Die reich verzierten, hervorragend gearbeiteten Bronzen sind im Wachsausschmelzverfahren gegossen. [5] Towards the western end of Igboland, across the Niger River, rose a man known as Eze Chima who fled Benin with his accomplices after a dispute with the Oba of Benin who consequently exiled him in the 1560s. Following the independence of Nigeria from the United Kingdom in 1960, most of Igboland was included in its Eastern Region. Umueri traditions state that Onoja Oboni, however, is of royal Eri stock and founded Idah as he trailed northwards. This led to the discovery of a larger network of linked metal works from the 9th century.
The exact origins of Eri are unknown and much of Nri traditions present him as a divine leader and civiliser sent from heaven to begin civilisation. In Nigeria today, Igboland is roughly made up of Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu, Imo, Northern Delta and Rivers states,[11] and small parts of Akwa Ibom. Igboland (Standard Igbo: Àlà Ị gbò, also known as Southeastern Nigeria, is the homeland of the Igbo people.
Geographically, it is divided by the lower Niger River into two sections: an eastern (the larger of the two) and a western one. Ironsi's assassination stood out more because of the method of his killers; Ironsi had his legs tied to the back of a Land Rover and was driven around town while still attached.
Anthropologists at the University of Benin have discovered fossils and use of monoliths dating to 4500 BC at Ngodo in the Uturu town. Threatens To Sanction Medical Personnel, Okowa To Leaders: It’s Time To Right The Wrongs, End Protests, NOA Urges #EndSARS Campaigners, #EndSARS: Scores Escape Death As Hoodlums Raze NPA Headquarters In Lagos, #EndSARS: WANEP Expresses Concerns Over Killings, Destruction Of Properties, Eagleserve Emerges Young Creative Agency of The Year, CUPP Spokesman, 50 Others’ Cars Burnt In Apo Mechanic Attack, Lekki Shooting: Situation Room Cautions Nigerians, Int’l Community, #EndSARS: Call for PMB’s Resignation, Undemocratic – NIDO USA, Rivers: Rotary Club Challenges Mothers On Immunization Against Polio, World Food Day: CAPPA/NHED Seek Increased Access To Toxic-free Nutritious Food For All, #EndSARS: Youths Group Wants Service Chiefs Removed. Wenige tausend Igbo betrachten sich ferner als Juden. In revolt and retaliation against the government General Aguiyi-Ironsi was ambushed and assassinated by Northern members of the military on 29 July 1966 in a revolt against that had strong ethnic overtones. B. vier Jahrhunderte Sklaverei, Nsibidi, Udu, Odinani, Diaspora, Onitsha, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Igbo_(Ethnie)&oldid=194791592, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. The population of Igboland stated here is the total of only the 5 main states (namely, Abia State, Anambra State, Ebonyi State, Enugu State, Imo State, (35% of) Delta State,(70% of) Rivers State, and (300 Communities in) Benue State, This page was last edited on 7 September 2020, at 07:35. Based on the proximity of traditions to those of their neighbours, and familial and political ties, many of these groups are apparently culturally northern or southern Igbo. [29][30] Christianity had played a great part in the introduction of European ideology into Igbo society and culture often time through erasure of cultural practice; adherents to the denominations were often barred in partaking in ancient rites and traditions, and joining fraternities and secret societies were forbidden as the church grew stronger. The war initially became a stalemate. [citation needed] Much of the Igbo population is believed to have expanded from a smaller area within in this region, diverging into several independent Igbo-speaking tribes, village-groups, kingdoms and states. Die Igbo, veraltet Ibo, sind eine afrikanische Ethnie von über 30 Millionen Menschen in Nigeria, die vor allem im von Savanne unterbrochenen tropischen Regenwald östlich des Niger-Unterlaufs lebt. Igboland was historically known as the Ibo(e), Ebo(e), and Heebo Country by early European explorers. Die Igbo und ihre Nachbarn hatten bis ins 19.
Um 1900 setzte sich im ganzen Gebiet die britische Kolonialverwaltung durch.
Als Nahrungsgrundlage diente der Anbau von Yams und Maniok, der vielfach durch ausgedehnten Fischfang ergänzt wurde.
[clarification needed][19].
[31], Due to the incompatibility of the Igbo decentralized style of government and the centralized system required for British indirect rule, British colonial rule was marked with open conflicts and much tension. It was around the mid-10th century that the divine figure Eri is said to have migrated, according to Umunri lore, to the Anambra (Igbo: Omambara) river basin — specifically at its meeting with Ezu river known as Ezu na Omambara in present-day Aguleri. Later human settlement in the region may have links with other discoveries made in the wider area, particularly with the culture associated with the terracotta discoveries at Nok, which spanned a wide area of present-day north-central Nigeria.
The burial site was associated with the Nri Kingdom, which began around the same century, according to indigenous history.[21]. [24][25][26][27][28] Igboland was conquered by the British Empire after several decades of resistance on all fronts; some of the most famous of the resistance include the Ekumeku Movement, the Anglo-Aro War, and the Aba Women's Riots which was contributed to by women of different ethnic backgrounds in eastern Nigeria. [1][15], Igboland's culture has been shaped by its rainforest climate, its ancient trade along the rivers, migration, and social history within its various clans and peoples. [33] British rule brought about changes in culture such as the introduction of warrant chiefs as Eze (traditional rulers) where there were no such monarchies.[34]. (Biafra-Krieg 1967–1970). Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. Die meisten Igbo sind Christen, es gibt aber auch traditionelle Glaubenssysteme. [36] The Eastern Region formed the core of the secessionist Republic of Biafra. – in Africa (green & dark grey)– in Nigeria (green), Igboland (Standard Igbo: Àlà Ị̀gbò[3][4], also known as Southeastern Nigeria, is the homeland of the Igbo people. These groups were followed by a third non-Igbo Ekoi-cultured group, Akpa or Ibom Oburutu who were led by Akuma Nnaubi, the first Eze Aro, the title of the king of the Aro. B. große Lehmfiguren an Heiligtümern und Altären sowie figürliche und abstrakte Masken) steht meist in religiösem Kontext. Sorry the page you were looking for cannot be found. Historically, Igboland has taken up a large part of southeastern Nigeria, mostly on the eastern side of the Niger River.
The Aro state centred on Arochukwu followed Nri's steady decline, basing much of its economic activities on the rising trade in slaves to Europeans by coastal African middlemen.