The car was designed by Pininfarinawith aerodynamic simulation programs used for Formula 1 cars. If all this makes sense to you, then you'll feel the emotional heat that boils out of Ferrari's new 430 Scuderia. We're believers. SMG has a national footprint of new BMW And MINI dealerships.To find your new BMW click here and to find your new MINI click here. The philosophy that spawned the Scuderia is similar: a limited-edition car fundamentally and structurally the same as the standard version, but cranked up to at least 11. You brake with confidence from over 110mph and peel in still hard on the brakes, anti-lock resisting triggering, the grip of the Pirellis divided between braking and cornering, while the E-diff and stability control ensure rock-solid composure. Ferrari 430 Scuderia ミハエル・シューマッハは430スクーデリアの開発に深くかかわり、多くの時間をテストに費やしました。� It's too bad the transmission defaults to its automatic setting every time you restart the car. There’s a sense, especially in the higher gears, that it’s not 100 per cent happy paddling in the shallows of its rev range, but that might be because of the way it snaps to attention at 3250rpm. It’s as if you have to guide it along a narrow path, not allowing either understeer or oversteer to get beyond a quarter turn. Where the F430 is a highly civilized supercar that can be pushed to extremes, the 430 Scuderia is already at the sharp end, able to lap Ferrari's Fiorano test track as quickly as an Enzo. But the most committed among us know what "Wum-wum-wum-whhoooooooooom-pahhh or "wwaaaaaAAAAhhhhhhHHHH!" These mods, plus myriad others, equate to a horsepower bump from 483 SAE net to 503, and more low- to midrange torque as well. Imagine a bigger, more potent, more feelsome Lotus Exige and you’re not far off. This corner also shows the superb ‘F1-SuperFast2’ paddle-shift off to best effect. Sound-deadening materials have been removed. The new Ferrari 430 Scuderia will join the road-going V8 line-up alongside the F430 coupe and the F430 Spider. Other gripes? In contrast, that of the lighter Scuderia (60ms) shows a small step from first to second gear but thereafter the curve is virtually smooth. Their cars come from the factory with a support crew, which today includes an engineer, a technician and a test driver to check that the car is as it should be and offer advice on how to get the best out of it. The Scuderia gets it done in as little as 60 ms, or up to 2.5 times quicker than the F430 (a Ferrari F1 machine, by the way, takes just 30 to 40 ms). 1163, Modena, Italy, Companies’ Register of Modena, VAT and Tax number 00159560366 and share capital of Euro 20,260,000, CST(スタビリティ&トラクションコントロール)、 F1-Trac(電子制御式ディファレンシャルE-Diff付き). The conversion from a closed top to an open-air convertible is a two-stage folding-action, the roof panel automatically folds away inside a space above the engine bay. Over a decade after SSC last entered the record books, its Tuatara has claimed the title of world’s fastest production car, Long-awaited second N division model set to shake up the junior hot hatch establishment, Alfa Romeo has put its F1 drivers behind the wheel of the Giulia GTA and GTAm ahead of production in 2021, A development car for Gordon Murray’s T.50 supercar has been shown firing up on video, Subscribe today to our exclusive new offer and SAVE 39% on the shop price. Enzo Ferrari managed Alfa Romeo's racing team in the 1930s; the operation's name was Scuderia Ferrari. Or what it means to talk about a car while using your hands to illustrate the curve of the road you just smoked through, or what steering inputs it takes to negotiate a particular corner. It feels like the rear is taking more of the cornering load, which makes things a bit serious in CT-off in the faster turns (and no quicker overall), but in Race mode the Scuderia seems to balance right on the edge. Indeed, the closer you get to the Scuderia, the harder you push it, the more impressive it is. The anti-roll bars are hollow. This F430 Scuderia 16M is Finished in stunning Nero Exterior over Alcantara Nera... Ferrari Lake Forest Chicago, IL 888-710-5463 Catchpole and I are impressed with the clean lunges the Scuderia makes – there’s not a whiff of burnt clutch as the E-diff and electronic management of the clutch conspire to deliver the best take-off. The Enzo lapped the old circuit, which was a bit quicker, in 1:21.3sec, so if the Scuderia gets close to that, it’ll be on the money. There’s a lightness, an athleticism about the Scuderia that you notice right from the off. 4, I-41053 Maranello (MO), Italy, registered with the Dutch trade register under number 64060977, Ferrari S.p.A. - A company under Italian law, having its registered office at Via Emilia Est No. Ferrari 430 Scuderia Michael Schumacher verbrachte während der Entwicklung des Wagens lange Zeit mit Tests des 430 Scuderia, wobei er die Methode, die ihn über viele Jahre hinweg auf Rennstrecken in aller Welt so einzigartige machte, sorgfältig umsetzen konnte. What we want to know is, will the Scuderia deliver on the West Circuit at the Bedford Autodrome as convincingly as it does at Fiorano? When we test any other car, it is delivered to the office and gets collected a few days later. 430スクーデリア(フェラーリ)の中古車を13台掲載中。430スクーデリアの中古車検索や中古車販売などの中古車情報なら「カーセンサーnet」!リクルートが運営する中古車情報のサイトです。430スクーデリアの中古車が様々な条件で検索可能。 Find your ideal Ferrari 430 Scuderia from top dealers and private sellers in your area with PistonHeads Classifieds. More like 12, really, because every area of performance tuneability has been addressed. F430との外見の違いに、ボディの中心に2本のグレイの線が入っている。フロントノーズ左右に設けられたエアインテーク開口部の形状変更。リアエキゾーストがF430ではテール下部で4本出しであったものが430スクーデリアではナンバープレートの高さまで持ち上げられ上方配置2本出しとなっている点などがある。 Not much else we’ve tested has gone quicker. Ferrari of Lake Forest is Proud to Present this 2009 Ferrari F430 Scuderia 16M, 1 of only 499 ever produced! sounds like. Much attention was given to the engine's intake and exhaust sounds at various rpm levels-not only the levels, but the quality. Thank goodness Schuey was busy…. This one's so good, it should be available via podcast. The Scuderia is unquestionably the feistiest mid-engined V8 road car that Ferrari has built, but even with 503bhp – 20bhp more than the stock F430 – it’s way down on the Enzo’s 650bhp. And nearly anything in between. mを発生する。, トランスミッションはMTとF1マチック(パドルシフトを備えたセミAT)から選ぶことができ、いずれも6速である。左/右ハンドルが選べる。, 日本での価格はクーペのMTが2,400万円、F1マチックが2,547万円。スパイダーのMTが2,600万円、F1マチックが2,755万円であった(2009年5月時点)。, ボディデザインはピニンファリーナのチーフデザイナー、フランク・ステファンソンが手掛け、基本的に先代360を踏襲したかたちになっているが、ボディはより煮詰められ空力特性が向上している。空気抵抗値は360と変わらず、しかし360のネックだったダウンフォースが大幅に高められている。特徴的なフロントノーズ回りは1961年のF1を制した156F1、および1961年のル・マン24時間レース優勝車250TR61のシャークノーズと呼ばれるデザインをモチーフとし、ライトは1つのプロジェクターランプでハイ/ロービームを切り替えるバイキセノンヘッドライトが採用された。テスタロッサを思わせるサイドミラーには『F430』の文字が刻まれている。, テール部分はフェラーリ・エンツォフェラーリと同じく尾灯上面が露出した造形となっており、意匠的に新しく生まれ変わっている。, リアエンド下部には大型のディフューザーが装着され、走行時のダウンフォース発生に大きく寄与している。, また、タイヤも、490PSの大出力に対応するため360モデナよりもサイズアップされ、フロント225/35ZR19、リア285/35ZR19となっている。, F430で新しく取り入れられた技術として以下のものがある。いずれもF1参戦で培われた技術をフィードバックしたものである。, この他にも、(すでにフェラーリ・360チャレンジ・ストラダーレ、エンツォ・フェラーリで採用済みの)カーボンブレーキも採用されている。このブレーキは、冷間時の制動性は甘いが耐フェード性が高く、スポーツ走行に適している。, F430をベースによりスポーツドライビングを好むオーナーのために製作され、2007年フランクフルトモーターショーでミハエル・シューマッハによって発表された。 It showcases Ferrari’s Formula 1-derived technology – particularly its F1-SuperFast2 automated manual gearbox and E-diff and F1-Trac stability control – better than any other Ferrari we’ve tried. That a modern-day production model has been honored with such a legendary name tells us what this amped-up, trimmed-out, faster/lighter/louder F430 variant is all about. Inside, the metal floors are a bit stark and slippery when wet; some owners may ask Ferrari's customization program to stitch them up some carpeting. ミハエル・シューマッハは430スクーデリアの開発に深くかかわり、多くの時間をテストに費やしました。長年にわたりサーキットでトップポジションに君臨したシューマッハ。彼だからこそ知り得た開発メソッドがこのクルマには注ぎ込まれています。, Ferrari N.V. - Holding company - A company under Dutch law, having its official seat in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and its corporate address at Via Abetone Inferiore No. All rights reserved. It (finally) approximates the rifle-bolt action of VW/Audi/Bugatti's DSG systems. 2008年5月には日本でも3,026万円で発売が開始された。, フォーミュラ1においてスクーデリア・フェラーリがコンストラクターズタイトル(自動車製造者部門)を史上最多の16回獲得した記念モデルである。430スクーデリアベースのオープンモデルで、世界で499台のみ製造され、日本には50台前後が正規輸入された。車名に430は付かない。430スクーデリアのシルエットを踏襲したオープンモデルであるが、外見の違いに、ボディ中心にブラックとそれを縁取るようにシルバーの細いラインが4本(標準)が入っている、また車体のラインをイタリアの国旗を現す緑・白・赤のライン(トリコロールカラー)に変更することやラインを抜くことも可能である(新車オーダー時)、他には左右のフェラーリ・エンブレムの下に“16M SCUDERIA”のエンブレム、テールには“F1 CONSTRUCTORS 16 2008 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS”のエンブレム、またセンターコンソールの上部には“16M SCUDERIA SPIDER LIMITED 499”と499台の限定生産を表すエンブレムが付く。 R104 687.43 per month * over 72 months with a 11% linked interest rate and a 0% Deposit with a 0% Balloon excludes License and Registration Charges Michael Schumacher is said to have been instrumental in the development of this system. The first start feels almost perfect. There's no increase in the 4.3-liter V-8's displacement, but the revised intake and exhaust systems inhale and exhale more efficiently than the F430's. Perhaps unusually for a 500bhp car, the Scuderia is more awesome into the corners than out of them, the highlight of the lap being the entry to the new Pif-Paf sequence. The wheels are lighter. The 599 (shift speed 100ms) felt very good, but its trace clearly showed the first three upshifts as steps. The Ferrari 430 Scuderia is powered by a massaged version of the F430's 4.3-liter V8 that produces 503 hp and 347 pound-feet of torque. In short, the integration of these systems allows the one-button choice of maximum safety and comfort or the ability to pitch her sideways and drive her like a sprint car. Yup, Ferrari’s F1 test driver will do a couple of laps of the West Circuit before handing over to me. As well as delivering 20bhp more than in the F430, the Scuderia’s V8 pumps up the torque curve too, and certainly the delivery is more consistent than you’d imagine from the way the engine note changes. The other settings are Low Roadholding, Sport, Race, and CST Off, which deactivates all electronic aids except ABS. Heck, the lug nuts are titanium. Engine: V8Location: Mid, longitudinalDisplacement: 4308ccBore x stroke: 92 x 81mmCylinder block: Aluminium alloy, dry sumpedCylinder head: Aluminium alloy, dohc per bank, 4v per cylinder, variable valve timingFuel and ignition: Electronic engine management, sequential multipoint injectionMax power: 503bhp @ 8500rpmMax torque: 347lb ft @ 5250rpmTransmission: Six-speed ‘F1-SuperFast2’ automated manual gearbox, rear-wheel drive, E-diff, F1-TracFront suspension: Double wishbones, coil springs, adaptive dampers, anti-roll barRear suspension: Double wishbones, coil springs, adaptive dampers, anti-roll barBrakes: Cross-drilled and vented carbon-ceramic discs, 398mm front, 350mm rear, ABS, EBDWheels: 19in front and rear, aluminium alloyTyres: 235/35 ZR19 front, 285/35 ZR19 rear, Pirelli P Zero CorsaWeight (kerb): 1350kg (test car 1374kg)Power-to-weight: 378bhp/ton (test car 372bhp/ton)0-62mph: 3.6sec (claimed) (see table, right)Top speed: 198mph (claimed)Basic price: £172,625On sale: Nowevo rating: 5/5, SSC Tuatara hypercar hits 331mph, making it the world’s fastest production car, Hyundai i20 N revealed – 200bhp supermini ready for some Ford Fiesta ST baiting, £153,000 Alfa Romeo Giulia GTA enters final stages of development, Gordon Murray Automotive T.50 test mule fires up on video for first time.
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