Hold on Tight! Sir! Arthur & Grandsanta are out there probably not wearing nearly enough layers of clothing and you two are bickering over a big red toy! Right then, let's do it! : Hello fellow readers, it was has been so long since my last story. Really? [trying to operate the S-1 himself, denting it and jolting it violently, Flashing red lights flash all over the S-1's bridge]  Peter is a supporting character in the film Arthur Christmas.. It is revealed during the rescue of Santa Claus, Steve has hacked highly secure military database to inform the HOHO's databanks. No! They need each other more than they know.. and only one dorky brother seems to see it. [puts on his S-1 gloves, fires up in the S-1]  Peter shares a similar obsession love with Pearl a gem character from Cartoon Network‘s hit series “Steven Universe” as both are infatuated with their boss: Steve Claus and Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz. Peter I'm not bickering! You will be a great Santa! He usually comes across aloof and disinterested in what they have to say, although he does become frustrated with them easily. Mrs. Santa Thank you! : : Steve from Arthur Christmas (2011) Source: The Official Trailer for "Arthur Christmas". Do you really want to wake up the whole north pole? : North Pole Incoming! He slumped again! : : [shouting]  Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Edna Ferber. Arthur (Arthur Christmas) Steve (Arthur Christmas) Malcolm (Arthur Christmas) Margaret (Arthur Christmas) Grandsanta; Reader; Bryony Shelfley; Peter the elf; Christmas Story; I just thought it'd be cute; is all; probably won't be long; it's like Santa Clause 2 mixed with Elf; Summary. Meanwhile, Malcolm's younger son Arthur answers the letters to Santa. Oh Dear! Steve You know how Steve feels about his S-1. Hah! Glamour Fast Ultra X3, which retails at $9.99 more than your requested gift!

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