. . . •DITA Authoring (available only in Structured FrameMaker), •Structured Authoring (available only in Structured FrameMaker). . . . . . . 3Choose one of the following options from the Page Scrolling pop-up menu: •To display pages from top to bottom (for example, page 2 below page 1), choose Vertical. . . •A font is removed or has become damaged. . The Elements catalog lists the elements you can use at the current location and provides commands for adding and editing elements. . In the Product Interface list, select FrameMaker or Structured FrameMaker. . . . •To move quickly through the pages, scroll vertically. . . . . . . << Be assured that you have the latest help content: If you are online, CHC displays the online help content for the product, by default. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . These components include paragraph formats, character formats, master page layouts, reference pages, and cross-reference formats. . . . . . . . Insert the installation disc into your disk drive, and follow the onscreen instructions. •You have the option to search within the local Help content only. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Note: You can use the Print command to save a PostScript® file. . . . . Adobe Labs is also a forum for early feedback. . . . . . . . . . Many FrameMaker users are already familiar with single-sourcing workflows. . . . . . . . . . . . . Adobe updates Help content whenever there are significant updates that have to be communicated to users. . . . . . >> . . . Be aware of capitalization. . . . . . . . . A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “Generate conditional output using Boolean expressions” on page 345. . . . . . . . . . . . . /FitWindow true •To show elements that are valid for the current location or later in the current element, select Valid Elements For Working In Any Order. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Select the element, by clicking the element tag. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If you want to edit a copy of the file, click Open Copy For Editing, and then click Continue. . . . Change contrast globally or change the color theme, as follows: To change the appearance of all operating system windows at once, select the Use High Contrast option. . . . . . . . . . . Consistent with 48 C.F.R. . Much of the file’s formatting is retained when you open the file. . . . . . . . . . !a[ӷ(�^���7���;��vǶ�*��Q��x��^~d��&�^ . To go to a specific line number, click in the Line Number area and specify the line number you want to display. . . . •Command-line execution of publishing tasks: Invoke a series of publishing tasks from the Windows command line after you have created these tasks and schedules using FrameMaker Server. By embedding them in your documents, you make the documents easier to track, manage, and retrieve. . . . . . . . . . . . . Use post-publish commands to automatically rename, move, or archive output files, especially when you run regular publishing tasks so that the subsequent outputs do not overwrite earlier files. . . . . . . . . . . . . Select one of the following options in the Show Tags For area: To show only elements that are valid for the current location, select Valid Elements For Working Start To Finish. When working with sample files in Adobe FrameMaker (2017 release) it could take hours to generate output from some massive document sets. . . . . . . . . Formats that aren’t stored in the catalog can be applied to other paragraphs only by copying and pasting. Adobe FrameMaker Server enables you to implement schedule-based, automated, multi-channel, and multi-device publishing. . . . All connection names are added to the favorites list. . . . . . •Scripting support for automation: Use ExtendScript Toolkit to create scripts that can automate pre-publication tasks such as applying conditional text for single-sourced publishing tasks. . . . . . . %���� . . . . To collapse docked pods, click anywhere in the tab bar. . If you have many formats, precede them with a period to avoid excessive scrolling in the catalogs; an initial period brings, Display the Basic properties of the Paragraph Designer, and choose a tag from the Next Pgf Tag, Upload manuals that we do not have and get, Enhanced support for XML content creation, Improved searchability of PDFs through metadata storage, Change the spacing of ruler or grid intervals, View element boundaries in the document window, Expand and collapse elements in document window, Show and hide attributes for new elements, Change the scope of elements available in a structured document, Open a document without updating references, Return to the saved version of your document, Use Save As to export XML from unstructured documents, Specify formats for the paragraphs that follow, Adjust superscripted, subscripted, and small cap text, Create or change combined fonts of Japanese and Western characters, Remove autonumbering or a bullet from a paragraph, Base autonumbering on book component numbers, Use multiple counters in an autonumber format, Create a custom master page that is empty or based on another master page’s layout, Create a custom master page based on a body page’s layout, Reorder, rotate, or delete custom master pages, Assign a master page to pages with specified paragraph tags, Assign a master page to body pages of structured documents, View other master pages when a master page is visible, Return to body pages while master pages are visible, View other reference pages when a reference page is visible, Create a reference frame on a reference page, Change other properties of a reference frame, Set up boilerplate graphics on reference pages, Change page margins and number of columns, Headers, footers, and other background text, Creating and modifying background text frames, Change margins and column layout on specific pages, Add a template text frame on a master page, Feather text to the bottom of text frames, Set up a flow for a newsletter or magazine, Change a flow’s tag or Autoconnect setting, Remove a text frame from the middle of a flow, Cross-reference a disconnected text frame, Insert variable elements in structured documents, Update variables across all files in a book, Creating variables for running headers and footers, Running headers and footers based on paragraph tags, Displaying paragraph text, tags, or autonumbers, Create a dictionary-style header or footer, Standardizing graphics, frames, and tables, Create templates to change conditional text settings, Change templates for blank paper and text files, Import formats from a template or document, Working with elements in structured documents, Insert an element using the Element Catalog, Select text in structured document window, Enter attribute values as you insert elements, Enter or edit attribute values for elements already in a document, Search for element tags, attribute names, or attribute values, Find and correct errors in document structure, Search for backslashes and wildcard characters, Search for special characters and nonprinting symbols, Delete the contents of the document dictionary, Check the spelling of a document without using the personal dictionary, Copy the contents of a dictionary to a file, Merge the contents of a dictionary with the current personal or document dictionary, Recheck after changing Spelling Checker options, Assign text to be ignored by Spelling Checker, Prevent FrameMaker from hyphenating a word, Specify a different language when looking up a word, Insert a word from the Thesaurus into the document, Create an equation in a paragraph of its own (a display equation), Create an equation in a graphic frame with other objects, Insert, add, or edit a horizontal or vertical list of expressions, Replace or delete a math element or equation, Define a custom math element or change a built-in math element definition, Change or delete a custom math element definition, Adjust the spacing values for a math element wherever it appears, Set automatic alignment for a vertical list or multiline equation, Check alignment settings for a horizontal or vertical list, or for a matrix, Left-, center-, or right-align equations in a frame, Change the character format in individual equations, Change equation fonts throughout a document, Create equations in structured documents using elements, Create an inline equation using an element, Create a display equation using an element, Create an equation in an anchored frame element, Using third-party keyboard layout software, Working with tables in structured documents, Insert a table element (structured documents), Place the insertion point in a table cell, Convert a text file to a table as you open the file, Convert a text file to a table as you import the file, Convert a table to text within FrameMaker, Copy a table to another application as text, Run text around a table in an anchored frame, Run text around a table in an anchored frame (structured documents), Run text around a table that remains stationary on the page, Position and autonumber text within cells, Specify the direction of autonumbering in a table, Change properties in several table formats, Create or remove custom ruling or shading, Insert a rotated table in a page of unrotated text, Insert a rotated table in a page of unrotated text (structured documents), Create a rotated table on a page with other rotated text, Set the minimum number of rows on a page or in a column, About graphic elements in structured documents, Draw a rectangle, a rounded rectangle, or an oval, Draw several objects of the same type without clicking the tool each time, Apply a fill pattern or pen pattern to a selected object, Choose a line width for a line or an object’s border, Change the ends of an arc, a line, a polyline, or a freehand curve, Make a line or object’s borders solid or dashed, Inspect an object’s drawing properties or apply them to other objects, Create a reverse text line over an object, Cut, copy, or paste an object by using the clipboard, View the position of an object as you move it, Change the corner radius of a rounded rectangle, View color definitions in a color library, Add a color library for use in FrameMaker, Apply a color or tint to text or an object using formatting features, Apply a tint to an object using a fill pattern, Create an anchored frame with specific options, Insert anchored frames in structured documents, Filling anchored frames in structured documents, Prevent an anchored frame from clipping its contents, Change a frame’s anchoring position and drawing properties, Change a document to View Only format without saving it, Change a view-only document to Document format, Make a view-only book editable or an editable book view-only, Navigate to specific pages in view-only documents, Menu commands available in view-only documents, Have an active area appear on more than one page, Override a master page command on an individual body page, Insert, edit, and delete hypertext commands, Hypertext commands supported in FrameMaker, Hypertext commands in HTML and PDF documents, Use hypertext commands to retrace link navigation, Insert hypertext command elements in structured documents, Create ways to start, open, and close applications, Create a way to start another application, Create a way to open a file or another application, Test and troubleshoot hypertext documents, Force the linked destination to appear in a different window, Generate a list or index of hypertext markers, Control how source documents are displayed, Overriding the generated file display command, Incorporating generated files into an online system, Cross-references in unstructured documents, Insert a cross-reference to a paragraph in a text inset, Insert a cross-reference to a word or phrase, Insert a cross-reference in a structured document, Edit cross-references or display the source, Choose a different source or format for a cross-reference, Including source information in cross references, Including character formats in cross-references, Suppress automatic updating of cross-references in a document or book, Associate a structured application with an xml file, Add file information for a folder template, Display filenames or heading text in the book window, Insert book component numbers in cross-references, Include book component numbers in headers or footers, Include the total page count of a book in a header or footer, Import element definitions into structured books, Set up a book file to create a master TOC or index, Remove inherited information from structured files, Generate a table of contents or list for a book, Generate a table of contents or list for a single document, Generating TOCs and other lists in structured documents, Add a title or other static text to lists and indexes, Embed a TOC in a document by using cross-references, Embed a TOC in a structured document by using cross-references, Embed a TOC in a document as a text inset, Update a TOC or list that is part of a book, Add or remove paragraph tags included in a TOC or list that is part of a book, Update a TOC or list that is a stand-alone document, Find and select a paragraph by using Find/Change, Insert index marker elements (structured documents), Create a cross-reference in an index entry, Create an index with neither a group title nor a space between entry groupings, Create quick access to group titles in a hypertext document, Sort letter by letter instead of word by word, Sort symbols, numbers, or other characters in another location in an index, Generate a standard index that displays page numbers in a variety of ways, Add or remove items included in an index that is part of a book, Update an index that is a stand-alone document, Find the source of an index entry by using a link, Add, edit, or delete markers and marker types, Copy a marker type from one document to another, Edit special text flow for a list or index, Change paragraph and character formats of entries, Include book component and paragraph autonumbers, Use tabs and tab leaders in a list or index, Resolve a cross-reference when a marker has been deleted, Resolve a cross-reference when the ID and ID Reference values do not match (structured documents), Create an endnote in structured documents, Generate conditional output using Boolean expressions, Editing elements in conditional structured documents, View the properties or source of text insets, Locate the source of unresolved text insets, Insert imported graphic elements into structured documents, Link to a text or graphic object with OLE, Change the updating of a linked OLE object, Suppress the updating of all linked OLE objects, Save a document containing SWF files as PDF, HTML, and XML files, Save documents containing SWF files as PDF, Save documents containing SWF files as HTML, Save a structured document in SGML or XML, Saving and publishing a document with text edits, Apply change bars manually to text in paragraphs, Create and apply change bar character format, Comparing documents that contain multiple flows, Compare documents that contain conditional text, Migrating from unstructured FrameMaker to XML, Components of a structured authoring environment, Converting unstructured files to structured documents, Preserve whitespaces for specific elements, Import CSS element styles into an EDD file, Changes to the structure application for schema support, Generate an element catalog (EDD) from a schema, Disable applying condition tags to filtered content, Enable active links in PDF for external links, Create a DITA concept, task, reference, or glossary entry, Create content reference to a range of elements, Create a content reference to a DITA topic, Automating conversion of base files to specialized files, Optimize files created in previous FrameMaker versions, Specify PDF-conversion settings without saving as PDF, Disable embedding Adobe Flash, 3D, and multimedia objects in PDF, Test accessibility in files using a screen reader, Preparing color documents for commercial printing, Preparing documents for conversion to HTML, Preserve the FrameMaker look by using style sheets, Fine-tuning mappings by editing reference pages, Edit a mapping using the HTML Mapping table, Use building blocks in HTML conversion macros, Troubleshooting and tips on HTML conversion, Publishing options for online output formats, About the Documentum and SharePoint connectors, Set default file versioning (Documentum and SharePoint), Set the Repository Manager view (Documentum only), Download the Powerlink SDK (Documentum only), Specify the DFS SDK path (Documentum only), Add the FrameMaker types on the Server (Documentum only), Add the FrameMaker types on the Server using the .exe file, Add the FrameMaker types on the Server using the .dar file, Set up sample Adobe FrameMaker 10 DITA Applications for EMC Documentum Server (Documentum only), Manage cabinets, sites, lists, folders, and files, Manage your scripts from within FrameMaker.

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