A horseman met a woman and two children who were walking to a relative's remote home. Two young black workers walking on a path in an unpopulated area at night were attacked by a pack of wolves. A man driving along the highway stopped to pick him up, and for about 5–7 minutes, the wolf was standing at the edge of the woods staring at them. and very destructive, so I sent them to the after world to see your Gods, so say a prayer for them for me, will Ya?? Question: Which Is The Biggest Ship Ever Built? You trigger happy fools need to realize that every unique animal species has its place in the biosphere. The wolf was not captured. 17 wolves forced the two men up a tree for several hours. It is people like you who f*** up this world. P.S. When an animal species is gone its gone; that distinct individual, different from anything else in the world, is gone. Quick Answer: Where Is The Largest Aquarium In The World? Sure I understand hunting for survival, but this is for show and that is where the ignorance comes in. They were removed from the list, but were then put back on because a bunch of rednecks with guns started killing them off. Four men were on a holiday hunt but a major snowstorm rolled in and they were forced to camp near White Fox Creek. a helpless animal? why would i do that i'm an omnivore not a deer! An alarm was sounded and the villagers hunted the wolf down and killed it. This page was last edited on 29 September 2020, at 04:03. i am a hunter and i love to hunt. He turned the gun around and clubbed one to death, which the rest immediately devoured. The little boy was taken to Providence Hospital with serious injuries to his head, neck, hip, groin and buttocks. Its noise warded off the wolves. No one would agree just how big it was from a picture. first off anyone here who thinks this guy is a dick for killing that thing while he is out hunting is a pussy and dosnt "get"hunting. So instead of bashing the guy that shot the wolf you should be thanking him, because of him buying license is more than likely the only reason that the wolf was born in the first place. The animal taken in Alaska. the International Space Station. South Eastern Ontario right now has too many coyotes and deer, killing live stock and causing car accidents.I live in a small village - last year I had a black bear run into my yard while my 1 and 5 year old children were outside, last thing I expected, thank god I have a big dog and scared it away. Just trying to survive you say? Small man - small - well you get the idea.What a gorgeous animal that wolf was - disgusting that it was destroyed for what ? Wolves are no longer on the endangered species list & are Beautiful animals, & I'm sure where there is One Big Bad Wolf, there are many more,(12,000 in the US),& Little Red Riding Hood & Grandma aren't far away.There are 1.2 million Deer hit every year in The US causing many Deaths & Injuries costing $40 billion in Insurance, & I Say - sick the wolves on them or let the hunters have Open Season on them, I hit one on my Motorcycle, So... Go Fuck your self...Poca-cuntas. Windows 7 Cavalry Riding To Microsoft's Rescue, Shortarmguy Diary Entry for October 18, 2009. Too bad for the wolves you don't have much brain matter to consume. Ha i like to read all these comments. By about 1880 they were considered biologically extinct; their breeding patterns were upset to the point they couldn't adapt to the dramatic decrease in population, consequently leading them to extinction. An animal this size probably exists. The moment Roy saw the wolf charging, it was 50m/55.5 yards from David and moving fast. Educate yourself before you start spouting off at the mouth. dear tree huggers,it's a system of checks and balances. So what did I do??? ", Jackson was hunting in the woods and was attacked by 3 wolves. (According to the Times, at least 87 wolves have been shot in Montana this season, and 120 shot or trapped in Idaho. Court shouted, waved his arms and ran at them, yet the wolves continued to move in. They fought with axes and killed three wolves, but one young man was killed. ever thought about that? Last fall, Wyoming removed wolves from its list of endangered species, allowing them to be legally hunted on the Yellowstone Park border for the first time in decades. Quick Answer: What Is The Largest High School Football Stadium? they are part of nature. Agree... it's a tragedy that this magnificent animal was killed just for sport or any animal for that matter.. something I will never understand; takes a very special person indeed to do that; wow i see there are a bunch of tree huggers on here, too many they need to remember where they came from houses are made from trees real people eat meat. If you take the time to do field research in the woods of North America, where hunters spend their time during various seasons, post some pics. :). Lagacé was taken to the emergency room, where he received first aid and precautionary rabies treatment. All these tree huggers have motivated me to go coyote hunting..No wolves here in central Kentucky or I would bust a cap in a wolf ass!! Four large wolves attacked Mr. Kootz. "If here were a real man, he would have killed it with his bare hands. Italian wolf. **** OFF!! If there is one wolf out there this size I know there are others. MacMillan's party, traveling by dog sled, was approached and chased by 12 wolves. Wolves attacked and all six climbed an oak tree. He killed one wolf at a time and kept this up for about one hour until the entire pack was dead. Haven't we come along way since caveman times. Langevin fought it with his hands and arms, and rolled back towards the fire pit. Berner, a teacher and avid jogger, was discovered dead along a road by snowmobilers, who found wolf tracks in the adjacent snow. Around 10:45 pm, Wolf grabbed her from under her family car and drug her away had to have 23 rabies shots. As he prepared to stop and use the bike as a weapon, a couple in a Humvee pulling a trailer came to his aid, and threw the passenger door open as Hollan was attempting to climb through the window. While on the trail, wolves attacked team member of expedition led by, The three men were transporting a dead man's body around midnight when they were attacked by wolves. Road trip to Alberta, i really didnt see what was the point in killing it unless it did somthing terrible, personally i think/hope its fake, if people think its okay just go go out with a gun and kill these kinds of endangered animals then let me go buy a gun and start a massacre. try shooting at me you coward, i can gurarantee you i will shoot back! She turned and ran, but remembered that was not recommended in such situations. The wolf had moved him several meters away from the campfire when he awoke, sat up, and shouted. Both front and rear quarters would be hanging more, wouldn't they? Adult male spotted hyenas in the Serengeti weigh 40.5–55.0 kg (89–121 lb), while females weigh 44.5–63.9 kg (98–141 lb). Her other domesticated dog was sacrificially protecting her from the wolf pack. Though there are no official papers proving this wolf to be the largest recorded, we can all agree that he is friggen huge. As an avid hunter , right on man, right on, I'm not saying this isn't a hoax, but as for dead lifting 230lbs, that is not that remarkable. Humans have hunted many apex predators close to extinction, but in some parts of the world these predators are now returning. They aren't eating them...they are killing them. Tracy yelled at her husband, Thom, who leapt from his sleeping bag and charged the wolf. "She is the most famous wolf in the world," Jimmy Jones, a wildlife photographer, told the Times. I killed 5 raccoons, 15 squirrels, 1 grounhog, 1 oppossum IN TEN DAYS & I must say-it was fun!! Maybe it is alittle sad that it was shot but I'm sure at that size it had ample opportunity to pass those genes on . Toward evening he was allowed to walk home by himself. in both cases. I've looked at comments in all kinds of newspaper articles and various occurances throughout the USA And Canada. I don't hunt myself because I like animals and I would feel bad shooting one. What happens when all the small game and large game are gone, well i think someones kid will be next then its open wolf season..... fuck them wolves, don't need them. At its, Top 10 Tallest Buildings in New York (2018) One World Trade Center (1,766 ft), Shanghai How many floors is the tallest building in China? To be honest i hope your kids do get eaten by a canniblistic human in the backwoods fucking jerks. So, my question for you "tree hugging idiots" is this: who do you support, the decimated elk herds or the wolves who are rapidly out-breeding any hope to control their re-introduced populations? how do you now what he did with this animal mayby he let scientist study this animal so that we can now why and how this animal was so big. People call wolves killers, but guess who's the real killer. Uninjured, he went home. When driven off, it attacked a second man and was later shot by a third. think about that you dumb ass stupid fucking bitch, sometimes i hope people like you get shot right in their cock or vagina stupid fuck! The Alaska State Medical Examiner ruled that her death was caused by "multiple injuries due to animal mauling." And this is coming from someone who has lived in cities and suburbs his whole life. Wolves back in the day used to be bigger then that. No, man only has fouled up the whole world all by themselves. fuck humans i choose animals over you guys any day.... i hope all you hunters go extinct before people who don't even hunt. Its to bad but thats the way it goes .Personaly i think baiting any animal for sport sucks. So hunters need to kill more wolfs so they can in turn have more elk to hunt as well! Some Kid Doing Herb Brook's Miracle Speech. Night of the wolf. When the neighbors came to the spot to hunt for the wolves, they found only a few shreds of clothing and a shoe. It was a young adult, underweight female, 32 kg/70.5 lbs. There was no immediate independent confirmation of the weight of the animal Mr Slavchev said he had shot. Matthew quickly retreated to his truck and contacted the state wildlife authorities. The branch on which Caroline Allen was standing broke off. If you go to the woods, you better be armed even if you don't intend to hunt. Endangered Species Act. And to find one that beats the old record by 75lbs is amazing. The picture was impressive. His nose was crushed. Zach was taken to a hospital in Toronto where a plastic surgeon performed four hours of reconstructive surgery.

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