Let's go at the beginning. Do you really familiarize with this audition platform right now? 5 Tools for Cleaning Up Audio in Adobe Audition, 5 Faster Editing Tips for Premiere Pro + Free Footage, Filmmaking Hack: Create a Handheld Camera Rig for Less than $5, How to Create a GIF Using After Effects and Photoshop. Because normally when we are starting to talk, we take a break to breathe. It will open like this for you. If none of them works, you can work some things here, just select the one that you love the most and move, maybe the output gain. Let's say you're editing right now with me episode one, so create one folder that is called episode one in both, let me just show you what I mean. One thing that we are not applying it in the audio file itself, we are playing it in the submaster. You already applied your two effects. This is why I do say that it's test and try, test and try, because you just need to find what suits you best for your voice. I'm just going to hit Okay. Get your free Adobe Audition presets. First of all, we need to do one thing that I completely forgot at the beginning, but that's okay. We're going to just keep select that part, and here in the effects rack in the Number 1, keep hitting the arrow, and go to, let us play first one. Join 30,000+ active members of the Music Radio Creative community. There's some few things that you want to do here. I have over five years of experience in industries from film to marketing to right now content creation. Also if it goes from here down, it's low pitch like those [inaudible] that's little pitch and these high pitch that is, aah, that aaah, that is sometimes so annoying when you hear about the [inaudible] hits up here right now. Because the original files are going to work as a backup in case something happened, in case something goes wrong, you can go back and have like a cushion to fall on. I think this is a bigger print maybe it would make me like more happy. You're also going to get familiarized with the platform. Or if you're editing, a man voice are really low. They have some numbers that you need to rank on it and maybe if you have denied to be on them before it's because of these, maybe your audio file it didn't match with the standards they have. We're going to place ourselves in this ruler in the right side facing Audition right side. We took it away, so congratulations. It's like all of them, music it's already directing, the arrow to the left is already directing to submaster, but we need to change all of them. Sometimes, it happens if you're a woman, and you're editing your podcast, or your editing a podcast that has a female voice there. If I go to original files here, we have episode one, and here I have the sample that I'm going to use in this class with you. 6. And just hit "Okay". One last thing: A big THANK YOU to ChaseYourFearsPodcast for letting me use one of their audios as the sample file. You think here it can be just a little part. You can do this at the end of your music track as well to fade out. I'm an expert on the creating engaging, creative and high-quality content in a simple way and not overcomplicated way. The other part that audition have is this waveform that I love, we have to create first before going into the waveform, we have to import first our audio file. But if it's not happening with you, that one is really good to have when you have a lot of echo. To add music to your project, click on a music file and drag it into the music bed on your timeline. The compression is simply a light 2:1 setting above -20dB but it makes a difference to raw voice sessions. Yeah, this is right here, this red thing is all the sounds that you're recording. This sounds so much better than what we started with in the beginning. You say, okay, because it's capturing, like it's taking a snapshot of that part of the sound okay, so it's just capturing it. Click open in the lower right corner of the window. Okay, so let's go ahead and let's say I'm going to record right now. Now I feel that I'm going to be happier if I go back to the beginning. I'm passionate about helping you to sound great! See you in a bit. Maybe you listen to it and you sound maybe, ah, a scream and it's just really, really high up and you just want to kill the one that made that, because it's hurting your ears. You're going to learn how to remove your background noise. The most important thing if you use them, is to be in a really quieted space with no noise around. With. It’s not too heavy and this is important especially if you’re going to compress the voice again when you drop it into the multitrack. Check out our. It's right here, it's hidden here. You can also edit the volume of the whole audio track in the name panel next to the track. This is where we take our background sound out. For example, here I have another one that is pretty interesting. Basically I go into the edited files, I have episode one and I have all the audio files. I want to listen to your podcast. But if I put it in 30, see that I only take a little part, and that's what you want. Please, I want to see you. Adobe® Audition® software includes thousands of uncompressed, royalty-free audio sound effects.

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