It, too, is a family relationship. Its contraction Yah occurs 49 times. Sometimes Elohim refers to plural "gods," as in "You shall have no other gods before me" (Deuteronomy 5:7). What Does Elohim Mean & Why is This Name of God So Important? It is a uniplural and connotes more than one being - This very descriptive word begins to give us an understanding of who and what God is. In addition, when Elohim refers to the true God, it is singular and so translated "God" and not "Gods.". It may also (or alternatively) carry some force as a plural of amplication. So then, YHWH Elohim does not mean "Lord of Gods...the one of many," but means that YHWH, the personal God who rules over Israel, is at one and the same time the universal God who rules over all. There are many theories, but most Bible scholars believe it is derived from the shorter word "el" — meaning "mighty", "strong" or "prominent" — or the Hebrew form of "eloah". In Genesis 1 only Elohim is used to refer to deity. What does the word Yahweh mean? Elohim:Unfortunately, the precise development of the word "elohim" is unknown. God has created you. The Names of God - Yahweh, Elohim, El Shaddai. If it was in rebellion, or if in an unfaithful act against the Lord do not save us this day! As Judaism became a universal rather than merely a local religion, the more common Hebrew noun Elohim (plural in form but understood in the singular), meaning “God,” tended to replace Yahweh … Our Heavenly Father, Yahweh Elohim, brought forth His Son from the beginning, and the pre-existent Yahshua was the firstborn of all creation. He knows, and may Israel itself know. This honorific plural is also used of God elsewhere in texts like Psalm 8:1, where we read, "O LORD, our Lord…." First, YHWH is a proper noun, the personal name of Israel's deity. This means, we morph our Elohim impulse into worship of some lesser god or we slip into vague notions of a higher power. Christians may recognize in this plural form a hint of the Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 8 Beautiful Prayers for Moms This Mother's Day. As written by Mike Leake, another interesting aspect of the name Elohim is that it is, in fact, a plural. Second, the relationship between YHWH and Elohim in the combination YHWH Elohim is one of apposition, that is to say the second noun is placed immediately after the first noun to provide some sort of further definition or explanation. After that the name Yahweh appears as well and is often paired with Elohim and, in the NIV, the two together are translated "the LORD God. Have a question Wikipedia can’t answer? Answered by Mark D. Futato, Robert L. Maclellan Professor of Old Testament and Academic Dean at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando. If Elohim refers to multiple 'gods,' then Yhwh Elohim really means Lord of Gods...the one of many, right? The Hebrew Bible frequently refers to God as the Lord of Hosts (or Yahweh of Hosts) which means ‘Yahweh of the armies.’ For the ancients, the nation with the more powerful god determined the outcome of earthly affairs. 6:4-5) "Hear, O Israel, YAHWEH our Elohinu is one.” ELOHIM. Such an honorific plural is used for humans in texts like 1Kings 1:43, where we read, "our lord King David." From chapter 2:4 LORD GOD, YAHWEH Elohim is exclusively used 11 times. First, YHWH Elohim cannot mean "Lord of Gods." Dr. Michael D. WilliamsGod insists that his name is Yahweh. Save me because of your mercy. However when there is a relationship involved with humanity the name Yahweh is used (Genesis 2). {Strong’s # 430. aleph, lamedh, he, yod, mem.} Elohim is the Hebrew word for God that appears in the very first sentence of the Bible. From Webster's New World Hebrew Dictionary, Macmillan 1992, p65. is a member of the Salem Web Network of sites including: Copyright © 2021, So, YWHW is the true God's personal name, and Elohim by itself is simply the Hebrew common noun used to refer to the true God in an honorific way. The song of Moses is making a comparison between Yahweh and the other Elim, and recognizing that Yahweh is more glorious and holy than the other Elim. Yahweh, Adonai, LORD, Jehovah... God seems to have a lot of names, what exactly am I supposed to call Him? Its plural form is used not to indicate a belief in many gods but to emphasize the majesty of the one true God. In Genesis 2, on the other hand, deity is referred to as YHWH Elohim. The basic meaning behind the name Elohim is one of strength or power of effect. This experiment would make a new man/woman, who looked like but was unlike the original man/woman. In this text "LORD" (small caps) translates YHWH, while "Lord" translates a common noun for "master," which is in this text plural in form though referring to the singular YHWH. In Hebrew there is a special grammatical relationship between two nouns called the construct state. Elohim is sort of a generic name for God, but Yahweh is His personal name and appears only in the Bible, no where else. What Does it Mean to Be a God-Fearing Christian? Like most words in English, Elohim can mean several things. The Old Testament writers understood that Yahweh was an elohim—but no other elohim was Yahweh. So in Hebrew when one noun, for example, "king," is in construction with a second noun, for example, "Israel," we could translate this phrase, "king of Israel." The Names of God. The Hebrews borrowed the term El from the Canaanites. Elohim is the Hebrew word for God that appears in the very first sentence of the Bible. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. The implication is that Elohim is a Family of … This ancient name for God contains the idea of God's creative power as well as his authority and sovereignty. At other times the referent is singular. in Semitic Languages from the Catholic University of America. Let's take a look at the meaning of YHWH Elohim. Professor Sandra Stotsky describes Mann's shaping influe...... 420 Madison Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10017, Copyright © 2021 National Association of Scholars, Western Wall with the Dome of the Rock in background. He was species-unique among all residents of the spiritual world. This is the case for a fundamental grammatical reason. He was also the firstborn from the dead, which references His resurrection; whereas, being firstborn over all creation references His pre-existence. Second, Elohim is a common noun, used to refer to deity. It is not only used of the one true God but is also used on occasion to refer to human rulers, judges, and even angels. After the Babylonian Exile (6th century bce ), and especially from the 3rd century bce on, Jews ceased to use the name Yahweh for two reasons. This messenger then tells Jacob "I am the El of Beytel." The words Elohim and Adonai are titles. But even as one comes to understand Yahweh, you might still grab hold of this particular word, Elohim, in order to emphasize God’s power and might. How Is the Fear of the Lord the Beginning of Wisdom? In reality, a man drowning in ten feet of water isn’t in much better shape than a man drowning in a hundred feet of water. - Psalm 109:26, Elohim is the Hebrew word for God that appears in the very first sentence of the Bible. These two accounts converge to affirm that YHWH (the God of Israel) and not any other ancient Near Eastern deity is Elohim (the universal God). If Yahweh refers to Himself as Elohim in the very Book He inspired Moses to write, then is not Elohim a term sanctioned by Yahweh Himself? At other times the referent is singular. |, Praying the Names of God | So it is especially significant when Jesus says; Hebrews 13:8. In chapter one, only Elohim is used 34 times. The Name of God: Elohim. His origins reach at least to the early Iron Age and likely to the Late Bronze Age. The name YHWH may be an artificial construct of the Hebrew language's available vowels, which would be equivalent to our A-E-I-O-U. He is the Elohim above all other elohim. This begs the question, is Yahweh an El among the Elim? ELOHINU means “our Eloah,” as in (Deut. Though El is used more than 200 times in the Hebrew Bible, Elohim is used more than 2,500 times. The problem with YHWH Elohim is that Hebrew grammar does not permit a proper noun to be put in construction with a common noun, so YHWH Elohim cannot mean "YHWH/Lord of Gods." Or perhaps we continue in even greater suppression and fail to acknowledge any concept of Elohim, choosing instead to place ourselves as the mighty one. We remember that he is the one who began it all. aleph, lamedh, he, yod, mem, nun. Sometimes the referent is plural. ELOHIM is the masculine plural title form EL {aleph, lamedh.} Article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Who is YAHWEH? We especially welcome questions that provide professors the occasion to draw erudite distinctions and incorporate mention of matters you had no idea were connected to the topic at hand. UPDATED 5/6/21: A repository of 172 administrators, professors, and students who have been "canceled" for expressing views deemed unacceptable by higher education ideologue...... A sampling of arguments for the idea that college may not be for everyone.... Nehama R. Bersohn explains the word's possible meanings. The text (Deuteronomy 6:4-9) of the Shema reads "yahweh eloheinu", meaning "Yahweh is our god". The significance of this can be seen in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2. So Psalm 8:1 could be translated "O YHWH, our Master….". That does not necessarily mean that you are referring to the one unique God. Elohim is actually a plural noun (indicated by the /im/ as in cherubim and seraphim). Click on the link to send us an email, or you may submit questions via Intellectual Takeout's Ask the Professor feature. We invite readers to submit questions. When the creative aspect of God is recorded then the name Elohim is used (Genesis 1). The meaning hidden in the name Yahweh . ", Elohim (e-lo-HEEM) is the plural form of El or Eloah, one of the oldest designations for divinity in the world. This is not to say that an elohim could not interact with the human world. In the same way, a person might see a powerful expression and say Elohim. Elohim has the basic meaning of “mighty ones” or “strong ones” or “powerful ones”. The best answer is that this is an "honorific plural," that is to say, a plural used to show honor to a singular referent. It is interesting to note that even though Elohim is plural, the Hebrew dictionary still translates it "God" instead of "Gods." Elohim is actually a plural noun (indicated by the /im/ as in cherubim and seraphim). Elohim occurs thirty-two times in the first chapter of Genesis. As wrriten by Mike Leake on BibleStudyTools, The term "Elohim" means “supreme one” or “mighty one”. This is because the Hebrews know that there is only one Yahweh. Further maturation might have the child now calling the dog a specific breed—like a beagle. Use in the Bible: … Help me, O Yahweh my Elohim. We make ourselves arbiters of truth. All rights reserved. Questions submitted for consideration should call more for educated judgment than for facts that can be found easily with an internet search. Notice that the two phrases Yahweh Tseva'ot and Yahweh Elohim are synonyms, one using a feminine plural word meaning "forces," the other a masculine plural word meaning "powers." Second, Elohim is a common noun, used to refer to deity. We suppress that truth in our unrighteousness. This is no doubt because of the universal perspective of this creation story. The construct state is the Hebrew way of expressing all the relationships that English expresses with the simple word "of." Sometimes the referent is plural. When we pray to Elohim, we remember that he is the one who began it all, creating the heavens and the earth and separating light from darkness, water from dry land, night from day. El Shaddai (Lord God Almighty) (el shad-di') All-Sufficient One, Lord God Almighty. Image: Western Wall with the Dome of the Rock in background by askii // CC BY. Elohim is the plural form of "eloah." The Hebrew word translated "lord" in this case is plural, even though it refers to the singular David. Save me because of your mercy. Now, what about the combination YHWH Elohim? Usually found in poetry, this plural is an emphatic statement of the root idea, as might and counsel.”. According to Scripture, everyone knows there is a higher power. It is translated from the original words "YAHWEH Elohim". Elohim, the Hebrew word translated into English as God, is not just a "generic" term. At other times it refers to the singular "God," as in "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). He is the God of gods, the highest of all. John 1 reveals the bond we humans can have with God. Yet, acknowledging this is not enough. and the most common use in the scripture. Yahweh was revealed to Moses as God's new and memorial name, as recorded in Exodus 6:3, which reads, "I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty (Ail … This is the case when plural verbs are used with it in the Hebrew language. Like most words in English, Elohim can mean several things. How relevant is pragmatism to the education system today? 6,600 years ago on the Island of Patmos (Pelan), the 60,000 Elohim volunteered for the selective breeding experiment. Many scholars refer to this as a divine plural. When we pray to Elohim, we remember that he is the one who began it all, creating the heavens and the earth and separating light from darkness, water from dry land, night from day. What Did Yahweh (YHWH) and The Elohim Do? If the inspired texts — breathed from Yahweh's very own mouth — occasionally refer to Yahweh as "Elohim" (meaning "Mighty One"), how can it be wrong for us to refer to Yahweh as an Elohim? This ancient name for God contains the idea of God's creative power as well as his authority and sovereignty. Elohim is the infinite, all-powerful God who shows by His works that He is the creator, sustainer, and supreme judge of the world. In Genesis 31 Jacob wrestles with, what is called, a messenger [1] of Elohim. Yahweh (or Jehovah) means literally, "He who will be", and occurs 6,829 times in the Old Testament. Joshua 22:22 Jesus used a form of the name in his agonized prayer from the cross. ", Excerpt from Praying the Names of God by Ann Spangler. And if that knowledge moves into a relationship, Elohim is now identified as Yahweh. The divine family is a tightly knit unit that acts as One Family, hence the singular verb. What Is Elohim? Verse: The Mighty One, God, the Lord (Jehovah), the Mighty One (El), God (Elohim), the Lord! Does this mean this is a clear reference to the Trinity? Yahweh, the god of the Israelites, whose name was revealed to Moses as four Hebrew consonants (YHWH) called the tetragrammaton. Yahweh was the national god of Ancient Israel. It can refer either to the true God or to pagan gods. Eloah () nm God Elohim () nm God. Yahweh Elohim is the Eternal Son with His Father in this plural God relationship. I, however, agree with John Frame that this is a plural of abstraction: “…that is, ‘a more or less intensive focusing of the characteristics inherent in the idea of the stem…rendered in English by forms in –hood, -ness, -ship”...Hebrew uses the plural form for abstract nouns such as youth, old age, maidenhood, and life. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever. This is an imperfect illustration of the relationship between Elohim and Yahweh, but perhaps it will capture enough of the thought to be helpful. Likewise, acknowledging the existence of an Elohim doesn’t put you in a position any better than one who actively and aggressively denies the concept of God. Biblical Meaning of God's Name. In later Jewish thought, a third tier was added below the earth. “Ask a Scholar” matches readers’ questions to scholars with answers. As his knowledge of truth matures Elohim might take upon a specific character, i.e. In short, as the ruach is to the created nephesh, so the Ruach Elohim is to God Himself, part of God and identified with God. If you saw one who exhibiting supreme rule and expressed mighty power the word you would use would be Elohim. Yahweh is the covenant-keeping name of God. First, YHWH is a proper noun, the personal name of Israel's deity. The plural term Elohim represents the Father and Son in a family relationship. ELOHIM [el-oh-heem]: God “Creator, Mighty and Strong” (Genesis 17:7; Jeremiah 31:33) – the plural … About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? So, just one child might refer to a kitty cat as puppy and another refer to his beagle as a puppy, so also, one might refer to a cactus as Elohim and another who has full covenant knowledge of Yahweh refer to him as Elohim. If a small child sees a furry animal he may very well refer to it as a puppy dog, but as he matures he is able to clearly differentiate between a puppy dog and a kitty. Yahweh is the name for God given by God especially to Israel. - Psalm 109:26. El Shaddai. These differences are consistent throughout the entire Old Testament. Ruach may be understood as the Author of the animating dynamic of the created order, the underlying Principle of creation, and the One that imparts the nephesh to the entire universe. , is not to say that an Elohim could not be disproven, it also could not be disproven it. `` My God, why have you forsaken me only one Yahweh of expressing all the relationships English..., My God, Yahweh Elohim is the plural form if the referent is singular in by! As a divine plural all the relationships that English expresses with the Dome of the perspective. Is only when our knowledge of truth matures Elohim might take upon specific! 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