Come to break me and yet it isn't unexpected My whole world is falling, going crazy Anymore now ABBA LYRICS "The Visitors" I hear the door-bell ring and suddenly the panic takes me The sound so ominously tearing through the silence I cannot move, I'm standing Numb and frozen Among the things I love so dearly The books, the paintings and the furniture Now I hear them moving   My whole world is falling, going crazy Numb and frozen (I have been waiting for these visitors) Muffled noises coming through the door It is the title track from the band's studio album of the same name, and was released as the second single in the United States in April 1982. Help me, The signal's sounding once again and someone tries the door-knob   There is no escaping now, I'm Among the things I love so dearly Lyrics powered by Muffled noises coming through the door Crackin' up We talked and talked in quiet voices, smiling Voices growing louder, irritation building Voices growing louder, irritation building My whole world is falling, going crazy Now I hear them moving Cracking up And seen the hope of freedom glow in shining faces Crackin' up "The Visitors" (originally "Den första", meaning "The First"), also known as "The Visitors (Crackin' Up)", is a 1981 song by the Swedish pop group ABBA. Cracking up (I have been waiting for these visitors) Muffled noises coming through the door I feel I'm Crackin' up Voices growing louder, irritation building My whole world is falling, going crazy And now they've come to take me The books, the paintings and the furniture And now they've come to take me Übersetzung: Was bedeutet der Songtext zu "Dancing Queen" von ABBA auf Deutsch? Cracking up ABBA song lyrics for album The Visitors. (I have been waiting for these visitors) (I have been waiting for these visitors) (I have been waiting for these visitors). Tambourine Man’; June 21, 1965, Lyricapsule: Nirvana Drop ‘Bleach’; June 15, 1989, Lyricapsule: Derek and the Dominos’ First Gig; June 14, 1970, Slipping Through My Fingers / Me And I - Live From Dick Cavett Meets Abba, Sveriges Television / 1981, Slipping Through My Fingers / Me And I - Live. Help me My whole world is falling, going crazy There is no escaping now, I'm Voices growing louder, irritation building [Interlude] But how I loved our secret meetings Voices growing louder, irritation building starts and ends within the same node. They must know by now I'm in here trembling The books, the paintings and the furniture And seen the hope of freedom glow in shining faces Conociendome, Conociendote (Knowing Me Knowing You - in Spanish), Dame! Muffled noises coming through the door, I feel I'm crackin' up They must know by now, I'm in here trembling Voices growing louder, irritation building Get instant explanation for any acronym or abbreviation that hits you anywhere on the web! (I have been waiting for these visitors) They must know by now, I'm in here trembling Cracking up NEW SONG: Shawn Mendes - "Wonder" - LYRICS, HOT SONG: BLACKPINK – "Lovesick Girls" - LYRICS. ABBA Lyrics The Visitors Lyrics. And I'm close to fainting, crackin' up My whole world is falling, going crazy Crackin' up (I have been waiting for these visitors) And I'm close to fainting, crackin' up And I'm close to fainting Come to break me Help me, Now I hear them moving Crackin' up Muffled noises coming, through the door I feel I'm Cracking up (I have been waiting for these visitors) (I have been waiting for these visitors) But how I loved our secret meetings The books, the paintings and the furniture, help me (I have been waiting for these visitors) Now I hear them moving My whole world is falling, going crazy Voices growing louder, irritation building I hear the door-bell ring and suddenly the panic takes me The sound so ominously tearing through the silence I cannot move, I'm standing Numb and frozen Among the things I love so dearly The books, the paintings and the furniture Voices growing louder, irritation building My whole world is falling. Help me Come to break me There is no escaping now, I'm crackin' up Voices growing louder, irritation building Now, I hear them moving (A Man After Midnight). Now I hear them moving There is no escaping now, I'm crackin' up The signal's sounding once again and someone tries the doorknob Crackin' up In a terror ever growing, crackin' up Playlist, Written by: BENNY GORAN BROR ANDERSSON, BJOERN K. ULVAEUS, Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group. In a terror ever growing,crackin' up Muffled noises coming through the door (I have been waiting for these visitors) (A Man After Midnight). This is just a preview! I hear the doorbell ring and suddenly the panic takes me, From a Twinkling Star to a Passing Angel (Demo Medley). Muffled noises coming through the door I cannot move, I'm standing, numb and frozen In a terror ever growing, crackin' up The Visitors Songtext von ABBA mit Lyrics, deutscher Übersetzung, Musik-Videos und Liedtexten kostenlos auf And I'm close to fainting They must know by now I'm in here trembling (I have been waiting for these visitors) Crackin' up Smiling, Now I hear them moving The sound so ominously tearing through the silence Übersetzung: Was singen ABBA in ihrem Neujahrs-Klassiker "Happy New Year" auf Deutsch? My whole world is falling, going crazy And now they've come to take me The sound so ominously tearing through the silence The Visitors Songtext von ABBA mit Lyrics, deutscher Übersetzung, Musik-Videos und Liedtexten kostenlos auf Gimme! [Verse 3] And they don't dare to come here, anymore now (4 fans), Sheet Music 

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