The talk page attached to my biography provides the clearest picture of conflicted Wikipedia editors fighting to the mat to include biased, false and libelous information. Attkisson is one of the few journalists to have flown on a B-52 combat mission. Honest Wikipedia editors attempt to weigh in and point out violations of Wikipedia's own policies made by some editors but they are often drowned out by the nonsense that has become routine. "[42][verification needed]. The descriptions are from left-leaning media organizations, who are basically throwing their shaming shade on a website they don't like. Required fields are marked *. He said he has confidence in and stands by his reporter. My Wikipedia biography page has been skewed by agenda editors to present false and biased information on select topics in an attempt to controversialize the topics or me. --. Sharyl Attkisson Wiki-Bio. After checking another of the reporter’s allegations, I followed up with this: Lastly, I checked and the missing Lorain link you asked about isn’t missing, it’s still there where it alway was on the word “sources” at the beginning of the article. Now the rest is on us! They include citations by Media Matters, with no disclosure that it's a partisan blog. Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to the main stream media or the Clinton's or for that matter the Dems. I would say, you are the most prominent investigative journalist on the issue of vaccines (at least this is how I have found your website.) Emmy Award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism for series on mismanagement at the Red Cross: "Red Cross Under Fire. Does that not read like every headline we see nowadays? LOL, if you are not anti-vaccine advocator what are you lol lol, Jimmy Wales is the bad actor, he actually quoted Bill Gates favorably saying that anti-vaxxers "kill children." You are accusing me of vandalism, essentially, and that's unacceptable. It was not. Attkisson falsely said that the Omnibus Autism Proceeding (OAP), which refuted claims of a causal link between vaccines and autism, was based primarily on Zimmerman's testimony, and that Zimmerman's nuanced views on the subject were kept hidden from the public by the federal government until 2018; This claim is false and libelous on its face. Attkisson Note: On WordPress, to put an old article on the front page requires putting the current date on the article. More importantly, none of them are consistently described as liberal by reliable sources (unlike for example the Huffington Post). Thank you, Sharyl Attkisson for your unbiased investigative journalism, which is so rare today. "What is Truth?". Investigative Reporter and Editors Finalist Award for series on the dangers of certain prescription drugs and vaccines. He wrote: "On the bright side, knowing from our first hand experience that Attkisson is the sort of person who makes public accusations without evidence does much to help us better understand what our reliable sources are trying to communicate about her. Fearless, Nonpartisan Reporting. “One was simply to teach everyone who arrived at the wiki, which was basically a blank bulletin board that could have become whatever we wanted it to become, that we intended to build an encyclopedia. Wikipedia is good for birth dates and THAT IS IT. Attkisson began her broadcast journalism career in 1980 as a reporter for WRUF-AM and WUFT-FM radio at the University of Florida in Gainesville; and at the college’s PBS station WUFT-TV. So who are these people who make their biased opinions and incorrect conclusions count above all else on Wikipedia? This is a mischaracterization since Dr. Zimmerman, the government's medical expert at the time, concluded there is a relationship between vaccines and autism; nothing hypothetical about it (in his opinion). Additionally, the BuzzFeed quote appears to only be included in my Wikipedia biography to falsely imply that my work is misleading or unfair. This passage is libelous in its implications and apparently based on a propaganda campaign that resulted in widespread misreporting on the topic. Yes, we’re speaking about Sharyl Attkisson. First, the reporter contacted me only after the article that mentioned me was published. The couple has one daughter. I've done quite a bit of reporting about how Wikipedia is definitely not "the encyclopedia anyone can edit." Impossible for the Clinton/et al bitter enders to slander her. However, anyone who tries to edit this factual context and footnotes onto my page finds it is quickly removed. She has 46.8K followers on Facebook and 261.2K followers on Twitter. You can decide for yourself if these Wikipedia editors sound capable of being neutral. Wikipedia begins by describing me as a "writer." It’s irresponsible for Wikipedia agenda editors to attempt to litigate the vaccine-autism issue on my biographical page, and to further do it in such a one-sided fashion. Just look back at all the energy and time you spent on this one paper, and the trail of research you had to follow to display the facts, and I'm hoping you will agree.

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