Night is the best time to farm Wisps, there is generally 6 to 8 spawned at night whereas there are only 3 to 4 spawned during the day. It can be anything from content to design. I don’t think wisps are gonna be that big of a deal later down the line, because if you keep doing bounties and just running around the Plains you’re naturally gonna build a a lot of them, so you’re gonna be okay. Something that's missing important information? In addition to their reactive escape mechanism, Wisps will periodically despawn if located but not collected within a certain amount of time. Below is an image of most of the Cetus Wisp spawns as well as a route to follow. There is a slight chance for this buff to proc multiple times allowing for more loot, but this does not happen often. Cetus Wisps are an important resource, that are not conventionally farmed.
If you are using the Itzal to collect the Wisps, you will have to be roughly 15 meters above it to collect it with the Itzal’s 3 ability (Cosmic Crush). First of all, you don’t get a lot of them and, second of all, there is loads of other rewards that you could get instead of the wisps. They are used in Amp, Arcane, Zaw and a few cosmetic blueprints. So, number one, it doesn’t matter what time it is they will spawn during the day, during the night, dusk, dawn. When you are flying around these water sources, you are looking for a small white box with a downward arrow (indicating that its below your current horizontal plane) this is what most loot looks like on the minimap but they will also be right on the water’s edge. The Smeeta Kavat Charm is not worth holding out for, because once you get close enough to a Cetus Wisp, after 5 seconds, it will start to hover upwards and disappear. And that’s pretty much it. Wisp spawns are shared between players. Each Cetus Wisp collected, is 1 Wisp. If you have the Double Resource Drop Boost running, the amount collected will be 2. As such, one might find themselves in need of quite a few of these pesky resources. If you have a Smeeta Kavat with the Charm mod installed, you have a chance to get the Double Loot buff, this will further double your loot for about 2 minutes. This is the route that I take and it seems to be working pretty well. Know that information, we can easily conclude that the best way of farming wisps is to leave Cetus and run across as many bodies of water and as many spawn points as possible and then go back to Cetus and do it again and again and again. Warframe Arbitrations: Lethal Alerts Guide, Affinity Mechanic – How to Level up Correctly. You could probably do it faster if you have a better setup. They are also a requirement for Gilding Zaws. This makes waiting for Smeeta Kavat's Charm a risky venture. Hello guys! So, it seems like if you want more wisps to spawn you have to go to Cetus and then back to the plains to basically load another instance for more wisps to spawn. Warframe Blog has no official link with Digital Extremes or Warframe, we are just a fan site. This page was last edited on 13 August 2019, at 15:34.
They can also be obtained from Quill Onkko at the Architect rank for 2,000 of The Quills standings per Wisp. Each time you load into an instance of PoE, a certain amount of Wisps will spawn at a few of these locations. They don’t spawn continuously because I was running around the map for about thirty minutes going from one body of water to another and I didn’t get any wisps to spawn. It kind of sucks that we have to do it this way. Cetus Wisp Farming is relatively simple to do, but a little more complicated to do efficiently.
The warframe you use in the Plains of Eidolon is not that important. 3. Send your feedback to, Saw a typo? But, for now, we need a lot of them and you don’t get a ton by just playing the game normally. Spotting the Wisps should be easier as you can still spot them on the minimap from very high up.
Today I’m doing a quick Plastids farming guide. You can get wisps by doing bounties but that is not very efficient. Poor grammar? If you are not able to wait for the night cycle, just run it during the day. They are also a requirement for Gilding Zaws. Volt’s Speed (2) still affects your Archwing after being activated, so he is technically better to use, but not a necessity. They are also a bit easier to spot at night. If you do take Volt, focus on Strength, Duration and Efficiency for a faster and longer speed boost at a minimal energy cost. Since Cetus Wisps can spawn around most of the water sources, it's more efficient to scout the bigger sources, collect what you can and restart. Below is an image depicting how the Cetus Wisp and normal loot appears on the minimap.
It doesn’t matter, they will always be there. So, I did a bunch of testing which was basically just me running around like a madman on my vault and I found out few things about the wisps. To help you spot the Wisps on the minimap, equip the aura mod, Loot Detector and the exilus mod, Thief’s Wit. There is also a companion mod called Animal Instincts and a Primed version, only one of these may be equipped. Cetus Wisps are found in the Plains of Eidolon, along the sides of water sources. These mods give your warframe loot radar which increases the range at which loot will appear on your minimap. Know that information, we can easily conclude that the best way of farming wisps is to leave Cetus and run across as many bodies of water and as many spawn points as possible and then go back to Cetus and do it again and again and again. It has three very useful abilities for collecting Cetus Wisps without leaving the Archwing. They spawn near water though I haven’t seen a single wisp on the shore, only near lakes, rivers and ponds. The Plains of Eidolon day cycle lasts for 1 hour and 40 minutes, whereas the night cycle only lasts 40 minutes. It kind of sucks that we have to do it this way. If, for example, you want to build a basic Railgun for your operator you’re gonna need thirty of them which is quite a lot. (Click the image to see a full-sized version). Welcome to another warframe article and today I want to show you a pretty cool way of farming Cetus Wisp.
Because you’re gonna need quite a few of those little things.
I usually get somewhere between one to four wisps and it only takes about 4 min to do for me. 2. If you are looking to maximize your Wisp collection per minute, you want to have the Itzal Archwing. Once you have scouted all the water sources and collected any Wisps you come across, head back to the Cetus Gates and end the mission. Not many of the water sources have loot right on the water’s edge. If you are looking to farm more casually, you can use any Archwing or K-Drive to move around, or even bullet jumping.
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