These modules will teach you all the maths and stats you need to know and they assume only a basic knowledge. You can update your cookie preferences at any time. Descriptive statistics: mean, standard deviation, histograms, plotting data. For students starting Economics or Economics and Industrial Organisation: For students starting LM1D Economics, Politics, & International Studies and LV00 Philosophy, Politics and Economics: (Students on EPAIS and PPE degrees should also consult the equivalent information in the Politics and Philosophy Departments): If you have not passed A-level Mathematics (or equivalent, e.g. We use cookies to give you the best online experience. Each of my modules have had either one or two hours of lectures per week, and attending a lecture (usually) involves me simply turning up, listening, taking notes and asking questions if anything the lecturer says is unclear. You are strongly recommended to start your revision now. Rules for manipulating algebraic expressions: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division including algebraic fractions and powers. For members of staff who need more information about Reading Lists at Warwick, please visit the Library website, contact your Academic Support Librarian or email, Eco-cinema: Environment and the Politics of Film, FI302:Special Topics in Film: Two Major Filmmakers, FI310:Dissertation Option in Film and/or Television Studies for Final Year Students, FI311:Television and Audio-Visual Cultures: Case Studies, FI325:Horror and the Gothic in Film and Television, FI326:Issues in Documentary (Re-enactment), FI332:Eco-cinema: Environment and the Politics of Film, FI333:Envisioning the World in Screen Media, FI903:Modernity, Innovation and Audio-Visual Media, FI911:Journeys and Landscapes in Film and Television, FI915:Not a Documentary: Fictionalising Facts in 21st Century Film and TV, Horror and the Gothic in Film and Television, Italian Cinema: the Rise and Fall of Neorealism, MA Filmmaking Unit 1: Language: Image, Meaning and Style, MA Filmmaking Unit 2: Practice: Non-fiction and Fiction, MA Filmmaking Unit 3: Synthesis: Industry and Independent, MA Filmmaking Unit 3: Writing the Feature Film, MA Screenwriting Unit 1: The Screenwriter's Craft, MA Screenwriting Unit 2: The Screenwriter's Practice, Special Topic II : Case Studies in Film and/or Television, Special Topic II: Case Studies in Film and/or Television. Note that Philosophy books should be read slowly. I chose to study PPE because I love variety. We also recommend Thomas Pikety's Capital in the Twenty-first Century. It is therefore essential to brush up your mathematics in general and your elementary algebra in particular. Economics 1*; Mathematical Techniques for Economics*; Statistical Techniques for Economics*; Computing and Data Analysis*; Introduction to Politics*; Introduction to Philosophy*; Philosophy in Practice; Ancient Philosophy, Economics 2**; Ethics**; Applied Ethics**; Development Economics (Macroeconomics); African Politics in Comparative Perspective; Capitalism and its Alternatives, Principles of Political Economy (Philosophy & Politics)**; Principles of Political Economy (Politics and Economics)**; Understanding Enterprise; Ethical Issues and Social Responsibility in Contemporary Business; Gender and Development; Feminism (Philosophy); Philosophy of Religion. ), when I came across any material that I struggled to understand, rather than go to my lecturer or seminar tutor, I would stubbornly try to learn it on my own, and feel useless when I failed to understand what I was sure were ‘simple’ concepts. The PPE reading list is just to give you a feel for the kind of subject matter you'll come across during your degree. You should aim to be familiar with the following topics before you arrive: Studying at university is necessarily a challenging experience, but there are now many useful books which can help you to improve your study skills, for example: Additional help and advice can be found on Skills & Student Development and via the Library. Any compulsory modules (meaning all PPE-ists had to study it) are indicated with a *; any optional compulsory modules (meaning that it was selected from a list of modules which all PPE-ists had to choose from) are followed by a **; and any optional modules have nothing following them.
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