Process. 22, 9–13. Arjunan, S. P., Kumar, D. K., and Jung, T.-P. (2009). After that, the subjects completed the divergent thinking task within 2 min, and biofeedback data were collected throughout the process. Falavarjani, M. F., and Irandust, F. (2017). Psychol. globalisation means the extending and deepening interdependencies of countries worldwide through economic, political and cultural integration. N. Y. Acad. Clinical Practice of Biofeedback. (2016). Considering that it was to make up a story for foreign children, in order to make the children understand their stories better, the participants would consider more about cultural differences, so that the promotion of multicultural experience on creative tasks might be more obvious. Here's how to do it. SPSS16.0 statistical software was used to test the differences in creative performance under various cultural conditions with one-way ANAVA (Table 1). Different Culture Priming Lead to Different Creative Performance. Positive 1 was placed at F4, negative 1 at A2, positive 2 at F3, negative 2 at Al, the grounding electrode was placed at Fz, and the blood volume (heart rate) electrode was placed at the middle finger of the left hand. With the evolution of our ladies/women for example; from wrappers, to a full-blown gele with matching iro and buba, then transitioning to the use of skirts and blouse, eventually shirts and trousers, and now a whole lot of other things considered trending fashion. Miron-Spektor, E., and Beenen, G. (2015). Due to the diversity of cultures, multicultural experience should include not only the experience brought by exposure to cultures of different countries, but also the experience brought by exposure to cultures of different nations and regions. Therefore, the value advocated by American culture is more in line with the characteristics of keeping pace with the times of college students, so. 219, 1263–1269. It may be that this exposure increases tolerance for the mixed views of organizations and teams. Psychol. Galinsky, A. D., Maddux, W. W., and Ku, G. (2006). We speculate that since the participants used in this experiment are American college students, if the subjects were replaced by participants from another cultural environment, the results might be different. It can also have a positive impact on verbal creative tasks. From the study 1, it could be concluded that the significant difference in the creative task was caused by individuals' multicultural experience. The mean of the final 3 min measurement was taken as the baseline level. The importance of silk seemed far less than that of chariots, horses and gunpowder, but it left the most lasting memory. Keywords: multicultural experience, creativity, physiological awaken, culture shock, cultural priming paradigm, Citation: Tan L, Wang X, Guo C, Zeng R, Zhou T and Cao G (2019) Does Exposure to Foreign Culture Influence Creativity? doi: 10.1080/10400419.2012.650092. Sawyer, K. (2006). (2014). Kristian, G. (2013). 2009, 6288–6291. English Literature J. Foreign cultures are not simply imposed but are transformed by local cultures acceptance in a way that foreign cultures are compatible with the deeper values of local cultures. The results showed that as for the index of SC, the main effects of four stages in each conditions were significant [F(2, 45) = 3.557, p = 0.037, ηp2 = 0.608, F(3, 135) = 2.913, p = 0.037, ηp2 = 0.362] and the interaction effect was also significant [F(6, 135) = 2.360, p = 0.034, ηp2 = 0.403]. 17, 214–218. Table 2. Beijing: Advanced Education Press. The editor and reviewers' affiliations are the latest provided on their Loop research profiles and may not reflect their situation at the time of review. Gray matter density in relation to different facets of verbal creativity. Organ. A socio-cultural approach to multicultural experience: why interactions matter for creative thinking but exposures don't. 10:537. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00537. We divided the whole experiment into five stages,—including the baseline, picture, listening to music, watching video, and completing creative tasks. The novel degree of novelty was about the original story, and the uniqueness was relative to the unique degree among all the stories written. These experiences are likely to improve individual physiological activation level. Educ. In a relaxed state, people's mood is calm, sweat gland secretion, skin conductivity, and skin electricity would decrease (Zheng, 2003). In researches of EEG on divergent thinking and convergent thinking, Jausovec and Jausovec (2000) found that individuals with high creativity have a higher wave power. However, the American college students in Leung and Chiu's study were not familiar with Chinese culture. (2012). We believed that Chinese college students are more familiar with American culture than American students are with Chinese culture, and American culture is more novel and attractive to Chinese students than Chinese culture to American students. J. Jiujiang Univ. Front. J. Soc. Under the fusion condition, there is no significant difference between the four stages. Negotiation 9, 1–5. However, the creative task (story-writing task and AUT) adopted in this study was only limited to the verbal divergent thinking task related to semantic concepts, and the performance of the creative task under the American culture priming condition was better than other conditions.
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