finds the chip that controls Khalil's brain. Brainwashed and the rise of the new Painkiller, And Then the Devil Brought the Plague: The Book of Green Light, Sins of the Father: The Book of Redemption, The Resurrection and the Light: The Book of Pain, The Book of Consequences: Chapter One: Rise of the Green Light Babies, The Book of Consequences: Chapter Two: Black Jesus Blues, The Book of Consequences: Chapter Three: Master Lowry, The Book of Consequences: Chapter Four: Translucent Freak, The Book of Blood: Chapter Two: The Perdi, The Book of Blood: Chapter Three: The Sange, The Book of Rebellion: Chapter One: Exodus, The Book of Rebellion: Chapter Two: Gift of Magi, The Book of Rebellion: Chapter Three: Angelitos Negros, The Book of Secrets: Chapter One: Prodigal Son, The Book of Secrets: Chapter Two: Just and Unjust, The Book of Secrets: Chapter Three: Pillar of Fire, The Book of Secrets: Chapter Four: Original Sin, The Book of the Apocalypse: Chapter One: The Alpha, The Book of the Apocalypse: Chapter Two: The Omega, The Book of Resistance: Chapter Three: The Battle of Franklin Terrace, The Book of Resistance: Chapter Four: Earth Crisis, The Book of War: Chapter Three: Liberation. Khalil meets Jenn on the roof of the Pierce house to apologize, but she tells him that she cannot love him because of Painkiller's desires. China Anne McClain comes from an artistic family. [9], Over time, Khalil started having second thoughts about his decisions to join Tobias, attack his former friends at school, abandoning his old life and, especially, Jennifer, which he began to text and voice call regularly despite the latter refusing to answer. He portrays Khalil Payne/Painkiller in Black Lightning. Later that night, they took refuge at Khalil's aunt Yvette's home, where the girl makes a phone call to inform her family that she was okay and cut off Khalil's dreadlocks to better disguise him, becoming suspicious when she found a small lump on the back of his head. [1], Khalil planned to lose his virginity to Jennifer over the weekend, with Jefferson threatening Khalil at school to use protection, using Khalil's method of showering as an allegory. Black Lightning Season 3: Painkiller's Full Set of Abilities Explained - Duration: 10:58. The Beat got a chance to chat with the actor behind the villainous Painkiller, Jordan Calloway, during our exclusive Black Lightning set visit [23], T.C., with the assistance of Jennifer, managed to seal the Painkiller protocol behind a firewall, allowing Khalil to regain control of his body though he was horrified to learn he was used as a weapon and even killed Nichelle. Later that night, Khalil rode in a car with Tobias and Syonide as they assured Khalil that he would walk again and find his true strength.[7]. 5:30 PM PDT Wed, Oct 21 However, it becomes clear that, despite his anger, Khalil stills shows remorse after he unintentionally 'killed' Black Lightning and begins to have doubts about his association with the 100 leader as he took over as Whale's enforcer. China Anne's mother, Shontell, is also a vocalist and songwriter. Khalil is also the son of Kito Payne and the late Nichelle Payne, the younger brother of the late Keenan Payne, and the ex-boyfriend of Jennifer Pierce. After Lynn Stewart found the hideout and pleaded for Jennifer to come home, Khalil apologized for getting Jennifer into this mess and tells her she needs to go home. She visited Khalil to clear the air, who was bitter, blaming Jennifer for his paralysis and having everything taken from him despite living a good, clean life.

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