievably compromised. Printed in Nigeria (2018) Jointly published by: Heinrich Böll Stiftung Nigeria 3rd Floor, Rukayyat Plaza 93, Obafemi Awolowo Way Opposite Jabi Motor Park Jabi District, Abuja, Nigeria info@ng.boell.org www.ng.boell.org FABULOUS URBAN c/o Vulkanplatz 7 8048 Zürich Switzerland office@fabulousurban.com www.fabulousurban.com This work is licensed under the Creative … Bello, M. O., Squatter Settlement, Accessibility of Land and the Urban Poor. stream 2, 2013, pp. 0000003108 00000 n The Micro Level – the Professional Practice Sphere, 8.2. As cited by[16], 75% of the dwelling units in urban centres in Nigeria are substandard and the dwellings sited in slums. Olanrewaju, D. O., “Spatial Distribution of Urban Deprivation in Akure, Ondo State”, PhD Thesis, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, 1990. 3 0 obj While drawing useful information from approaches to, and successes in city regeneration from some other countries, the paper proposes some professional group input approaches and solutions that can suit local conditions in Nigeria.

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