All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. Title. Encyclopedia of demons in world religions and cultures / Theresa Bane p. cm. 2. 2005 ALA/RUSA Outstanding Reference Source2005 CHOICE Outstanding Academic TitleThe Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature is a landmark work in the burgeoning field of religion and nature. ISBN 978-0-7864-6360-2 softcover : acid free paper 1. The answers to it, however, are difficult and complex, intertwined with and complicated by a host of cultural, environmental, and religious variables. vii ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS USED IN THIS WORK abbr. The question animating this encyclopedia can be simply put. A cosmic pillar may also serve as an axis mundi. Among Library Journal's picks of the most important reference works of the millennium -- with the Encyclopaedia Judaica and the New Catholic Encyclopedia -- Mircea Eliade's Encyclopedia of Religion won the American Library Association's Dartmouth Medal in 1988 and is widely regarded as the standard reference work in the field. Religions— Encyclopedias. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGION, SECOND EDITION. This page was last edited on 26 July 2018, at 00:12. abridged; abridgment AD anno Domini, in the year of the (our) Lord Afrik. It emphasizes religion's role within everyday life and as a unique experience from culture to culture Revised edition of: The Encyclopedia of religion / [editor in chief, Mircea Eliade ; editors, Charles J. Adams and others]. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index. The Encyclopedia of religion by Eliade, Mircea, 1907-1986; Adams, Charles J. IN COLLECTIONS. I. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGION, SECOND EDITION eorel_fm 3/2/05 8:36 AM Page vi. Books for People with Print Disabilities. Entries cover major thinkers, religious traditions, and important events, with clarity and style. Demonology—Encyclopedias. It covers a vast and interdisciplinary range of material, from ecology, theology, philosophy, and beyond. Internet Archive Books. Books to Borrow. Publication date 1987 Topics Religion, Godsdienst, Religions, Godsdienst, Religion, Religions ... 14 day loan required to access EPUB and PDF files. BL480.B364 202 133.4'203—dc23 201 10492341 BRITISH LIBRARY CATALOGUING DATA ARE AVAILABLE Afrikaans AH anno … Aaron -- Attention -- v. 2. c1987 Includes bibliographical references and index v. 1. Such is the case with the Delaware (Lenape) Indians and other Eastern Woodland peoples of North America. abbreviated; abbreviation abr. The center post oftheir ceremonial cult house supports the skyand pass-

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