Hands down. Highly recommend. I do not want to list the wrong one as an original if it isn't. That being said...don't overpay. The 5.1 electronic clarity sends shivers up one's spine. The Downward Spiral features elements of industrial rock, techno and heavy metal music, in contrast to the band's synthpop-influenced debut album Pretty Hate M… Edited By, Written-By, Arranged By, Performer, 7 92346-2, 92346-2, halo eight, CID 8012, 522 126-, (Hybrid, DualDisc, Album, Multichannel, NTSC), (SACD, Hybrid, Multichannel, Album, RM + SACD, Hybr), B0025683-01, B0025683-01EV01, B0025683-01EV02, The Downward Spiral, SACD, Hybrid, Multichannel, Album, RM + SACD, Hybr, B0003739-36, The Downward Spiral, 2xLP, Album, RE, B0011697-01, The Downward Spiral, 2xLP, Album, RE, RM, Gat, B0025683-01, B0025683-01ST02, The Downward Spiral, CD, Album, Sli, 92346-2, 7 92346-2, https://www.revolvermag.com/music/watch-nine-inch-nails-demolish-joy-divisions-dead-souls-woodstock-1994, The Downward Spiral, 2xLP, Album, Promo, Gat, STPR 5509, PR 5509, Scrap_Iron's favourite albums of the 90s', DYNAMO! I'll have to agree with what other's have said. I have this Record and it is marked 731452212610 top right on the back cover and 1994 Interscope, U.S.A. on the bottom center of the back cover. Incredible sounding remaster from King Bob Ludwig. Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)」にまつわる逸話と様々なカバー, メタリカ『Ride The Lightning』解説:ヘヴィ・メタルを永遠に変えたセカンド・アルバム, ニルヴァーナ『Nevermind』のセールス推移:発売当初はヒットとはほど遠い売れ行きだった名盤, ブロンディ『Parallel Lines』解説:「Heart of Glass」を収録し2,000万枚を売り上げたアルバム, ローリング・ストーンズ「(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction」解説: メンバーが語る初の全米1位曲, ビートルズの新ドキュメンタリー映画『The Beatles : Get Back』について現時点で判明している事柄, レゲエのプロテスト・ソング傑作11曲:社会/国/権力/戦争/大麻規制/差別について声を上げた曲たち, ガンズ・アンド・ローゼズのメンバーによる『Appetite For Destruction』発売当時の楽曲解説, オリジナル版挿入曲への愛とリスペクトが漂う仕上がり『メリー・ポピンズ リターンズ』のサントラの魅力とは? by 長谷川町蔵, About Us • Terms of Service • Privacy Policy • © 2019 uDiscoverMusic, Nine Inch Nails – Head Like A Hole (Official Video), Nine Inch Nails – Closer (Director's Cut), トリビュート・イベント『Motörhead Day 2』世界中にストリーミング配信予定, レインボー最後の全米シングルチャート入りをした「Street Of Dreams」, メガデス結成35周年記念35曲入りベスト『Warheads On Foreheads』3枚組CD&4枚組LPで発売決定, 【レビュー】ダウンロード・フェスティバル2018:ガンズが大トリをつとめたUK最大のロック/メタル・フェス. I am experienced with vintage vinyl of the 1970's and prior, newer vinyl isn't my forte. Nine Inch Nails – Closer (Director's Cut) 『The Downward Spiral』は、このような繊細な気持ちを収集した天才的な作品だ。 心に染み渡る内容であり、人々の心の中に住む悪魔と神の両方が騒ぎだすようなカタルシスがあり、好意的なアルバムと捉える人もいるかもしれない。 This is the second studio album from Nine Inch Nails and their most commercially successful. rest of the album is alright. The introduction of the song contains a chromatic melody very reminiscent of the ending of " Closer " but in E Major rather than C Major. Hearing Dead Souls remastered on an SACD is an experience. - the 50 most influential albums of all time (published in 2003). “I want to f…k you like an animal / おまえを獣のように犯したいんだ” again, hurt sounds like crap. It certainly pushed them into the limelight. Critically regarded as a masterpiece from the 90s. The Downward Spiral (song) "The Downward Spiral", thirteenth track on the eponymous album, is often seen as the final part of the story, in which the main character commits suicide with a gun. 『ザ・ダウンワード・スパイラル』(The Downward Spiral)は、ナイン・インチ・ネイルズが1994年3月に発表したセカンド・アルバムである。 アメリカ の ビルボード 誌で初登場2位を記録し、現在に至るまでナイン・インチ・ネイルズの代表作と言われ続けている。 Could someone message me please. Johnny Cash extracted new meaning from Hurt which would shock anyone unfamiliar with the original in this drug fuelled concept album documenting one man’s descent into madness (and ultimately suicide). This sound nearly perfect (I would say perfect, but can vinyl really ever be perfect?). The Downward Spiral is the second studio album by American industrial rock band Nine Inch Nails, released on March 8, 1994, by Nothing Records and Interscope Records in the United States and by Island Records in Europe. original press sounds way too flat. This is the best sounding version of the album I have heard. Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral music video - YouTube The artwork is beautiful, the essay is a nice read, the vinyl is heavy. Gimme! It's amazing that most pick this 2 disc set up knowing nothing about the sacd layer. One of the best sounding records in my collection.
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