Not to seems kind of a cop-out."[31]. "[28], Graham also refers to what he describes as "the unchallenged work of South Carolina's premier historian" Dr. Walter Edgar, who claimed in his 1998 South Carolina: A History that Marion's partisans were "a ragged band of both black and white volunteers".[28]. Benjamin, having been hesitant to answer the question up to now, finally tells his son. It has become an epitome of bravery and sacrifice, which have sent ripples of courageous acts from people who have seen the movie. "That's what made him a hero, 200 years ago and today. After the birth of Gibson's seventh child, the script was changed so that Martin had seven children. A highly positive review was purportedly written by a critic named David Manning, who was credited to The Ridgefield Press, a small Connecticut weekly news publication. Plot Keywords Meanwhile, his two eldest sons, Gabriel and Thomas, can't wait to enlist in the newly formed "Continental Army." Benjamin slumps to his knees, and Tavington prepares to deliver the coup de grâce. After many retreats, Cornwallis is besieged at Yorktown, Virginia where he surrenders to the surrounding Continental Army and the long-awaited French naval force. [34], Tarleton's role in the Revolutionary War in the Carolinas is examined by Ben Rubin who shows that historically, while the actual events of the Battle of the Waxhaws were presented differently according to which side was recounting them, the story of Tarleton's atrocities at Waxhaws and on other occasions became a rallying cry, particularly at the Battle of King's Mountain. Gibson himself remarked: "I think I would have made him a slave holder. Before his death, Tarleton had achieved the military rank of General, equal to that held by the overall British Commanders during the American Revolution, and became a baronet and a member of the British Parliament. Screenwriters consulting American works to build the character Tavington based on Tarleton would have commonly found descriptions of him as barbaric and accounts of his name being used for recruiting and motivation during the Revolutionary War itself.[38]. Liverpool City Council, led by Mayor Edwin Clein, called for a public apology for what they viewed as the film's "character assassination" of Tarleton.[33]. In the ensuing battle, Gabriel shoots Tavington, but Tavington mortally wounds Gabriel before fleeing. The Patriot does not depict the American character Benjamin Martin as innocent of atrocities; a key plot point revolves around the character's guilt over acts he engaged in, such as torturing, killing, and mutilating prisoners during the French and Indian War, while not mentioning his crimes against fellow colonists during the Revolutionary War. [20] It also received several guild awards, including the American Society of Cinematographers award to Caleb Deschanel for Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography[21] and the Hollywood Makeup Artist and Hair Stylist Guild Award for Best Period Makeup and Best Period Hair Styling. This gave the Loyalist cavalrymen the impression that the Continentals had shot at their commander while asking for mercy. [4] Some of the resulting characters and events thus were composites of real characters and events that were designed to serve the fictional narrative without losing the historical flavor. By Sugat Machale / Dramatic Monologue, Robert Browning. Benjamin Martin, a French, Indian war hero who is haunted by his past, is a patriot who wants no part in a war with Britian. [23] In addition, screenwriter Robert Rodat read through many journals and letters of colonists as part of his preparation for writing the screenplay. This decision received criticism from Spike Lee, who in a letter to The Hollywood Reporter accused the film's portrayal of slavery as being "a complete whitewashing of history". When the American Revolution comes, he chooses not to fight for the Continental Army because he wants to protect his family. [48], Criticism of Benjamin Martin as based on Francis Marion, Criticism of Tavington as based on Tarleton, Depiction of atrocities in the Revolutionary War, CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, African Americans in the Revolutionary War, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Filmtracks: The Patriot (John Williams)", "Film Review; A Gentle Farmer Who's Good at Violence", "The Revolutionary War Is Lost on Hollywood", "Weekend Box Office Results for June 30 – July 2, 2000", "The 73rd Academy Awards (2001) Nominees and Winners", "Hollywood Makeup Artist and Hair Stylist Guild Awards (2001)", "Film: The Revolutionary War is Lost on Hollywood", "The Swamp Fox – Elusive and crafty, Francis Marion outwitted British troops during the American Revolution", ‘Mel Gibson's latest hero: a rapist who hunted Indians for fun’, "The British Are Crying, the British Are Crying (guest column)", "Truth is first casualty in Hollywood's war", "Patriotic Liverpool up in arms over Gibson's blockbuster", "The Rhetoric of Revenge: Atrocity and Identity in Revolutionary Carolinas", 'The Nazis, er, the Redcoats are coming! Ben Fenton, commenting in the Daily Telegraph, wrote: There is no evidence that Tarleton, called 'Bloody Ban' or 'The Butcher' in rebel pamphlets, ever broke the rules of war and certainly did not ever shoot a child in cold blood. [45], In the film, Gibson's character asks, "Why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away?" [10] David Arnold, who composed the scores to Emmerich's Stargate, Independence Day, and Godzilla, created a demo for The Patriot that was ultimately rejected. Parents Guide. A Flair for the Dramatic/Selfish Machines by Pierce the Veil. As Gabriel is taken away, Thomas tries to free him, only to be killed by Tavington, in front of Benjamin. [44] From this perspective, Benjamin Martin's joining of the militia becomes, according to commentator Jon Roland, a deep patriotism that "shows them being called up, not as an act of an official, but by private persons aware of a common threat...[reacting to a] militia duty to defend one another". Retrieved October 8, 2020, from, Save Time On Research and Writing. Rodat wrote the script with Gibson in mind for Benjamin Martin, and gave the Martin character six children to signal this preference to studio executives. [46], The Patriot was released on DVD on October 24, 2000, a Blu-ray release followed on July 3, 2007. Scotti challenged the factual accounts of atrocities and stressed the "propaganda value that such stories held for the Americans both during and after the war". [22], During development, Emmerich and his team consulted with experts at the Smithsonian Institution on set, props, and costumes; advisor Rex Ellis even recommended the Gullah village as an appropriate place for Martin's family to hide. The story takes place mainly in rural Berkeley County in South Carolina and depicts Benjamin Martin, an American colonist nominally loyal to Great Britain who gets swept into the Revolutionary War when his home life is disrupted. The Patriot received generally favorable reviews from critics. [30] Lee wrote that after he and his wife went to see the film, "we both came out of the theatre fuming. [47] The Patriot was later released on 4K UHD Blu-ray on May 22, 2018. After their location is given, he has the doors barricaded, and orders the church to be burned, killing everyone inside. Amy Crawford, in Smithsonian magazine, stated that modern historians such as William Gilmore Simms and Hugh Rankin have written accurate biographies of Marion, including Simms' The Life of Francis Marion. Benjamin recognizes the foolishness of the action, having served in the British Army; sure enough, the Continentals are decisively routed. Martin becomes the leader of a makeshift militia, which consists of peasants, slaves, a minister, and assorted other irregulars. Benjamin meets his former commanding officer, Colonel Harry Burwell, who makes him colonel of the local colonial militia due to his combat experience and also places Gabriel under Benjamin's command. The survivors were forced to admit what happened to their Cherokee allies and to bring their comrades' heads as proof. It could have kept us out of World War I. Rodat has said Martin is a composite character based on four historical men: Andrew Pickens, Francis M… Benjamin Martin, a French-Indian war hero who is haunted by his past, now wants nothing more than to live peacefully on his small plantation, and wants no part of a war with the most powerful nation in the world, Great Britain. How about receiving a customized one? He further wrote that "the message of The Patriot is that country is an abstraction, family is everything. So it's no wonder that the British press sees this film as a kind of blood libel against the British people. The Summary Of The Film The Patriot History Essay. Tarleton died on January 16, 1833, in Leintwardine, Herefordshire, England, at the age of 78, nearly 50 years after the war ended. Peaceful farmer Benjamin Martin is driven to lead the Colonial Militia during the American Revolution when a sadistic British officer murders his son.
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