SIGN IN Recaps for TV shows View TV episodes as 50 thumbnails The Good Fight. What jury wouldn’t be predisposed to convict? Continuing. Or Did Quibi Kill Quibi? But Paul’s lawyer, who is a real piece of work even by the standards of The Good Fight universe, points out how terrible the optics of the case are. In the halls, Diane runs into Pastor Jeremiah, a former Good Wife character whose name seems to be either a massive oversight or a strange nod to President Obama’s Chicago minister, Jeremiah Wright. For Real, Though, How Old Is Emily (in Paris) Supposed to Be? Jeremiah denies the allegations, and says that a late-night visit to Paul was for a drug test, not a sexual encounter. At the end of the episode, they sit together on Barbara’s desk, drinking red wine. It’s not clever. She lets slip that Paul’s lawyer works with First Charter Choice, an alt-right organization. A pastor accused of sexually assaulting a 17-year-old? Lenore finally breaks things off with Jax, but only after Maia reads her parts of Henry’s suicide note, in which he basically apologizes for not loving Lenore enough, and for ruining Maia’s life with his scandal. When Adrian arrives at the office, Carl gathers the whole staff for a meeting Adrian apparently wasn’t invited to. (I double-checked, and Barbara is the “Kolstad” in the firm name — I likely should’ve remembered this from earlier, but this series is nothing if not name-heavy.). When Maia discovers him, he makes her discard all the signs of suicide — if it’s an obvious suicide attempt and the police and paramedics see, Henry’s bail will be revoked. Spoilers ahead for episode eight of The Good Fight, now streaming on CBS All Access. *Sorry, there was a problem signing you up. By Lauren Hoffman. TBA. Carl wants to take back the reins and, as he explains to Barbara, move the firm back to a place that’s operating from the heart, not the head. Colin’s mother invites Lucca to Colin’s birthday party, at which basically every guest treats her as some sort of token — assuring her how much they love progressive websites, asking her to speak for all black people, commiserating with her about Trump’s latest move (micro-chipping Muslims, which only seems unrealistic because this administration is too disorganized to pull something like this off). Someday, I’d like there to be a web series in which Lenore explains whether she doesn’t care how her family feels or whether she truly, truly thinks she can fool them into thinking she isn’t having an affair, because it’s one of The Good Fight’s great mysteries. This seems like, broadly speaking, a poor foundation to build a business on, but Carl gets more votes than Adrian in the final board meeting, thanks in large part to a vote from Julius, who’s only eligible to participate because he’s still in his final pay period. Maia’s mother shows up to the hospital with Jax, then has the nerve to pretend like there’s nothing wrong with that. That assumption is destroyed for good in the first few moments of the episode, in which we meet Adrian’s co-partner and apparent nemesis Carl Reddick. Jennifer Lawrence: ‘I Was a Little Republican’, “My first time voting, I voted for John McCain.”. Status. The Good Fight Finale: Robert and Michelle King Talk Twist Ending, Tease More Barbara (and Eli?!) Recap guide / thumbnail previews for all episodes of "The Good Fight" Season 1 . Who Plays Sacha Baron Cohen’s Daughter in. They’ve conspired to discredit and ruin Jeremiah, because he’s a well-respected minister and a man of color and maybe also just for fun. Paul’s lawyer counters that his client has intimate knowledge of a birthmark on Jeremiah’s penis, knowing that Jeremiah will refuse having a photo taken of it out of dignity. I’ll admit that until I read the title of this week’s episode of The Good Fight, I hadn’t given much thought to who the “Reddick” might be in the firm name Reddick, Boseman, and Kolstad. “To idealism?” Adrian says. Shortly after, Paul’s lawyer turns up at the firm and informs Diane that Jeremiah “put his penis in two of my clients orifices.” Specific and vague all at once! Carl moves for a vote to immediately remove Adrian from the firm, although I’m not sure whether that would fire him completely or simply oust him from his role as a named/managing partner.

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