(a) First offences, except in flagrant cases, will be recorded. A weekly charge will be imposed for the he repaymentof the cost of the fixing and stock. Before any decision is arrived at, however, information will beobtained as to the position and character of the land;the accessibility of markets for commodities; communication withEurope, and other necessary particulars. Author of “ DODO . These would consist of men who hadbeen working so many weeks or days in the Labour Factory, or had beenunder observation for a reasonable time at the Shelters or in theSlums, and who had given evidence of their willingness to work, theiramenity to discipline, and their ambition to improve themselves.On arrival at the Farm they would be installed in a barracks, and atonce told off to work. TO THE COUNTRY!--THE FARM COLONY. There is any amount of wasteland in the world, not far away in distant Continents, next door to theNorth Pole, but here at our very doors. The ship which takes out emigrants will bring back theproduce of the farms, and constant travelling to and fro will lead morethan ever to the feeling that we and our ocean-sundered brethren aremembers of one family. Today he prospers in body and soul, retainingthe respect and confidence of all associated with him. Some of these are skilled workmen who areengaged in carpentry. He came to us an utter outcast, was sent to Shelter andWorkshop got saved, and is now in a good situation. The villager has his pig or his poultry, orif he has not a pig his neighbour has one, and the collection of brokenvictuals is conducted as regularly as the delivery of the post. He came to Whitechapel, became a regularcustomer, eight months ago got saved, and is now doing well. No one who has ever crossed the ocean can have failed to be impressedwith the mischief that comes to emigrants when they are on their way totheir destination. Some fine day at the other end of the world some prancing pro-consulfinds it necessary to smash one of the man-slaying machines that loomominous on his borders, or some savage potentate makes an incursioninto territory of a British colony, or some fierce outburst ofMahommedan fanaticism raises up a Mahdi in mid-Africa. E. G.--Came to England in the service of a family of position,and afterwards was butler and upper servant in several houses of thenobility. The Labour Shops will enable us to work out our Anti-Sweatingexperiments. In Australia the Emigrant finds himself among men and women of the same habits, the same language, and infact the same people, excepting that they live under the southern crossinstead of in the northern latitudes. All Rights Reserved. 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Already insome provincial towns a great business is done by the conversion of oldshoes into new. The sole often wears out utterly, while theupper leather is quite good, or the upper leather bursts while the soleremains practically in a salvable condition; but your individual pairof shoes and boots are no good to you when any section of them ishopelessly gone to the bad. I really liked the books like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest article and read all the books are there any more recommendations? For a long time to come the Salvation Army will be able to consume allthe vegetables and crops which the Colonies will produce. We have thought of South Africa, to begin with.We are in no way pledged to this part of the world, or to it alone.There is nothing to prevent our establishing similar settlements inCanada, Australia, or some other land. The answer to that question seems to me obvious.They must go upon the land! Our Headquarters in England would represent the Colony in this countryon their behalf, and with money supplied by them, when once fairlyestablished, would buy for their agents what they were at the outsetunable to produce themselves, such as machinery and the like,also selling their produce to the best advantage. There must besomething corresponding to it which is equally useless until he can bebrought to bear upon it. These desolate little things needour toys, and if supplied cheap enough they will take them insufficient quantities to make it worth while to manufacture them. In miniature many of them are working Whiskyhere again got hold of him, and excess ruined his constitution.On his leave he had married, and on his discharge joined his wife inBirmingham. The hours of work are eight per day. I have already described how I propose to deal, in the first case, withthe mass of surplus labour which will infallibly accumulate on ourhands as soon as the Shelters are more extensively established and ingood working order. For answer to this question I would like totake you down to our Industrial Workshops in Whitechapel. There is no compulsion uponany one to resort to our shelter, but if a penniless man wants food hemust, as a rule, do work sufficient to pay for what he has of that andof other accommodation. Theadvantages of such a Bureau are obvious. Some of my bestOfficers to-day have been even such as they. I propose to change all this by establishing Registerswhich will enable us to lay our hands at a moment's notice upon all theunemployed men in a district in any particular trade. They would be accustomed to the economies they would have to practise. It should be freehold land, and it should lie atsome considerable distance from any town or village. Esmé Stuart . SECTION 4.--THE HOUSEHOLD SALVAGE BRIGADE. After his release he married a respectable girl,and tried to reform, but circumstances were against him; character hehad none, a gaol career only to recommend him, and so he and his wifeeventually drifted to destitution. There arethose who pray for you and with you, and will make you feel yourself abrother among men. Is it not a reasonable supposition? All the carpentering and the joinery will be done on thepremises, and by this means a sustained demand for work will becreated. But give our trained artist in leather andhis army of assistants a couple of thousand pairs of boots and shoes,and it will go ill with him if out of the couple of thousand pairs ofwrecks he cannot construct five hundred pairs, which, if not quitegood, will be immeasurably better than the apologies for boots whichcover the feet of many a poor tramp, to say nothing of the thousands ofpoor children who are at the present moment attending our publicschools. It is necessary, however,to bring them in here in order to explain that employment will becreated for women as well as men. A whole book might be written concerning the utilisation of the wasteof London. The Household Salvage Brigade will constitute an agency capable ofbeing utilised to any extent for the distribution of parcelsnewspapers, &c. When once you have your reliable man who will call atevery house with the regularity of a postman, and go his beat with thepunctuality of a policeman, you can do great things with him. When we have selected a party of emigrants whom we believe to besufficiently prepared to settle on the land which has been got readyfor them in the Colony over Sea, it will be no dismal expatriationwhich will await them. Where Unions exist we should place ourselves in everycase in communication with their officials. NEW BRITAIN--THE COLONY OVER-SEA. When he arrives there he is bundledashore, brigaded with other troops, marched to the front through theblistering glare of a tropical sun over poisonous marshes in which hiscomrades sicken and die, until at last he is drawn up in square toreceive the charge of tens of thousands of ferocious savages.Far away from all who love him or care for him, foot-sore and travelweary, having eaten perhaps but a piece of dry bread in the lasttwenty-four hours, he must stand up and kill or be killed. The foregoing, it will be said, is all very well for your outcast whenhe has got fourpence in his pocket, but what if he has not got hisfourpence? And here let me say that it is a greatdelusion to imagine that in the riffraff and waste of the labour marketthere are no workmen to be had except those that are worthless.Worthless under the present conditions, exposed to constant temptationsto intemperance no doubt they are, but some of the brightest men inLondon, with some of the smartest pairs of hands, and the cleverestbrains, are at the present moment weltering helplessly in the sludgefrom which we propose to rescue them. This book is available for free download in a number of formats - including epub, pdf, azw, mobi and more.

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