With stars above thy brow, It was first published in the Parochial Hymnbook, Burns & Oates, U.K. 1883 and also the Convent Hymn books of the Sisters of Notre Dame. Sweet Mary hear our prayer. Lest sights of earth to sin give birth, The event starts early at 6 a.m. with the Magdalen College Choir singing a hymn, the Hymnus Eucharisticus, from the top of Magdalen Tower, a tradition stretching back over 500 years. “. And now our blesed Mother, Make my latest thought to be, I loved many of their suggestions — some of which introduced me to hymns I had never heard before. O Mary Dearest Mother. Hail, Virgin, dearest Mary! Green are the leaves, and sweet the flowers, However, that being said, the translation that she has for the refrain that ends each of the stanzas is a problem. When mine eyes are closed in Sharing Christian songs and hymns that people sing, Bring Flowers of the Rarest / Queen of the May, The Lovely Month of May (The sun is shining brightly), Hymns for the month of May - and general hymns about Mary, Hymns for the 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A (18 October 2020), Hymns for the 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A (25 October 2020), Hymns for the feast of St Luke, Evangelist (18 October). “You Were There” is a contemporary hymn sung to God and to his mother, the queen of heaven. 12: Behold, the Virgin Shall Be With Child. Our lovely Queen of May. May we also sing to Mary every day in May if we only crown her in our hearts: O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today! Rejoice, O shining Token of Resurrection. A round thy shrine so dear; Guest: Mr. Jonathan Arrington, Episode 247: The Catholic Reformation, Part V. Guest: Ryan Grant, Episode 246: Your Inalienable Spiritual Goods, The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Saint Benedict Center in Richmond, New Hampshire, Brother Francis, M.I.C.M. Of everlasting rest, little child. For example, where one translation has for the twelfth chant: Hail, O Tendril whose Bud shall not wilt! The Lovely Month of May (The sun is shining brightly) This northern-hemisphere Marian hymn was written by an unidentified School Sister of Notre Dame in England in the mid/late 19th century. from a Basque folk carol, originally based on. and mild, BIRTCHNELL, www.catholictradition.org/Mary/may-queen.htm. was written by two young musicians I met a long time ago when they were not yet able to handle instruments so well, Brendon and Natalie Mezzetti. Stanzas 13-18 extols the new Creation which was wrought by the Incarnate Lord through the Theotokos, the call to lift up one’s spirit in faith to heaven from where the Logos descended (or condescended), His Omnipotence in being contained in Mary while the whole universe is contained in Him, and the wisdom of the true religion as opposed to the foolishness of the pagan philosophers. New was the Creation which the Creator showed to us His creatures, when He sprang forth from the seedless womb; and He preserved it incorrupt, even as it was, that we, seeing this Miracle, may praise her saying: Rejoice, Flower of incorruption. Rejoice, O Star revealing the Sun. Stanzas 18-24 honor the Blessed Virgin as protector of the faithful and refuge of sinners, the mystery of the “humility” of God becoming our Emmanuel in order to lift us to Himself, our feeble, but meritorious, attempts to praise Him and His mercy adequately in human words, the bestowal of grace sufficient for the salvation of all and the cancellation of our debt of sin, and finally, a renewed petition to Holy Mother Mary to protect us from misfortune and from eternal loss. Rejoice, O depth invisible even to the eyes of Angels. Thanks for commenting. Green are the leaves, and sweet the flowers, And rich the hues of May; We see them in the gardens round, And market-paniers gay: And e'en among our streets and lanes, And alleys, we descry, By fitful gleams, the fair sunshine, The blue transparent sky. Rejoice, Tenderness conquering all desire. Free-use hymns for the month of May. Charles Gounod set the theme over a Bach prelude (Prelude No. Please pray for her. sleep, Here is a version from one of my family’s favorite Christmas CDs, by the Christian group Jars of Clay. They tell us of that paradise And the pale moon beneath thy feet Rejoice, Tenderness conquering all desire. O spotless blessed Lady, Behold earth's blossoms springing, Another one that Sting performs is “Gabriel’s Message” which is reportedly from a Basque folk carol, originally based on Angelus Ad Virginem, a 13th- or 14th-century Latin carol.
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