I was minding my own business today and received a text from a woman who was consistently boring to speak with the last time we talked. But if they only send you a one-word text in response to anything you send, it likely means they're not interested. Hopefully she learned a lesson there, but we'll see.
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depending upon our usual level of rapport. You can’t use that emoji and not leave people smiling: IMPOSSIBLE. About 10 minutes later, she sent a "So?" The thing is though, She does this consistently on chatrooms that we both visit, and no one pays attention to her either, so I can't say that I'm surprised. If people are too busy to respond, that's fine, and if they're not, we can talk about whatever. If you ask them a question or say something that only warrants a one-word response, don't take offense to them replying with a "K," "sure" or something else. You move on. Well, let me rephrase that.
HERE are five signs they might have feelings for you. It may seem so simple and cheesy, but a simple "good night" or "good morning" text goes a long way.
It's hard to hear, but it's the truth.
Not even once.
Not even once. But it's not always that serious. Don't get too hung up on someone who clearly doesn't want to be a part of your life. [Read: Unwritten texting rules you need to remember]. Good day!
Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'hi' auf Duden online nachschlagen.
Anyways, since I clearly lack knowledge on the subject of being cute, I asked my friends.
Not only does it mean that they're constantly thinking about you, they very clearly have feelings of some variety for you. If something's meant to happen, it will. She then asked if I was going to ask her anything, and I replied with "look, I'm sorry, but it's not my job to entertain you, especially if you hit me up first." Liked what you just read? isn't a great policy.
I've had to deal with the "hi" a few times. BUT, if my boyfriend sent me this, I’d be in “awwww” town. However, it might come off as super confident, which many people find attractive and cute. When it's someone looking for entertainment, I usually just send a "what's up? " You could just jump right into the conversation and ask them how their day is going. I send the "hi" text myself pretty often. If someone that I wasn’t interested in sent me this text, I would be immediately turned off. Consistent "good night" or "good morning" texts are always, always a good sign. Typically a positive, upbeat or funny message, the high text can also be incredibly insightful. None of these are cute ways to say hi in a text message, but I never claimed to be cute. I feel like because of this, I’m just entirely out of practice. You don’t necessarily need to say “hi” at all. [Read: How to decode the meaning of the colorful heart emojis], #2 Send a photo. Pretty much your response. You don ' t just send someone a " hi " text just for the heck of it. It definitely is, I was wondering if other guys put up with it, or shut it down immediately. what's up?". I mean, I suppose I could… but that’s just so unoriginal. Have you ever spoken with someone that lifted their game and became more proactive in conversation? Just be aware that this might not work in your favor.