The Igbo phrases are helpful because they are used daily. We start with greetings and introduction. to Igbo? This is a better way to learning. Here's how you say it. We included the audio as well. If you want to know how to say How are you doing? However, if you’re not Igbo and you ever find yourself in an Igbo speaking area. Be it words, phrases, texts or even your website pages - will offer the best. If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me. Need to translate "hi how are you?" Igbo (Igbo: Ásụ̀sụ̀ Ìgbò) is a Niger-Congo language spoken primarily in Nigeria.There are between 18-25 million Igbo speakers living primarily in southeastern Nigeria in an area known as Igboland. Igbo Phrases. Always be welcomed with a smile when you travel! Greet everyone in your journeys, and no one will be a stranger to you anymore Below we picked expressions that a new learner will find useful. Igbo is a national language of Nigeria and is also recognised in Equatorial Guinea.Igbo is made up of many different dialects which aren't mutually intelligible to other Igbo speakers at times. We hope this will help you to understand Igbo better. : Igbo Months of the Year: Igbo Market Days: Different Type Of Igbo Greetings Ways to greet in igbo: Asking About Members of the Family in Igbo Language Igbo family Just learn one word: How to say hello in Igbo. Translate from English to Igbo. in Igbo, you will find the translation here. Igbo Alphabet learn all the alphabet: Counting of Numbers Igbo numbers counting: Igbo Days days in ibo land: Igbo Times of Day Learning igbo language free: Igbo Weeks of the Month where to get igbo language Nigeria. Or even if you just have a lot of Igbo friends and are always wondering what they’re going on about, Sugabelly is here to rescue you. Learn only what you need. In Igbo tradition there are no specific greetings for afternoon and evening - ndeewo or daal ụ are the traditional Igbo greetings during the day.

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