'the father of a long, long line of laughs to come.'. Fred himself attributes his behavior to the Christmas spirit, which he wishes to honor. Scrooge’s nephew Fred responds to Scrooge’s rebuff after he wishes Scrooge a merry Christmas and invites him to Christmas dinner. But Fred doesn’t take offense in return. Scrooge’s nephew Fred explains to Scrooge why he has felt compelled to visit his uncle and wish him a merry Christmas despite Scrooge’s unfriendliness. How does Dickens describe Fred's appearance to juxtapose Scrooge and Fred's personalities? Enthusiastic. Stave Two: The First of the Three Spirits, Stave Three: The Second of the Three Spirits. In the story, the narrator explains this change in the atmosphere, metaphorically, as the work of the Ghost of Christmas Present: He sprinkles magic from his torch, making people cheerier, kinder, and more forgiving than usual, and even making food taste better. The narrator describes the grim city streets transformed by the Christmas spirit spreading cheer everywhere. While in the story the Ghost brings the sailors the Christmas spirit, he operates merely as a metaphor. What does Scrooge do at the end of the novella which may remind the reader of Fred and reinforces Scrooge's successful transformation? "Scrooge's nephew revelled in another laugh". caitlintoole_bourne. it is a mercy he didn't shake his arm off. What does Dickens say to suggest Fred has almost a gift from God? Write. his eyes … SparkNotes is brought to you by Barnes & Noble. i'll keep my christmas humour to the last so a merry christmas, uncle. What does Dickens say which creates a physical and metaphorical warmth surrounding Fred? PLAY. What does Dickens say to suggest Fred has almost a gift from God? Here, the Ghost reveals that although she is long dead, her son Fred lives on. Spell. In Stave 4, what demonstrates Fred to be a caring man? Essentially, the spirit of Christmas exists anywhere people observe Christmas. let him in. A Christmas Carol I am sure I have always thought of Christmas time… as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time… the only time… when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely, and to think of people below them as if they really were fellow-passengers…. Persistant. 'I'll keep my Christmas humour to the last'. 'There are many things from which I might have derived good, by which I have not profited.'. While visiting with the Ghost of Christmas Past, readers see Scrooge with his younger sister, Fanny, of whom he was very fond. Fred insists that the spirit of Christmas benefits him even though the spirit does not profit him—a concept foreign to Scrooge. ‘Christmas among the rest. What does Dickens say to suggest that Fred is a jovial character? While Fred believes the Christmas spirit comes over him, making him feel charitable, in fact he also embodies and spreads the Christmas spirit through his charity and kindness. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. SparkNotes is brought to you by Barnes & Noble. Stave Two: The First of the Three Spirits, Stave Three: The Second of the Three Spirits. The narrator describes what Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas Present find when they fly to a ship far out to sea and observe the Christmas spirit at work. Despite being far away from their families, from any church, and from community celebrations, just knowing the date causes all the sailors to embody, share, and perpetuate the Christmas spirit. 'I mean ti give him the same chance every year, whether he likes it or not, for I pity him.'. Learn. What does Fred say which suggests he is enthusiastic? 'I have always thought of Christmas as a good time, a kind, forgiving, charitable pleasant time.'. On December 25, ordinary activities like shoveling or shopping have an air of festivity. What does Fred say which acts as a mouthpiece for Dickens' views on Christmas? 'to know a man more blest in laugh than Scrooge's nephew.' Match. Fred Quotes : A Christmas Carol. 'his face was ruddy and handsome; his eyes sparkled, and his breath smoked again. Visit BN.com to buy new and used textbooks, and check out our award-winning NOOK tablets and eReaders. Feeling offended would spoil the spirit of Christmas. Christmas spirit. "Bob told them of the extraordinary kindness of Mr. Scrooge's nephew.". Created by. What quote shows that Fred is not worn down by Scrooge's pessimism and negativity? Scrooge not only refuses the invitation but acts offended at the idea of being invited—he disapproves both of Fred’s marriage and of celebrating Christmas. Observing the holiday means, by definition, experiencing and spreading the spirit of Christmas. In fact, the day itself spreads the Christmas spirit among the sailors. Her kindness to him clearly lives on in Fred’s continued attempts to include Scrooge in his life. Flashcards. i mean to give him the same chance every year, whether he like it or not. What line outlines the division Fred perceives between wealth and happiness? Test. Scrooge’s nephew Fred responds to Scrooge’s rebuff after he wishes Scrooge a merry Christmas and invites him to Christmas dinner. Having had a game at the absent Uncle Scrooge’s expense, Fred insists that his dinner guests raise a toast to Scrooge’s health and blessings of the season. Scrooge remembers how much he loved Fanny. 'I have always thought of Christmas as a good time, a kind, forgiving, charitable pleasant time.' Terms in this set (7) Positive. In Stave 3, what quote shows Fred to be stubborn, almost like Scrooge? Visit BN.com to buy new and used textbooks, and check out our award-winning NOOK tablets and eReaders.

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