The Gift of Fear Book Summary (PDF) by Gavin de Becker, The Righteous Mind Book Summary (PDF) by Jonathan Haidt, The Paradox Of Choice Book Summary (PDF) by Barry Schwartz, Trust Me, I’m Lying Book Summary (PDF) by Ryan Holiday. Download Talking To Strangers books , The author of The World of Prometheus argues that the transition to political friendship offered by the Brown v. "If citizens are to maintain their trust in the institutions of democratic life, they need to see a positive connection between their political membership and their general well-being" (47). There's even a theme song - Janelle Monae's "Hell You Talmbout." How did Fidel Castro fool the CIA for a generation? And then she found her people. Court transcripts are brought to life with re-enactments. PDF, ePub, Mobi Download free read Talking to Strangers online for your Kindle, iPad, Android, Nook, PC. It includes distributive justice, associated with proportional notions of equality. Based on her examples, Gladwell argues that we are unable to truly know what other people think about us or how they feel about us. (Quelle: However, this is not always the case; sometimes our assumptions about others’ emotions aren’t accurate. This book is divided into five parts that include 12 chapters in total each sectioned off by numbers that form a compare and contrast argument style. Allen outlines ideas of ethical friendship and utility friendship -- where utility friendship is what we might associated with citizenship, a friendship focused on justice and involve n"negotiations over how to distribute power, honor, and material benefit" (129). By combining brief readings of philosophers and political theorists with personal reflections on race politics in Chicago, Allen proposes strikingly practical techniques of citizenship. What does a citizenship founded on loss and disappointment look like, and what do we do with the results--resentment and distrust (36)? Something is very wrong, Gladwell argues, with the tools and strategies we use to make sense of people we don't know. She reframes the challenge of distrust in terms of citizenship, asks why it has been so hard to build in the U.S., imagines what cooperative citizenship might look like, and then outlines ways that the act of friendship can be politically meaningful. He draws upon research from the social sciences to explain why each of these episodes happened the way they did. Why do some people achieve so much more than others? He was inspired by a black woman who was pulled over by a white police officer for a minor traffic infraction in 2015. The following version of this book was used to create the guide: Gladwell, Malcolm. He suggests that torture may not work as well as we think it does because tortured people are so traumatized they can’t remember anything. reading it will actually change not just how you see strangers, but how you look at yourself, the news - the world. Talking To Strangers Summary. One outcome of this ephiphany might be a focus on multilingualism (which promotes conversations) rather than multiculturalism (which promots blocs). What went wrong? He was also producing for the ear. Here he sets out to understand why we act the way we do, and how we all might know a little more about those we don’t. These stories show us how hard it is for humans to know when someone is lying or telling the truth because people are really good at pretending like they’re honest even though they’re not. Reading this book changed me' Oprah Winfrey The highly anticipated new book from Malcolm Gladwell, international bestselling author of The Tipping Point, Blink, Outliers, What the Dog Saw and David and Goliath The routine traffic stop that ends in tragedy. Drawing from Hobbes's laws of nature, Allen argues that: Judging this impossible, Hobbes reached for authoritarianism; Allen wants to revisit it, to establish an "imperfect ideal" so that like doctors we can think "about curing but also about treating the incurable, for this too is life." Summary : In 1980, Marianne Boucher felt like a misfit. Allen traces these epiphanies in the writings of Hannah Arendt and Ralph Ellison on what happened in Little Rock in 1957. Our default is to believe people are telling the truth. Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know About the People We Don't Know by Malcolm Gladwell It's a Kantian, Hobbesian notion where "persuasion is set in opposition to truth" (64) and where accepting reason means trusting authoritarian decisions established by the sovereign (67). Why are campus sexual assaults on the rise? In Invisible Man[2], Ellison "develop[s] criteria for distinguishing legitimate from illegitimate forms of sacrifice, and also to outline a form of citizenship that helps citizens generate trust enough among themselves to manage sacrifice" (29). Alcohol switches our focus from the long-term to the short, clouding our personality and throwing our judgment off. These are the same kinds of mistakes we make when communicating with strangers. In Part 2, Hitler made a deal with Chamberlain where he promised not to invade Czechoslovakia if Chamberlain allowed him to take over Sudetenland.

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