This lesson is all about understanding literary response and analysis skills. In a day and age where text speech is now commonplace having someone on your team that can produce clear and concise copy, with minimal mistakes, is invaluable. and career path that can help you find the school that's right for you. Literature majors will spend lots of time crafting their thoughts on various works into essays and papers, so the most successful majors are those who have strong writing skills and also aren’t intimidated by writing prompts. There comes a time in every English Literature student’s life when they will have to write an essay on a poem, novel or play that they simply do not understand or like. has thousands of articles about every It means taking a step back so you can assess and understand the cultural perspectives you are reading about. Free Online Literary Theory Courses: Where Can I Find Them? Create your account. Shannon Clark writes for Inspiring Interns, which specialises in sourcing candidates for internships and graduate jobs. Story grammar is a strategy used to analyze the elements of literature and then establish the relationship between them. Another way you can respond to literature is by analyzing it. Thinking outside of the box is the crux of an English literature degree so students are constantly pushed to unleash their creative side to enable them to approach a text in a unique way. Ask a lot of questions, look at connections between literary elements, and gather background information. For you to explain, assess, or discuss an author's work, you need to be able to give examples to not only support what you are saying, but to show you have a thorough understanding of the literature you are talking about. English students are often required to get through a huge reading list, submit essays and conduct research on a weekly basis. imaginable degree, area of What exactly does this mean? This doesn't mean you can't form opinions about what you are reading, its just good to be self-aware about your own cultural biases while you're doing so. Literary analysis is the act of looking at how the parts of a text affect the whole; for example, how the characters, plot, and setting are used to create meaning in a piece of literature. study It goes without saying that most of an English major’s time is spent reading and writing. 358 lessons Readers Are Made, Not Born: Kerri Smith Majors Details Her Innovative Literary Journal for, Literary Publicist: Job Description, Duties and Salary, Literary Agent: Job Duties, Salary and Outlook. For every point made, there must be a critic or reference to back it up, and so literature students have to quickly develop the research skills needed to enable them to find the required sources. flashcard sets, {{courseNav.course.topics.length}} chapters | Hopefully, this will prepare you for using the skills on your own the next time a literary response assignment pops up. Written communication English students are taught to approach a text from a variety of angles in order to understand how people could read the same piece of writing in a different way to themselves. In this lesson, we will be focusing on using textual evidence, analyzing elements of story grammar, and recognizing diverse cultural perspectives. Here are just a few of the skills that English graduates can boast of: The ability to meet deadlines | Generally speaking, English literature is a degree well respected by potential employers owing to the numerous transferable skills it demonstrates. - History, Themes & Examples, Children's Literature Across Cultures & Time Periods, Interpreting Figurative Language in Fiction, Teaching Literary Analysis & Comprehension, OSAT Elementary Education (CEOE) (050/051): Practice & Study Guide, Biological and Biomedical Confidence Relate what you are reading to your own life experiences, put yourself in the story, and see if you can relate to emotions or situations you are reading about. as a literature major. Get access risk-free for 30 days, Highlight important quotes/details; then write them on index cards with citation information for easy retrieval later on. first two years of college and save thousands off your degree. Researching the topic you are reading to answer questions and get more information that can help guide your understanding and analysis of the text. credit-by-exam regardless of age or education level. We will define important terms, as well as go over strategies used for analyzing literary and narrative texts. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. Students who study literature and read for pleasure have a higher vocabulary, better reading comprehension, and better communication skills, such as writing ability. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Completing a Know/Want to Know/Learned (KWL) chart as you read. But one skill that literature students acquire very early on is the ability to write with confidence about an array of topics. However, they are also aware that the person sitting opposite them in the lecture hall may have come to a completely different conclusion to the one they did.
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