District Name: Area: Wuse Zone 2. Naimey St. 900281 900288 Kampala St. 900288 Sunyani St. 900281 Herbert Macaulay (N) Way 900281 Kumba St. 900281 Olusegun Obasanjo Way 900281 Delta St. 900281 Agadez Cr. Abuja Postal Code 900001, Garki Postal head office For the exact postal code that applies for each area in Abuja, kindly scroll down. 900288 Associated Zip Code: 900281, Street name Zip Code 900288 Choma St. 900281 Required fields are marked *. Arugha Cr. Area: Wuse Zone 2, Abuja, Abuja ( F.C.T ). Lukulu St. 900281 Lavumisa St. 900281 Mosadishu St. 900281 Local Government Area: Abuja. Farnah St. 900281 Your email address will not be published. Area: Wuse II, Abuja, Abuja ( F.C.T ). Local Government Areas in Cross River State. Nampola St. 900281 Wuse is a district in Abuja Municipal (or the city of Abuja, as some people prefer to call it). Wuse is divided into 8 Areas, namely: Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6, Zone 7, and Wuse II. There are six sub-regions in Garki, and their FCT postal codes are as listed below: … Mogadehu St. 900281 Libravile Cr. Kigali St. 900281 900288 Tarkwa Cr. Harper Cr. Lubito Cr. 900288 This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 900281. Bajul St. 900288 Safar St. 900281 Humanbo Cr. Zuez Cr. Beira St. 900288 Michael Okpara St. 900281 Adetokunbo Ademola Cr. Umme St. 900281 Algeria St. 900281 Cassabulanka St. 900288 Free access all the states in Nigeria, their Local Government Areas, Districts, Streets and Zip Codes, Address: Bechar St. 900281 Associated Zip Code: 900288, District Name: Area: Wuse II 900281 Kayes St. 900281 Gondet St. 900281 Kasim Ibrahim Way 900281 Freetown St. 900288 Alex Sandra Cr. Ibrahim Babangida Way 900281 Lubumbrasiru St. 900281 Oran St. 900281 Ahmadu Bello Way 900288 What is The Difference Between Postal Code And Zip Code? Sekondi St. 900288 Conakry St. 900281 Quagadougou St. 900281 Bamenda St. 900281 Metel St. 900288 Koforidua St. 900281 Gabes St. 900281 Abuja Municipal is one of the 6 Area Councils in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). Three Arms Zone Zip Code (Postal Code) — Abuja, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Area Councils in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). Three Arms Zone, Abuja Postal code — 900211 Three arms zone is is located within Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC), and it contains several locations that all make use of … This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Madona Cr. Aminu Kano Cr. Hombari St. 900288 Constantins St. 900281 900281 Outher Northern Transit Way 900288 Associated Zip Code: 900288, Street name Zip Code Area: Wuse II. 900288 Kisiamu St. 900281 Associated Zip Code: 900281. Khartoum St. 900281 900288 Ahmadu Bello Way 900288 Alex Sandra Cr. Mambolo St. 900281 Baguy St. 900288 Learn how your comment data is processed. Moshi Cr. Your email address will not be published. Herbert Macualay Way 900288 Here are the Zones in Wuse and their postcodes: How to Know Your Postal/Zip Code in Nigeria, States in the North-Central Region of Nigeria, States in the North-Eastern Region of Nigeria, States in the North-Western Region of Nigeria, States in the South-Eastern Region of Nigeria, States in the South-South Region of Nigeria, States in the South-West Region of Nigeria. All the aforementioned locations contain streets that in most cases use the same zip code (postal code). Sultan Abubakar St. 900281 Local Government Area: Abuja Burundi St. 900281 thanks, Your email address will not be published. Yele St. 900281 900281 Address: Area: Wuse Zone 2, Abuja, Abuja ( F.C.T ). Kumasi St. 900288 Ojibuti Cr. Mexnes St. 900281 Kribi St. 900281 All the aforementioned locations contain streets that in most cases use the same zip code (postal code). Ndande Cr. Marakeshi St. 900288 Sultan Abukakar Way 900281 Aswan St. 900281 Manzani St. 900281 Street name Zip Code. State: Abuja ( F.C.T ) Massana St. 900281 900288 900288 Learn how your comment data is processed. Hontserrado St. 900281 900288 Sani Abacha Way 900288 Safi St. 900281 Kaolack St. 900281 Partomuro Cr. Casamank Cr. Herbert Marcaulay Way 900281 Kainiji Cr. Matadi Cr. Free access all the states in Nigeria, their Local Government Areas, Districts, Streets and Zip Codes, Address: Adetokunbo Ademola Cr., Area: Wuse II, Abuja ( F.C.T ) Street Zip Code, Zip Codes of all Nigerian States, Local governments areas LGA, Towns, Districts, and streets 900281 Sultan Abubakar St. 900288 State: Abuja ( F.C.T ) Associated Zip Code: 900288. Addis Ababa St. 900281 Bulao St. 900281 Sultan Abubakar Way 900281 Local Government Area: Abuja Korhogo St. 900281 Garki postal code. 900281 Moronvia St. 900288 900288 Senanga St. 900281 900281 Ladi Kwali St. 900281 Gaborone St. 900281 Al Fayyan St. 900281 Associated Zip Code: 900281, District Name: Area: Wuse Zone 2 Nairobi Cr. 900288 Portsad St. 900281 900288 Wanda Cr. Ibrahim Babangida Way 900288 Barosalem St. 900288 godin ave does not appear in your lsit 900288, Your email address will not be published. Bantyle St. 900288 Diourbell St. 900281 Arugha Cr. 900288 Agadez Cr. Lingu Cr. 900281, can anyone confirm an address exists at no 12 godin avenue wuse zone 2 -it is supposedly the ecowas high court of justice Required fields are marked *. Maputo St. 900281 Abidjam St. 900281 Fez St. 900288 Wuse II Streets Zip Codes Address: Area: Wuse II, Abuja, Abuja ( F.C.T ). Sir Kasim Ibrahim Way 900288 State: Abuja ( F.C.T ) Associated Zip Code: 900281. Faranmi St. 900281 Associated Zip Code: 900288 District Name: Area: Wuse II Local Government Area: Abuja State: Abuja ( F.C.T ) Associated Zip Code: 900288 Street name Zip Code Adetokunbo Ademola Cr. Yanorach St. 900281 900281 Bencrat St. 900281 Garowa St. 900281 Durban St. 900288 900288 Nothern Park Way 900288 Nouachchott St. 900281 Angola St. 900281 Wuse is divided into 8 Areas, namely: Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6, Zone 7, and Wuse II. 900288 Buchanan Cr. Local Government Area: Abuja. Bujmburra St. 900288 State: Abuja ( F.C.T ) Tourggourt St. 900281

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