To make a contribution via mail, please send your check or money order to: Socialist Party USA To make a one-time donation in Australian currency, click this button. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. I would like to make a donation in the amount of: I would like this donation to repeat each month, I consent to receving communications from the Socialist Party via email, I have read and agree to the privacy policy, Greater Manchester: A door opens for a revolt, Poots tries to sectarianise pandemic: Class, not creed, the key dividing line on Covid, Brexit, and the New Global “Age of Disorder”, Nigeria: #EndSARS, #EndSWAT End Police Brutality in Nigeria, From Haitian Revolution to Black Lives Matter: The History of Struggles for Black Liberation. Contributions support Puget Sound Socialist Party and are not designated for any cause, activity, candidate, or committee. The Socialist Party USA, officially the Socialist Party of the United States of America (SPUSA), is a democratic socialist political party in the United States. To make a one-time donation in New Zealand currency, click this button. Party, Subscribe To make a one-time donation in New Zealand currency, click this button. These inexpensive, one-touch card readers are a vital part of every fundraising campaign - even more so now, as payments can safely be made at a distance. Selling the Socialist: increase in NHS anger, Bristol North Socialist Party: The role of a revolutionary party. To donate by mail, send a check or money order to the FSP National Office, 4710 University Way NE, #100, Seattle, 98105, USA. While contributions and dues paid to the Socialist Party USA support the Party’s activist work, all Party funding to support SP electoral campaigns must separately come from contributions made directly to the Socialist National Committee (Our FEC-recognized body). Donate Thank you for supporting the programs, institutions and campaigns of the African People’s Socialist Party and Uhuru Movement! All payments are made through a secure server. ( Log Out / Donate Thank you for supporting the programs, institutions and campaigns of the African People’s Socialist Party and Uhuru Movement! For revolutionary feminism,racial justice, and working-class power. The Socialist Party USA strives to establish a radical democracy that places people's lives under their own control -- a classless, feminist, socialist society free of racism, sexism, homophobia or transphobia, in which people cooperate at work, at home, and in the community. Check out our upcoming events and consider joining us! It is funded by generous contributions and monthly donations by members and sympathizers who also raise money using traditional grassroots means: meals; pass-the-hat at meetings; raffles, rummage and candy bar sales; holiday cards; etc. It is making clear to many that it is the working class that keeps society running, not the CEOs of major corporations. With government credibility crumbling, a socialist voice is needed. The coronavirus crisis has laid bare the class character of society in numerous ways. It is funded by generous contributions and monthly donations by members and sympathizers who also raise money using traditional grassroots means: meals; pass-the-hat at meetings; raffles, rummage and candy bar sales; holiday cards; etc. ( Log Out /, What do true reparations to African people mean, How the African People’s Socialist Party made Reparations a household word, Get involved in the struggle for reparations to African people. It is funded by generous contributions and monthly donations by members and sympathizers who also raise money using traditional grassroots means: meals; pass-the-hat at meetings; raffles, rummage and candy bar sales; holiday cards; etc. 21 Oct Why the Socialist Party is backing Hugo Pierre for Unison general... 21 Oct 'Firebreak' lockdown fails to protect workers, 21 Oct Action on Covid transmission in schools now, 21 Oct Health before profit - Work or full pay, 14 Oct Building a movement to fight for free education, 14 Oct Transport for London funding crunch, 22 Oct West London Socialist Party: The US presidential election, 25 Oct Socialist Students & Young Socialists national zoom rally, 27 Oct Bristol North Socialist Party: How a revolutionary party grows, 28 Oct Cardiff West Socialist Party: The US presidential election, Phone our national office on 020 8988 8777, Locate your nearest Socialist Party branch Text your name and postcode to 07761 818 206, Joining the Socialist Party - what will it mean for you, The Socialist newspaper, 16 September 2020, Click here to read our full appeal statement, Click here for our coronavirus articles and reports. 168 Canal Street, 6th Floor Your contributions help us to reach financial goals, as well as meet general obligations as a local organization and as part of a national party. I need a genuine socialist alternative", wrote Anthony from Swindon with a donation of £2.50. With government credibility crumbling, a socialist voice is needed. A Leeds watch party of the National Shop Stewards Network rally (see page 5) before the Trades Union Congress raised £45. Or call 206-985-4621 and we can set you up for monthly donations. Donor Information. Make picket signs, take part in a demonstration, translate a flier into Spanish, cook a meal, write a press release, post fliers in your neighborhood or campus, organize a study group…the list is endless! Or call 206-985-4621 and we can set you up for monthly donations. Bristol North Socialist Party: What sort of socialist are you? | Audio | PDF | ebook, Hackney & Islington Socialist Party: The protests in Nigeria. The Socialist 16 September 2020 | | ( Log Out / If money is short, there are many other ways you can help the cause! We need to raise £2,750 a week to hit our new target by 1 October. The Socialist Party depends on the financial support of our members and supporters to keep us going. I would like to make a donation in the amount of: £10 £5 Other. New York City, NY 10013. With government credibility crumbling, a socialist voice is needed. National Shop Stewards Network lobbying for a lead from the TUC, PCS members in DWP reject unsafe extension of hours, London bus drivers begin strike ballot over remote sign-on dispute, Tate workers on indefinite strike hold march and rally. JavaScript is not enabled. If you would like to make an online contribution to help finance our work, please click here. For revolutionary feminism,racial justice, and working-class power. Change your NJ voter registration to Socialist. Donate The Socialist Party of Michigan receives no corporate funding and relies on donations from individuals for all of its expenses. Your contribution represents unity with African people’s historic struggle for self-determination, liberation and unification of … To donate by mail, send a check or money order to the FSP National Office, 4710 University Way NE, #100, Seattle, 98105, USA. Checks should be made out to FSP National Office. "Keep fighting comrades! I would like this donation to repeat each month. New York City, NY 10013. Change ). The government has now ripped up its 'austerity' mantra and turned to policies that not long ago were denounced as socialist. When the health crisis subsides, we must be ready for the stormy events ahead and the need to arm workers' movements with a socialist programme - one which puts the health and needs of humanity before the profits of a few. SPUSA was founded in 1973 as a successor to the Socialist Party of America, which had been renamed Social Democrats, USA a year before. Can we raise £5,500 in the last two weeks before 1 October? Two weeks to donate: we need your help Donate to the Socialist Party, photo (Click to enlarge) We need to raise £2,750 a week to hit our new target by 1 October. Or call 206-985-4621 and we can set you up for monthly donations. Learn more about the CNJSP and our politics. Donate to the Socialist Party Coronavirus crisis - Finance appeal. The Socialist Party of New York is the name of two distinct, but historically related state affiliates of the American socialist movement located in New York state. Checks should be made out to FSP National Office. If money is short, there are many other ways you can help the cause! Donor Information. Every donation counts, large or small. Teignmouth hospital closure threat ... again! You must be a US citizen or permanent resident to contribute. ( Log Out / Call 206-722-2453 and talk to a member of the newspaper staff or email Margaret Viggiani, FS Business Office, at Can you answer phones, research ballot issues, write letters or help with a mailing? Sketch: The rule of six - some guidance from your government, Johnson's brinkmanship over EU deal deepens capitalist splits, Blame politicians, not workers and young people, Capitalist profit and the race to develop a vaccine, 'Covid marshalls' must be accountable to communities. I would like this donation to repeat each month. Another £10 came from Max with the message "Solidarity!". Covid and the third sector: for public planning, not charity stopgaps, Non-fiction: Left Out - the inside story of Labour under Corbyn, International socialist news and analysis, Egypt: Support for al-Sisi dwindles as his regime increases repression, Nigerian police repress peaceful anti-government protest, Coventry: scrap 'profit before people' hospital parking charges, Why I joined the Socialist Party: Tories and Blairites only care about corporate greed, Home NHS workers: "We deserve a fair wage" - 15% now! To make a recurring monthly donation, please use the button below and select your preferred donation amount. Make picket signs, take part in a demonstration, translate a flier into Spanish, cook a meal, write a press release, post fliers in your neighborhood or campus, organize a study group…the list is endless! Carlisle members sent us £108, £53 was raised on their iZettle card payment machine. Donations from both SPMI members and the general public are essential for continuing our work as Michigan’s voice for revolutionary democratic socialism. For a one-time or ongoing donation, click this button. The Socialist Party's material is more vital than ever, so we can continue to report from workers who are fighting for better health and safety measures, against layoffs, for adequate staffing levels, etc. The FSP is not a NGO subsidized by foundations, corporate largess or government funds. To volunteer just call a branch near to you or the National Office. Your contributions help us to reach financial goals, as well as meet general obligations as a local organization and as part of a national party. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. If you would like to make an online contribution to the Socialist Party’s electoral work, please click here. I consent to receving communications from the Socialist Party via email, I have read and agree to the privacy policy. We received £130 from five supporters in Staines. Use this form to make an online donation. The FSP is not a NGO subsidized by foundations, corporate largess or government funds. Why the Socialist Party is backing Hugo Pierre for Unison general... Action on Covid transmission in schools now, Building a movement to fight for free education, West London Socialist Party: The US presidential election, Socialist Students & Young Socialists national zoom rally, Bristol North Socialist Party: How a revolutionary party grows, Cardiff West Socialist Party: The US presidential election.
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