Genshin Impact guide: Battle Pass explained, here’s what you get for your money. You can explore that really quick as there is a turret down there (in the elevator, be ready for it) and an exit to the north, but nothing noteworthy is down here. To get inside without the code from Trish you’ll just have to trip the Modified Tripwires in the correct order. For Fallout 4 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Diamond City blues bug". You can use the terminal nearby if you don’t want to pick it. Now, from here you want to head east but on the way you will very likely discover the “Mass Bay Medical Center” landmark. Games. Confess to killing Cooke (if you did), then resolve the matter diplomatically or resort to killing her. If you agree to help and leave the city before visiting Taphouse again, Cooke will kill Paul prior to your return, so it is best to try to go alone. Automatron and Wasteland Workshop DLC information provided, including a full walkthrough for Automatron. If you kill Paul at the bar, you can complete this quest on your own and keep all the loot for yourself. You may be able to kill a Gunner here from below if you want. Too bad it is about to be raided! This should leave little doubt as to what awaits you inside. Paul Pembroke vous demande de l'aide pour régler un petit problème conjugal qui l'oppose à un certain Henry Cooke. Information on Settlements and items for construction. You will have several options. Regardless, you will need to travel to South Boston to find the Four Leaf Fishpacking Plant. Remove this ad - Subscribe to Premium. Craft at the Chem Station if you wish and once you are done use the terminal here to enter the Four Leaf Fishpacking Plant. Neat. And so you learned a valuable lesson: don’t trust Trish. Be careful as you leave this area heading out the subway tunnel as there are some Bottlecap Mines on the way out. After this quest, when you return to Diamond City you may encounter Malcom Latimer near the Colonial Taphouse, who will accuse you of killing his son, Nelson. Cette section du Guide Fallout 4 est consacrée à la quête secondaire "Diamond City Blues". In the back room you can find an ammo crate and the door on the right leads back to the main floor, but it is the door in front of you that is interesting. Head into a room to the east and turn south to find the door near the beginning of the building which can be opened with your newfound ID Card. Head left from here (you can climb the elevator to the west, but let’s take a thoughtful approach - but be sure to grab a loose Fusion Core from the elevator!) Unlocked a latched door, then open a chained door before looting a Safe [Advanced] and an Ammo Box [Novice]. Now, nearby is a staircase that actually goes down to the first floor. Also be mindful of the tripwires, which are easy to jump over. The smart thing to do here is to go walk behind the last Triggerman facing the farthest away and take him out with a powerful close-range weapon (melee, shotgun, etc). After that, you can either pay up to end the conflict, ask for a week to pay or show Marowski a heist photo you obtained during ‘The Darcy Situation.’. Diamond City Blues. After this quest is complete, when you visit Diamond City and come across Malcom, the father of Nelson, and he accuses you of killing his Son. Once you arrive there, there will be lots of Feral Ghouls. You can find a plethora of information including the following: By continuing you confirm you have read and agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy/Cookie Policy. The Vault - Fallout Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. Durant la confrontation dans le bar, attaquez Cooke en compagnie de Paul et tuez-le (image17). This is one of the side quests in Diamond City and can reward you with lots of chems (Buffout, Jet, Psycho, Med-X). On the far shore you’ll find your destination a short distance further east; the Four Leaf Clover Fishpacking Plant. If you want to kill Paul for Latimer, just blame him, haggle for more Caps, go to his house and kill him without getting detected, then return for your reward. Once you reveal the secret door using the terminal, open it. Talk to Darcy and Henry. If the conversation ends peacefully, Cooke will tell you of a chems deal he has been involved in. Trip the Tripwire near the stairs and continue north-east and work your way around the entire building until you’re back near the truck. Ascend the outside stairs and search the rooftops for a terminal. Next head into some offices to the east to find the Wilson Atomatoys HQ Key on a desk (this opens the [Master] door you passed twice now) then hack the nearby “Security Terminal” [Advanced], which will also allow you to bypass the same terminal the “Office Note” did. Paul will ask you to help him out and come with him to get Henry to leave Darcy alone. Your options depend on who is alive in both Diamond City and Goodneighbor. However, if you have Henry with you, he will not let Trish go, gunning her down (Paul will help if he is here as well). Head back down stairs now and head east into the subway car. Pass an easy speech check to call Paul a liar or say you don’t know who killed him and Colette will rant, then walk off. If you didn’t get the password, however, you can just reference the note that Trish dropped to see the correct order of laser beams and trip them. It is generally better to agree to let her go, as it gives you a password for a terminal at the chems lab, which grants easier access as well as additional goods. Either kill her, confess to her, or tell the truth. Store everything else. There are a quite a few rooms in here with quite a few medical supplies, so be sure to stock up. Head up the stairs to the second level now. Remember the nearby “Generator Room”? You can make small talk with Henry and buy Darcy a drink. Avant de partir vers votre nouvel objectif, pensez à récupérer la note de Trish sur son cadavre dans le cas où vous ne seriez pas parvenu à la convaincre de vous donner le code du labo secret (image12).
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