Many don’t have life experience to fully understand how and why corporations would take advantage of them. Knowledge could have prevent a lot of financial ills in this movie. | These commentary posts will lack references because they are primarily here to start a conversation about the various issues we are faced with. The Browns had a low-interest government subsidized mortgage. Seriously. however, i hate that credit card more today than yesterday. Frankly, I was disappointed. Film “Maxed Out”: Summary, Main Points, Research, and Response. People in desperate situations are also another demographic being grossly exploited. Thanks for visiting! A must see for anyone. Ranked: Films about the Ongoing Financial Crisis. His car broke down in the middle of nowhere in Texas. The problem that Americans want to buy whatever they want whenever they want, but when it comes time to pay what they owe they don't want to is only briefly skirted. Such dubious and predatory strategies have addicted our economy to the self-delusions of American consumers. Maxed Out: Hard Times, Easy Credit and the Era of Predatory Lenders, Check box if your review contains spoilers, Maxed Out takes viewers on a journey deep inside the American style of debt, where things seem fine as long as the minimum monthly payment arrives on time. You come away from it with the strong intuition that the more credit card applications you get in the mail, the more insulted you should feel, because the modern lender strategy is to rope in as many losers as possible. So many of us are greedy consumers of product and experiences and we somehow feel entitled to have what we want, when we want it, without thought to where the money is going to come from.Abusers of credit have unrealistic expectations about their lives and the world. Revealing how the best customers of the financial industry appear to be the broke and the bankrupt, Maxed Out exposes all the issues, controversies, and mode of the debt world that strives to make people fail financially. There are two sides to that, of course; for some people, there is simply no way to repay their debts. Many of the people introduced further into the film were face with emergencies and didn’t take the time to research these fraudulent and predatory bankers or creditors. Just smart money advice to help you reach your goals. In 2006, J.D. It would have been nice to have a brief historical overview of credit in the U.S. At times, the film feels unnecessarily political. Right! Maxed Out takes us on a journey deep inside the American debt-style, where everything seems okay as long as the minimum monthly payment arrives on time. From the film, it was also added that “[t]he average American household has more than $9,000 in credit card debt and pays more than $1,300 a year in interest rates” (Mabrey & Foster 1); and that “credit card companies mail out about 4 billion offers a year” (Mabrey & Foster 1). ABC News: Nightline. Creditors know this...therefore college students are great targets. Not Rated, probably PG-13 for a couple profanities, one F-word. Review: Maxed Out. Lynn Stewart's desperate attempt to avoid foreclosure. Last year my partner was working out of state. No gimmicks. With Alison Griffiths. It's sad to see people take it so seriously. The film is unclear on these points. Many people just continue with the rat race in hopes that life works itself out. Technically all of my blog posts are merely the commentary and examinations of a college student, however I usually back up my thoughts, unless it’s a literary analysis, with references. (This may not be feasible, but I'll give it a shot.). Where else can people turn to other than the loan sharks? Without telling us, the company had cancelled it. Better to show two sides of the “personal responsibility” factor than no sides at all. Maxed Out is based on a 2006 documentary film of the same name directed by Scurlock. Maxed Out should be required viewing for young adults. (I covered “Secret History” here.). I do not understand this viewpoint. Here's the trailer: The film discusses the role of banks, of government, and of consumers in creating an industry that is, in the words of Harvard law professor Elizabeth Warren, “obscenely profitable”. You never really understand what a bad thing debt is almost until you are in the hole and have to get out. Sure, most of us may have that sinking feeling that something isn't quite right, but we're told not to worry. She then helped him to sign his name to the contract in big block letters.” I don’t get it. Just to be safe, there should not be too much debt in the banks for people who are not very sure about the consequences. (And on the woman with the $4,000 mortgage. Be the first to contribute! Too biased of a documentary to deserve a good score. “Maxed Out: Debt in America: New Documentary Takes a Harsh Look at the Credit Card Industry.”  14 March 2007. I love responding to long comments, lol. Retrieved from, This is just a sample. The movie addresses the credit crisis in a one-sided manner, painting all credit card lenders as evil and all consumers as victims. For example the pawn shop owner didn’t realize that the business he banked, Wells Fargo, was his main competition since they fund Cash America, a check cashing company. We meet Chris and Bob, for example, the owners of People First, a Minneapolis debt collection agency. People need to take action! Because these institutions sure do have information on us. Hilarious, shocking and incisive, Maxed Out paints a picture of a national nightmare which is all too real for most of us. I asked him what role he felt personal responsibility plays in this situation, and he gave me a very evasive answer–he acknowledged that yes, we need to be responsible but said you can’t put a… Read more ». | (I kind of hoped he would put himself through bankruptcy, the way Spurlock lived on McDonald’s for 30 days in “Super Size Me,” but no such luck. It’s a game to them and we are the bad people that need to be punished because we can’t pay back astronomical fees after losing our jobs. It sounds like the trailer pretty much does justice to the movie’s content. What is a Roth IRA and why should you care? Plot Keywords Yes, it would be really nice if everybody lived within their means; but as the movie makes clear, the, Earth to the American public - if you keep on electing survival-of-the-fittest Republicans, don't be surprised when large swaths of your society turn Darwinian without prior notice. One financial hiccup can put you in the financial graveyard. When I've paid off my debt a year from now, I will carry my mortgage. "It is an issue people need to address. When Hurricane Katrina ravaged America's Gulf Coast, it laid bare an uncomfortable reality-America is not only far from the world's wealthiest nation; it is crumbling beneath a staggering burden of individual and government debt. She then helped him to sign his name to the contract in big block letters. However it’s important to know what you are getting yourself into. The problem that Americans want to buy whatever they want whenever they want, but when it comes time to pay what they owe they don't want to is only. (2017, Jan 03). You cannot be trusting.” Scrutiny and skepticism saves lives. It’s like keeping up with the Jones has now been made our national task. I’m glad that you made a mention about personal responsibility. Two-thirds! Maxed Out also draws parallels between consumer debt and the debt of the United States as a nation. “Maxed Out.”  N.d.  18 October 2008 . Maxed Out enters limited release this Friday, March 9th. A member of Providian’s board of directors at that time, Larry Thompson, was selected to lead Bush’s white-collar crime task force in 2002 (which I guess is logical, considering he’s apparently an expert on it). our expert writers, Hi, my name is Jenn

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