Another feature on BNR Nieuwsradio: Dr. Jerry Spanakis discusses the Law&Tech lab. As of 1 September 2020, the programme is named Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. 6200 MD Maastricht Instagram The popular Dutch children’s tv show gives out the award annually (web page in Dutch). The faculty is integrated into the innovation ecosystem of Sorbonne University: SATT Lutech supports the maturing of technologies and enhances the value of the patent portfolio, while the Quadrivium Ventures seed fund supports the creation of companies supported by the faculty's staff. Czech university magazine Universitas interviews Dr. Kateřina Staňková about mathematics in cancer treatment (article in English). +31 43 388 2222, Follow us on Social Media The Faculty has six departments (UFRs): biology; chemistry; engineering; mathematics; physics; earth sciences, environment and biodiversity. View on demand. What’s the matter? The situation is constantly changing, staff and students are invited to consult their emails, the university intranet and the FAQ to stay informed.All users (students and staff) have access to more precise information on a dedicated page: The Faculty of Medicine teaches the 3 cycles of medical studies: from PASS (integrated into the faculty) to the 3rd cycle including DES, DESC, DU and DIU. Students and scientists contribute to education programmes at the bachelor's, master's and PhD levels and take part in innovative research in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The faculty of medicine is closed to the public and operates according to a business continuity plan (research, pedagogy, administrative) since Monday, March 16, 2020. The Saint-Antoine site includes a midwifery school. We maintain high international standards of excellence and have access to world-class research infrastructures. One of our riches is the diversity of students and their backgrounds. One of our riches is the diversity of students and their backgrounds. This foundation is backed by strong scientific disciplines with a prestigious tradition that is supported by dynamic communities with international reputations. About. Detecting gravitational waves? What can we learn about the health claims that manufacturers make about foods by applying data science? (Interview in Dutch). Beyond the end of classroom lessons, university libraries are closed. The closure of the faculty to the public effectively results in the cancellation of all courses in face-to-face. The goal of the collaboration is to develop the high-performance computation power required for two next-generation advanced physics detectors. Within 30 hours of starting their introduction to the bachelor’s programme at the Department of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering, they collectively defused a bomb and emerged as heroes. Einstein said that it would be impossible because of the giganticly small scale of it. 150 unsuspecting students took part in an alternate reality game last Monday. Our next Open Day will be quite different from previous editions. Maastricht University researcher, Jordy Saya, working at AMIBM is one of the 24 lucky ones whose research project 'Learning from Nature to Synthesize Peptides and Proteins' was honored by NWO. The Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE) is home to several outstanding departments in education and research. Ma in Applied Mathematics and Engineering. Are you looking for more general knowledge of data science & smart services? The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded a KLEIN-1 grant to Dr. Steven Kelk. The Faculty of Engineering Sciences offers holistic perspective of the fundamental sciences and provides opportunities to integrate systems from different disciplines. And finally, UBS caters for mature age students who wish to upskill or retrain. The Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences includes the schools of Chemistry, Engineering, Electronics and Computer Science and Physics and Astronomy. Now the old lab is part of the Brightlands Chemelot Campus. Listen to the six best new and brilliant ideas. View on demand. Her choice turned out to be a double-edged sword. Minderbroedersberg 4-6 The Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE) is home to several outstanding departments in education and research. This year during the virtual Zoom graduation ceremony for the master students of the Biobased Materials programme, the Menno Knetsch Master Thesis Award was handed out to Sophie Koch. About the Faculty. Studio Data discusses text mining, AI education in Maastricht and the benefits of being both CSO of ZyLAB and extraordinary professor (interview in Dutch). The 79 laboratories of the faculty are located in the Paris region, mainly on the Pierre and Marie Curie campus, and in the three marine stations of Roscoff, Banyuls-sur-Mer and Villefranche-sur-Mer. The Netherlands The Faculty also includes three marine stations, the Ecole Polytech Sorbonne, the Paris Institute of Astrophysics and the Henri Poincaré Institute. What was that like? Faculty of Sciences and Engineering Sciences Our Faculty of Sciences and Engineering Sciences in Vannes and Lorient welcomes around 3000 students each year, 500 of whom study online or in alternate or coop mode. (Essay in German), The July issue of the magazine of ICT Platform Netherlands (IPN) features Dr. Kateřina Staňková discussing her vision of the future: treating metastatic cancer with the help of mathematics. Students and scientists contribute to education programmes at the bachelor's, master's and PhD levels and take part in innovative research in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Everything is matter! Complicated stuff, but not for Dr. Jacco de Vries. (Report in Dutch), Cedric Oeldorf’s MSc thesis resulted in LoGAN v2: an AI that creates high-quality logos. Research activities and vital administrative activities are maintained, under the conditions specified by the university administration in the Business Continuity Plan. Virtual Experience Day - University College Maastricht - 10 November, Virtual Experience Day - University College Maastricht - 30 November, Home to over 1,500 students (69% from abroad), Locations in Maastricht, Venlo and Geleen. The lessons are given mainly on two sites: Pitié-Salpêtrière and Saint-Antoine. Maastricht University will become the first Dutch university to enter the IBM Q Network. Undergraduate Virtual Open Day. In the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Prof. Gerhard Weiss discusses why companies can be reluctant about AI applications although they think it is a game changer in their domain (essay in German). Sorbonne University in Europe and in the world, Noteworthy Places, Collections and Bequests, At the Faculty of Science and Engineering, 360,000 alumni form a vast network around the world, Multidisciplinary institutes and initiatives, Research structures and technical platforms, Sorbonne University, an attractive environment for doctoratesPhDs, Career plans and professional development, Interdisciplinarity at the service of society, Degree and inter-university degree catalogue, Second cycle [years 2-6 of medical studies], MRSU 933 - Genetic diseases of pediatric expression, MRSU 938 – Research Center of Saint Antoine, MRSU 959- Immunology-Immunopathology-Immunotherapy, MRSU 1136 – Pierre Louis Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health, MRSU 1155 – From Rare Kidney Diseases to Frequent Diseases, Remodelling and Repair, MRSU 1158 - Relations between the nervous system and the respiratory system, MRSU 1166 - Research Unit on Cardiovascular Diseases, Metabolism and Nutrition, MRSU 1269 - Nutrition and obesities : systemic approaches, CRG 4 - Theranostic Biomarkers of Non-Small Cell Bronchial Cancers, CRG 5 - Predictive Onco-Urology Research Group, Internship for medicine students from partner universities, Dispositif d’aide exceptionnelle pour les étudiants, AccessPMC, une solution logicielle intelligente pour une continuité d’activité sur les campus de Sorbonne Université, Valentina Emiliani a reçu un ERC Grant pour son projet HOLOVIS, Ouverture du Service Universitaire de Médecine Préventive (SUMPPS), Conférence virtuelle - Introduction à l'IA pour l'oncologie prédictive et la recherche clinique, Catalogue de formation des professionnels de santé, Renaud Piarroux et Bruno Riou : Pour déconfiner sans provoquer une deuxième vague, une approche centrée sur le patient, Renaud Piarroux : Nous formons des centaines d’équipes mobiles.
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