Hugh Mosman, George Clarke, John Fraser and horseboy Jupiter had been prospecting away to the south of what is now Charters Towers when their horses scattered during a fierce thunderstorm. 2001, Charters Towers & Dalrymple : pioneer register : pre 1900 / compiled by Robyn Neilson Charters Towers and Dalrymple Family History Assoc Charters Towers, Qld Wikipedia Citation Please see Wikipedia's template documentation for further citation fields that may be required. Inspired by the success of drive-in theatres in other areas, he decided that Charters Towers needed its’ own. History. 84881632 ) The report and balance sheet of the Brilliant and St. George United Gold Mining Company for the half-year ended February 20th, was a highly satisfactory one. The field was proclaimed a town in 1877, and by the early 1880s was a prosperous settlement which made a major contribution to the social, political and economic development of North Queensland. The modern Charters Towers story began in 1969. A Great Half-Year's Work. Disused railway line and wooden seats from the Theatre Royal were recycled for the construction of the screen. The city has a long history of providing quality education to the people of the Charters Towers community and to families from across North Queensland. Contemporary Goldfield History. Discovered in late 1871, Charters Towers became the richest of the North Queensland mining fields. Jack had also owned three hardtop (indoor) cinemas in Charters Towers; the Theatre Royal, The Olympia and the Regent Theatre. StateLibQld 1 89220 Delegates to the North Queensland Racing Association's Annual General Meeting, Charters Towers, 1922 StateLibQld 1 234576 Race track at Charters Towers around 1888 Explore : 1904 Sketch map of goldfields in the vicinity of Charters Towers 1 : 250000 Geological Survey Office, Department of Mines. of Public Lands. Located 130 km south-west of Townsville, Charters Towers became a gold rush town when gold was discovered in December 1871.During the 1880s and 1890s the town grew and prospered. Charters Towers, the town they call ‘The World' was born to the sound of thunder and flashes of lightning. The Charters Towers gold rush of the 1870s saw the town become a major mining and business centre. Charters Towers is one of the most beautiful inland cities in Queensland, with its unrivalled architecture and unique history, Charters Towers is a suprising pleasure and a delight to visit.. Sketch map of the Croydon & Etheridge goldfields 1 : 370000 Greenfield, … Historical plaques commemorating this can be found on the lawn on the front of the church and on the side fence in Church Street. Top Charters Towers History Museums: See reviews and photos of History Museums in Charters Towers, Australia on Tripadvisor. It was replaced by an impressive wooden building in September 1890. Gugu Badhun (also known as Koko-Badun and Kokopatun) is an Australian Aboriginal language of North Queensland.The language region includes areas within the local government area of Charters Towers Region, particularly the localities of Greenvale and the Valley of Lagoons, and in the Upper Burdekin River area and in Abergowrie.. Taken from: The Northern Miner, 2 March 1900 The Billiant and St George United. Brief History. Brilliant and St George Gold Mine, Charters Towers, 1905. A Proud Local History . Church History The first church, Central Methodist Church, was built on the site and opened on the 19th October 1879. The landscape was soon covered with mining and processing mills. Charters Towers, an inland rural city founded on gold mining, is 110 km south-west of Townsville. Charters Towers is a city of 10 000 people situated 135 km south-west of Townsville. It… Kennedy 2-mile map 1 : 130000 Survey Office, Dept. The largest reported gold nuggent found at Charters Towers was in 1920 (after the goldfield ceased production), weighing an impressive 143 ounces (4,450 grams) by Tom Hoy, a Chinese prospector.
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