The aim of the study is to examine road transportation service in Nigeria: problems and prospects. Add NationMaster content to your website. Interfaces create much of the congestion for today's transportation systems. Therefore, the AHS will affect other transportation facilities and will need to be integrated with all other facilities in the transportation, The development and use of socioeconomic and travel forecasts for evaluation of major transit investment in the Puget Sound region of Washington State are described. Educational Publishers. The study focused on the transportation systems and economic development in Nigeria. Ibadan: African Adopting the ‘avoid-shift-improve’ framework, this paper presents practical implications for public and private sector policymakers, as they navigate this precarious time and chart a new path for individuals and Nigeria. Of importance is the mobility on urban areas, considering the socioeconomic and environmental effects. theories and issues. ii) As the main motorized transportation mode, reorientation and coordination of public transport system directly affect the socioeconomic behavior and smoother traffic flow. Akpala, A. The population of the study comprised all the management and administrative staff of Peace Mass Transit Nigeria Ltd, Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA), Royal Mass Transit Ltd and Eastern Mass Transit Ltd respectively which brought the total to 980. While item 5 with mean score of 1.9 disagree, Training and retraining of management staff, includes improving on the costumers’ serv, a. National SecretariatNIGERIAN ASSOCIATION OF ROAD TRANSPORT OWNERS, 460, Joseph Adetoro St, Utako District Abuja, Nigeria. The major road transport infrastructure in Nigeria. All Rights Reserved. Impact of COVID-19 on transportation in Lagos, Nigeria, © Association of Academic Researchers and Faculties (AARF), Traffic Congestion and Health Information on Road Users' Safety and Wellbeing in Apapa-Badagry Expressway, Lagos, Nigeria, Motivation and values among Japanese and American managers, Microscopic Simulation Analysis for Automated Highway System Merging Process. Standards Organisation of Nigeria is the apex standardization body in Nigeria. Onitsha: Fourth Dimension Apart from accounting for a large percentage of revenue to government vide taxes, rates and levies of kinds, NARTO is the biggest employer of labour next to the Federal Government. Wikipedia: List of countries by rail transport network size (Long List), Wikipedia: List of countries by vehicles per capita, Investment in transport with private participation. Orientation 10 \voik and organization analysis. NARTO will appear, make, defend and or send written or verbal representations as it relate to the carrying of the business of commercial road transportation in all its ramifications before any government, be it federal, state, local or other constituted authorities for the purpose of protecting and promoting the interest of her members. AHS interfaces may cause similar problems, as a result of either AHS interactions with conventional systems or internal limitations from AHS merging capabilities. In evaluating alternative transit projects within corridors, policy makers have given priority to those projected to generate additional transit patronage. However, the situation is more hostile for the female passengers. Data for this study were collected from primary sources through personal observation and interview of road users, National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW), Road Transport Employers Association of Nigeria (RTEAN) as well as Tricycle (keke Marwa) and Motorcycle riders' association leaders. (1990). in Managing government owned Data collected were analyzed and presented in tables. (1981). Management: An Introduction to Management and Nigeria Perspective. A sample size of 284 was drawn from the population using Taro Yamani's statistical formula. This study focused on Safety and wellbeing of road users arising from state of road infrastructure and traffic congestion along Apapa-Badagry Expressway, Lagos, Nigeria. The two main environmental pollution problem of road transport in Nigeria are air and noise pollutions. ; Wikipedia: List of countries by rail transport network size (Long List); World Bank, Transportation, Water, and Urban Development Department, Transport Division. The AHS to conventional roadway interface problem is addressed by presenting a microscopic simulation model for one scenario of the automated merging maneuver. It was concludes that there are significant challenges confronting the road service in Nigeria. The content validity and reliability tests of the research instrument were established. Inc. 6 l Ed. We don't have any banner, Flash, animation, obnoxious sound, or popup ad. This is the reason why road. Unfortunately, most Nigerian roads are in a very bad condition as they are either not tarred in the first place; poorly tarred as a result of corruption, and even when they are tarred with asphalt, they easily develop potholes due to poor maintenance culture (Ikejiofor & Ali, 2014). No date was available from the Wikipedia article, so we used the date of retrieval. The first railroad was built by the British colonial government and was gradually extended to other parts of the country. We are the mouthpiece for the projection and articulation of transporters interest in Nigeria; NNPC is the state oil corporation which was established on April 1, 1977. Gloss, B. 19 Afikpo road. Their perceptions are evaluated based on seven attributes i) reliability, ii) comfort, iii) service, iv) responsiveness and empathy, v) safety and security, vi) affordability, and vii) vehicle access. NARTO has made significant contribution to the National economy. Identifying sources of management motivators in Nigeria: managing the Nigerian workers. The findings postulate that the existing public bus service is unpleasant for both the genders. Copy code below and paste it into your website. We have argued that the rapid spread of productivity bargaining during the period 1967–9 was due largely to the incomes policy in force at the time. Orientation 10 \voik and © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. Furthermore in. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected frequencie, Transportation which aid the movement of the p. educate their staff on customer services. Some numerical results are presented for this merging scenario. Benin City: Flovent System Publishers. Fourth, the road is the most prevalent and extensively used form of transportation. Now, let us consider some of the policy’s consequences for productivity bargaining. SOURCES: Rail Transport in Nigeria started as far back as 1898. Results showed the Japanese attached greater importance to socially beneficial values in contrast to the American emphasis on individuality and straightforwardness. International Journal of Gender Studies in Developing Societies. motivators We've detected that you are using AdBlock Plus or some other adblocking software which is preventing the page from fully loading. Apart from accounting for a large percentage of revenue to government vide taxes, rates and levies of kinds, NARTO is the biggest employer of labour next to the Federal Government. This, The globalization process taking place recent years has significantly increased the need for mobility. The study covered the health information awareness, Lagos transportation systems, road transport, infrastructure, traffic congestion and factors that may positively or negatively influence effective commuting as well as common occupational safety and wellbeing of road users. of basic pieces of transport infrastructure. NARTO is the mouthpiece for the projection and articulation of stakeholders interest in road transport business in Nigeria. managerial PTD is a branch of Nigeria Union of Petroleum And Natural Gas Workers. Beside, reassessment of the existing and implementation of new parking areas due to future requirements, efficiently smoothers unpredicted congestion situations. The Baro to Kano railway was established in 1912, October 3rdto be precise. Nigeria: Besides, police that ensure that there is peace and security, depends greatly on road transport for him to carryout, defined in terms of a user based assessment as to how, well the service is being operated while it is measured, This study also takes the quality o, or services, the natural psychological state dictate, that individuals compare their realized percepti, with then-preconceived ideas or expectation, public sector or under the government interference in, 'Information', 'Professionalism' and 'Staff, enhancement of standard of living is to be achieved in, People have taken it for them to be able to make, rely on the means of it to move from place to place for, political, medical, religious, social and other activities, while considering the transport infrastructure base in, Nigeria today which compares unfavorably with those. Road transport in Nigeria The primary means of transportation in Nigeria, roads convey more than 80% of all traffic in the country. If these problems exist, either the AHS or the conventional road network cannot function properly. level of social interaction, co-operation, achieved. Therefore, institutional and private investors should show greater investment interest and commitment in the Nigerian water, road and rail transportation systems to galvanize all the potential resources for their improvement and growth. These pose a serious threat to the health and quality of life of motorist and people living in the area. Finally, it was revealed that there is a significant effect of water transport system on economic development in Nigeria. Ejiofor, P. I. km of land area: Road density is the ratio of the length … management Analysis Expressways connect the major cities and the southern seaports, and smaller arteries stretch from the densely-connected south … The objectives of the study were to ascertain the effect of road transport system on economic development in Nigeria, to examine the effect of rail transport system on economic development in Nigeria and to examine the effect of water transport system on economic development in Nigeria. NACCIMA is umbrella organization for affiliate member Chambers in Nigeria. Benin: Data were analyzed using percentage and frequency distribution tables. Nigeria has the largest road network in West Africa and the second largest south of the Sahara, with roughly 108,000 km of surfaced roads in 1990. Ejiofor, P. N (1984). Harper and Row Publishers Inc. A syshni and contingency Analysis of managerial functions. Ltd. trepreneurship especially in emerging economies, several African nations both in terms of q. Female Passengers Perception on the Service Quality of Public Bus Services: An Exploratory Study on... Analyzing Transport Problems in Tirana on a Sound Scientific System Base. First, forecasts played a key role in defining the nature of the, There is a difference in travel pattern between men and women due to their varying trip purpose and access to transportation facilities. Focusing on the road network and public transportation impacts on mobility, the research seeks to outline new strategic solutions for the rapid developing capital, oriented toward society wealth as follows; i) The investigation and illustration of the strengths, weakness and improvements that could be implemented on road network and reorganization inside the urban area of the capital is of first call.
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