Retrieved by Rachel Hacker. Tourism Minister speaks in Montego Bay. Change ). National governments’ roles include but not limited to developing and maintaining infrastructures such as roads, railways, and ports; promoting destinations to local and international tourists; and ensuring safety and security of tourists. According to Johnson, Scholes & Whittington (2006) stakeholders refer to individuals or groups who depend on the organisation to fulfil their own goals and on whom, in turn, the organisation depends. You may also like reading Positive and negative impacts of Tourism and Factors affecting tourism demand. Other relevant articles for you are: Importance of a business plan (Benefits of business planning), Ecotourism – definition and characteristics, Enclave tourism – definition and characteristics, Different types of business within the hospitality industry. In fact, travelling abroad is almost impossible without tourism organisations. These figures demonstrate how important tourism employees and professionals are. Article review: BEACHES NEGRIL EARNS THE ECO-LABEL “BLUE FLAG” CERTIFICATION. For example, airlines, trains, and buses transport tourists from one place to another, restaurants provide them with food and drinks, and hotels provide accommodation. For example, institutions engaged in financing tourism projects, trade unions of employees and professionals working in tourism, tourism educational centres, and other tourism specialist organisations play a variety of roles in tourism development. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Tourism is expected to support almost 3.8 million jobs, which is around 11% of the total UK number by 2025. Source of article- The Jamaica Observer. Pearson Education Limited (2011) Travel and Tourism Management: Study Guide, Essex: Pearson Education Limited, UK Department for Culture, Media & Sport (2016) Government invests £40 million and cuts red tape to boost tourism across England, available at: (Accessed 28 June 2017). Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Restaurants, hotels, airlines, buses, trains, and others will certainly struggle should they employ an inadequate number of employees, or there are shortages of skilled people in the market. National governments play an important role in tourism development. Local people with their distinct values and cultures can add value to any tourist destinations. They plan tourism activities at national levels. Tour operators, travel agencies, and tourist information centres also fall in to this category. He holds an MSc in Tourism & Hospitality from the University of Sunderland. Create a free website or blog at Tourism establishments and enterprises play a variety of roles in tourism development. The public authorities of the generating States and the host countries, in cooperation with the professionals concerned and their associations, should ensure that the necessary mechanisms are in place for the repatriation of tourists in the event of the bankruptcy of the enterprise that organized their travel; 5. 1. This means that the local power plant is a stakeholder in tourism, because it provides energy. By: M Rahman | Tags: Sustainable tourism development. Tourism professionals have an obligation to provide tourists with objective and honest information on their places of destination and on the conditions of travel, hospitality and stays; they should ensure that the contractual clauses proposed to their customers are readily understandable as to the nature, price and quality of the services they … National governments play an important role in tourism development. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. According to UNWTO (2005) there are a number of stakeholders who may impact directly or indirectly on tourism planning and development. Tourism employees, professionals and consultants also play a very important role in tourism development. Also, graduated from Leeds Metropolitan University with a BA in Business & Management Studies and completed a DTLLS (Diploma in Teaching in the Life-Long Learning Sector) from London South Bank University. Obligations of stakeholders in tourism development 1. Obligations of stakeholders in tourism development It also means that the builders, road workers and engineers are stakeholders in tourism, because they provide and maintain the necessary infrastructure. According to Visit Britain (2017) tourism has been the fastest growing sector in the UK in employment terms since 2010. The roles of stakeholders in tourism development. Travelers, including business travelers, and visitors to tourism destinations, sites and attractions are perhaps the most important stakeholders. If the experience is not positive, tourists may not return to the attractions again, and may even spread negative word of mouth. Governments have the right – and the duty – especially in a crisis, to inform their nationals of the difficult circumstances, or even the dangers they may encounter during their travels abroad; it is their responsibility however to issue such information without prejudicing in an unjustified or exaggerated manner the tourism industry of the host countries and the interests of their own operators; the contents of travel advisories should therefore be discussed beforehand with the authorities of the host countries and the professionals concerned; recommendations formulated should be strictly proportionate to the gravity of the situations encountered and confined to the geographical areas where the insecurity has arisen; such advisories should be qualified or cancelled as soon as a return to normality permits; 6. A stakeholder is a person, group, or organization that can affect or be affected an organisation. Local governments with specific competence in tourism matters also play in important role in tourism development., PESTEL analysis of Coca-Cola (The Coca-Cola company). Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. However, it is worth mentioning that all the stakeholders may not have equal power and interest in a particular tourism project. ARTICLE SOURCE- THE JAMAICA OBSERVER. M Rahman writes extensively online with an emphasis on business management, marketing, and tourism. All rights reserved BSSL. They plan tourism activities at national levels. Tourism professionals have an obligation to provide tourists with objective and honest information on their places of destination and on the conditions of travel, hospitality and stays; they should ensure that the contractual clauses proposed to their customers are readily understandable as to the nature, price and quality of the services they … Tourists may also benefit from local people in many different ways. They play a wide variety of roles and may sometimes have competing aims and objectives.

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