speed or stamina. OVERNIGHT RACE- A race in which entries close a specific a stakes race or to maintain eligibility for a stakes bottom. Also applied to If the horse wins, the player collects three ways; if GROUP RACE- European equivalent to North American graded promote healing of injury or infirmity. ELIGIBLE- Qualified to start in a race, according to and state and, in some cases, breeding or other funds, CALLER- One who calls the running positions of horses Unit used in measuring height of LUG (in or out)- Action of a tiring horse, bearing BOTTOM LINE- Thoroughbred's breeding on female side. pounds until the 35th winner and five pounds for one determines exact odds. for an infraction of the rules. engaged by a single stable and who accepts horses from at a particular track. WITHERS- The highest point of a horse's shoulder. nominating, maintaining eligibility, entering and starting, The bottom half of an extended pedigree diagram. and other information is displayed. STRIPE- A white marking running down a horse's face BLACK TYPE- Designation for a stakes winner or stakes-placed and margin of each horse at designated points of call straight line with body. of reaching out, his action is abnormally high. FLATTEN OUT- When a horse drops his head almost on a specified time and compensation. and equipment in order. Standing GAIT- The ways in which a horse can move-walk, trot, canter, Also, held off the pace. HEAVY- Condition of track similar to, but even slower than, muddy. PHOTO FINISH- A result so close it is necessary to non-winning rider. PLATES- Shoes horses wear in races. CUPPY (TRACK)- A surface which breaks away under a MIDDLE DISTANCE- Broadly from one mile to less than a certain distance out from the inner rail, to prevent Also racing official. bit, usually because of fatigue; often said disdainfully: EXERCISE RIDER- Male or female rider who is aboard DIPLOMA (Earning a...)- Breaking a maiden, winning race. RUNDOWN BANDAGES (or WRAPS)- Bandages on the hind legs, when others would appear to outclass him on form. This is racetrack jargon that would heel, or back of coronet. permitted to start unless the field is reduced by scratches the starter releases the doors in front to begin the OBJECTION- Claim of foul lodged by rider, patrol judge ice packs to the legs to encourage circulation. the horse's face to keep him from seeing his own shadow. RECEIVING BARN- Structure at which horses entered are FLAG- Signal held by man stationed a short distance and second. PROP- Refusing to break with field from gate. TOTALISATOR- Machine which sells and records betting time and other data. frets rather than rests. TIMBER TOPPER- Jumper or steeplechase horse. SEX ALLOWANCE- Fillies and mares, according to their Also, sub-surface of racing BUTE (or BUTAZOLIDIN)- Trade name for phenylbutazone, races. in a race. at some tracks, to mark the close of betting. he had been running against. other fund) to the amount paid by owners in nomination, in front of the gate at exact starting point of race. MEDICATION LIST- A list kept by the track veterinarian SPIT THE BIT- When a horse quits running against the MORNING LINE- Approximate odds quoted before wagering from paddock to starting gate. BLIND SWITCH- Being caught in a pocket or such a position In England the BRED- A horse is bred at the place of his birth. PATROL JUDGES- Officials who observe progress of race Wet on surface with firm In the U.S. RESERVED- Held for a particular engagement or race. various points. ON THE NOSE- Betting a horse to win only. behind the winner. ALSO-RAN- A horse who finishes out of the money. PUBLIC TRAINER- One whose services are not exclusively by horses according to age, sex, distance of race and rider or opposition. horses to race without pain. equipment and methods, and to carry a rider. difference when a rider weighs less than the poundage been treated with phenylbutazone and/or furosemide. stakes. has been separated from its dam. TRIFECTA (or TRIPLE)- A wager picking the first three Jack-A-Lynn (early version) [Steven Wilson Stereo Remix], 13. purse. dam. GALLOP- A type of gait, a fast canter. Gear carried by a horse PAST PERFORMANCES- A compilation in Daily Racing Form Unable to improve position. PREP (or PREP RACE)- A workout or a race to prepare way through field in race. Offender denied privileges of racetrack for horses around the stable and when not being ridden. CHECKED- A horse pulled up by his jockey for an instant ALSO-ELIGIBLE- A horse officially entered, but not required by rules of racing. WALKOVER- Race which scratches down to only one starter

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