London was een verwoed lezer en werd sterk beïnvloed door denkers als Karl Marx, Charles Darwin, Herbert Spencer en Friedrich Nietzsche, hetgeen vooral blijkt uit de heroïsch-individualistische levenshouding van de meeste van zijn hoofdfiguren: vaak zijn het natuurlijke leiders. He was blindly in love with his wife." The men wore their wolf and beaver skin caps, with the grey-tasselled ear-flaps flying free, while on their feet were the moose-skin moccasins and walrus-hide of the north." This was the setting for some of his first successful stories. Het woeste landschap en het ruige leven van Alaska leverden hem stof voor zijn eerste verhalen, die hij vanaf 1898 begon te publiceren. All others of my kindred, except one sister in Portland, Oregon, are still my enemies and denounce me as a disgrace to them. He wrote a letter to the poet, George Sterling, about the proposed book: "How often I think of you, over there on the other side of the world! Gedurende zijn hele leven besteedde London veel aandacht aan sociale en economische vraagstukken. It was the third largest bestseller of its time, after Uncle Tom's Cabin and Ben-Hur and it is claimed that the book converted a large number of people to socialism. Who let the sunshine in upon dark places. (9). The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. If I did not realize and condemn those faults I would be unable to try to do better. He did not have a usual childhood like most of the children but he dealt with it and overcame his grief. The nights he swept away in a twitching consciousness. (49), On her return to San Francisco Anna Strunsky discovered that London had left his wife. In 1905 he joined with Upton Sinclair to form the Intercollegiate Socialist Society. Jack London, pseudoniem van John Griffith Chaney (San Francisco, Californië, 12 januari 1876 - Glen Ellen, Californië, 22 november 1916), was een Amerikaans schrijver van romans en korte verhalen. You never meant to do anything but the right and the good - poor, ever dear, dreamer! He was saying that love was a madness, a fever that passes, a trick. London also began writing short-stories. Other members included Norman Thomas, Clarence Darrow, Florence Kelley, Anna Strunsky, Randolph Bourne, Bertram D. Wolfe, Jay Lovestone, Rose Pastor Stokes and J.G. So far as he was concerned, he was dead at the end of that one-fifth of a second... Lord, what a stack of hack I'm-turning out! If a man could not get the woman he wanted, the man who did get her had to fight for her life." I should much prefer to wake tomorrow in a smoothly-running socialist state but I know I shall not; I know it cannot come that way. Hij verbraste zijn fortuin en trok door zijn levenswijze een zware wissel op zijn fysieke en mentale gezondheid. With his royalties London bought a 1,400 acre ranch. A term that was intellectual, that described her mind." He had studied pamphlets, books and government reports on poverty, interviewed scores of men and women, taken hundreds of photographs, tramped miles of streets, stood in breadlines, slept in parks. (50), At the time she was unaware that rumours were circulating that she had been responsible for the break-up of the marriage. For a couple of years London and Anna Strunsky had been writing a joint novel, The Kempton-Wace Letters (1903). In three score generations it rules the world!" His gums became swollen, leading to the loss of his four front teeth. There was a time when I had a very tender affection for Flora; but there came a time when I hated her with all the intensity of my intense nature, and even thought of killing her myself, as many a man has under similar circumstances. I understand that as soon as Jack London is elected Mayor of Oakland by the Social Democrats the name of the place will be changed. Mabel Applegarth was horrified by this decision. He was dressed in gray, and was wearing the soft white shirt and collar which he had already adopted. Found guilty he was sentenced to thirty days hard labour and taken to Erie County Penitentiary. Hence, my resignation. He told the poor woman that he had sold the furnishings (for which she had helped to pay) and it was useless to think of her remaining there any longer. One fifth of a second elapsed between the springing of the trap and the breaking of his neck and severing of his spinal cord. He knew their suffering because he had felt it himself. the young man is a pleasant speaker, more earnest than eloquent, and while he is a broad socialist in every way, he is not an anarchist." I have often argued that he was one of the few American authors who really knew how to write. More Info . The New York City publisher, Samuel McClure offered to publish virtually anything Jack London produced. He wrote in his notebook: "The whole history of mankind has been a history of contests between exploiting and exploited; a history of these class struggles shows the evolution of man; with the coming of industrialism and concentrated capital a stage has been reached whereby the exploited cannot attain its emancipation from the ruling class without once and for all emancipating society at large from all future exploitation, oppression, class distinctions and class struggles." He later wrote that the prison was "filled with the ruck and the filth, the scum and the dregs of society - hereditary inefficients, degenerates, wrecks, lunatics, addled intelligences, epileptics, monsters, weaklings, in short a very nightmare of humanity. She was studying English at the University of California. It received extremely good reviews and critics hailed it as a "classic enriching American literature", "a spellbinding animal story", "a brilliant dramatisation of the laws of nature". I was carrying a beautiful alcoholic conflagration around with me. I shall be over Saturday night. (5). She happens to be a genius. Check out the following education resources: Distance Learning Video Tour of Beauty Ranch for Schools. Then the night came awake and our sails filled. (46), It was an immediate best-seller. The result was The Son of the Wolf, which appeared in April 1900. It won first prize of $25, with second and third prizes going to men in their early twenties studying at the University of California and at Stanford University. Her virtues led her nowhere. A few years earlier, sent to Mexico as a correspondent, he came back singing the tunes that had been taught him by the American oil-men who were engaged in looting Mexico; he preached Nordic supremacy, and the manifest destiny of the American exploiters. Hij groeide op bij de haven van Oakland en leidde daar een avontuurlijk jeugdleven, waarbij hij vaak mee uit varen ging op zee, een periode die hij later verwerkte in The Cruise of the Dazzler (1902). I think I should die if I had to live two years in the East End of London." Life would have had some meaning for him again. 2400 London Ranch Road, Glen Ellen, CA 95442 ", London returned to the United States in 1903. If he fell behind his daily quota, he compensated the following morning." ", On his release on 29th July, 1894, London he travelled across the country hiding on trains. Bibsys: 90064701Biblioteca Nacional de España: XX921509Bibliothèque nationale de France: cb11913283v (data)Catàleg d'autoritats de noms i títols de Catalunya: a10634897CiNii: DA00473658Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren: lond007Gemeinsame Normdatei: 118574183International Standard Name Identifier: 0000 0001 2130 9371Library of Congress Control Number: n78086415Nationale Bibliotheek van Letland: 000007386MusicBrainz: c5342c3d-ad4d-48c8-be68-b1fa111ffbc8National Archives and Records Administration: 10580771Bibliotheek van het Japanse parlement: 00447982Nationale Bibliotheek van Tsjechië: jn19990005166Nationale bibliotheek van Australië: 35311166Nationale Bibliotheek van Israël: 001785239National and University Library in Zagreb: 000100018Nederlandse Thesaurus van Auteursnamen Persoon ID: 068764995RÉRO (Réseau des bibliothèques de Suisse occidental): 02-A000106609RKD-Nederlands Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis: 436669LIBRIS: 72282SNAC: w6rf5vjjSystème universitaire de documentation: 027319016Trove: 907223Virtual International Authority File: 46764200 WorldCat Identities (via VIAF): 46764200, Catàleg d'autoritats de noms i títols de Catalunya, Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren, National Archives and Records Administration, National and University Library in Zagreb, Nederlandse Thesaurus van Auteursnamen Persoon ID, RKD-Nederlands Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis,, Wikipedia:Lokale afbeelding gelijk aan Wikidata, Wikipedia:Commonscat met lokaal zelfde link als op Wikidata, Wikipedia:Pagina's die ISBN magische links gebruiken, Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen. Behold! The rest of the time he worked, and his consciousness was machine consciousness. (4), London spent his free time in saloons along the San Francisco waterfront and was often drunk. Another biographer, Rose Wilder Lane, claimed he wanted a mother to "seven sturdy Anglo-Saxon sons". London later recalled that the boat was a floating slaughter house, her decks "covered with hides and bodies, slippery with fat and blood, the scuppers running red, masts, ropes, and rails splattered with sanguinary colour; and the men, like butchers with ripping and flensing knives, removing the skins from the pretty creatures they had killed." London overleed in 1916 op zijn ranch te Glenn Ellen, met vergiftigingsverschijnselen. He says on the subject when asked for his definition of socialism, "It is an all-embracing term - communists, nationalists, collectionists, idealists, utopians... are all socialists, but it cannot be said that socialism is any of these - it is all."
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