He denies only one assertion, that of the “fools” who say there is no action, no deed, no power. Arabic has no neuter gender. And if such thinkers are parodied as philosophers who walk around with their heads in the clouds, it is because they sense Plato’s Sun shining above those clouds. 4. Pages 425 Islam and its Semitic allies reverse this drift, regarding individuality as not only real but good in principle. One of these has to do with extent. This difference in ideal naturally floods back to color the two schools’ estimates of the Buddha himself. When, on the other hand, it falls during the scorching heat of the summer, to remain active during the long days without so much as a drop of water is an ordeal. The idea of a nation in which everyone is famous is a contradiction in terms; and if power were distributed equally, no one would be powerful in the sense in which we customarily use the word. There remain lake-bottom springs to be stopped and fantasies to be curbed. The rewards and disappointments of its social life are vivid and compelling. They were trappings—irrelevant to the hard, THE WORLD’S RELIGIONS / 95 demanding job of ego-reduction. Hinduism abounds in directives to people who would put their shoulders to the social wheel. Ideal: the boddhisattva Buddha a savior. Reported by Joseph Epes Brown, The Spiritual Legacy of the American Indian, 1987. Infinite being, infinite awareness, and infinite bliss are within their reach. (ch. I have given you as a light to the nations, to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness. The Atman (God within) must change from concept to realization. There is the Divine Reality of the Uncreated Koran, and there is the earthly reality of the created Koran. Then Shiva said, “Your bigotry is unconquerable. They would rivet their attention on discerning Yahweh’s will and trying to enact it. In lands laced by rivers and canals, almost every considerable journey required a ferry. Westerners who define religion in terms of personal experience would never be understood by Muslims, whose religion calls them to establish a specific kind of social order. It would be surprising if we had not picked up some facts along the way: what the yogas are, Buddha’s analysis of the cause of life’s dislocation, Confucius’ ideal of the true gentleman, what the yin/yang symbol signifies, the literal meaning of “Islam,” what the Exodus means to the Jews, what was the “good news” that excited the early Christians, and so on. The patient had focused his attention to the point where nerve impulses could barely gain access. Rightly done, however, under a director who knows the terrain, the yogi will be able to integrate the insights and experiences that come into view and will emerge with heightened self-knowledge and greater self-control. 36. He planted a foot, he pressed with a knee, and the ox fell apart with a whisper. This is where, for Protestants, the Bible figures. Books will not avail, and koans that are being worked on are not discussed with fellow monks, for this could only produce secondhand answers. Those who have grown up with it may know the answer well. This means that for roughly half its history the Church remained substantially one institution. The scientific or historical opinions he holds may be mistaken. Hinduism’s specific directions for actualizing the human potential come under the heading of yoga. 4. We read of mass slaughters of 60,000, 80,000, and even 400,000. The word yoga derives from the same root as does the English word yoke, and yoke carries a double connotation: to unite (yoke together), and to place under disciplined training (to bring under the yoke, or “take my yoke upon you”). 2. With these three parts of the self, the West is in full agreement. For example, the disciple may be advised to examine our everyday language and ponder its implications. 3. F. S. C. Northrop describes the settlement of a Muslim’s estate that he chanced to witness. This book focuses upon those religions that continue to demand the attention of the Western world. The morbidity of decrepitude. Until sight converges from more than one angle, the world looks as 8 / HUSTON SMITH flat as a postcard. They are heavily engaged in healing, and appear to have preternatural powers to foretell the future and discern lost objects. In Burma “taking the robe” for a three-month monastic retreat has virtually marked the passage into male adulthood. His teachings that found their way into the Pali Canon, it holds, were those the masses seized upon. W. G. Archer, Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society, 29:68. Reserved as he was about the supernatural, he was not without it; somewhere in the universe there was a power that was on the side of right. Some they both get and keep, only to find that (like the Christmases of many adolescents) they do not bring the joy that was expected. Cf. For the Hindus the ancient path, the path of the Aryan sages, is the best. This is why death, with its funerals and memorial services, its wakes and sitting shiva, is the most ritualized rite of passage.

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