Modern science has replaced rainmakers. There was plenty of land for everyone. There has been a change in attitude towards marriage. Today bacteria, viruses, or environmental factors, cause illnesses. In addition, the individual in an African community is under the clan’s care. Provided mechanisms for proper inheritance of property for example land. Company Registration No: 4964706. Moral values are also positive attitudes. African communities believed that animals carried the spirit of the dead person to the next life. Life involves sharing. Facilitated care for the disadvantaged members of community. Honesty. VAT Registration No: 842417633. Life was celebrated at every stage. Tasks were distributed according to one’s age, gender and status. They are based on what is valued by the community. Live together and inhabit the same geographical location. God gives peace and harmony. It was given to the parents of the girl in form of (a) Cows (b) Goats (c) Camels (d) Jewellery (e) Poultry. It was a source of status in the community. Thus comments such as: For the African, religion is factually life and life is religion. With money, there was an expansion of trade. The placenta was disposed off ceremoniously. This is because these ties: Some of them are (1) rites of passage (2) good morals (3) participation in communal activities such as ceremonies, work, leisure activities and worship (4) sharing of property and ideas (5) division of labor. This is why philosophical appraisal of African culture and values is not only apt and timely, but also appropriate. It was seen as a curse on the family. Marriage was a happy occasion and a source of wealth. What are the roles of elders in African communities? They included amongst others: Moral values were learnt in the process of socialization. Marriage created new social relationships and expanded web of kinships. The way God is seen in most African religions is both alike and dissimilar than the way monotheistic religions characterize God for example Christianity. The moral values that communities observed were many. The African thought of security and its value depends on personal identification with and inside the community. Next: What are moral values?Previous: How is the concept of community applicable in the traditional African culture? Women wore beads, and necklaces for decoration. These were (i) birth and naming (ii) initiation (iii) marriage and (iv) old age and death. They cured people through herbs just like the medicine women/men. This is illegal and a criminal offence. These have made some communities abandon some rites e.g. These laws are cultural values. They led the community in public worship. They were intermediaries between people, ancestors, spirits and God. On the contrary, the theory predicts ‘variation on a theme’: moral values will reflect the value of different types of cooperation under different social and ecological conditions. Suicide was considered the worst thing anyone could do. Burial rites were performed in many African communities. You can view samples of our professional work here. It is illegal, and it is murder. In this transition, the initiate acquired new rights, new status in life, and privileges. HTML code is not allowed. -Relevance of diviners in modern society. This is developing good habits like telling the truth, Loyalty, Respect, Co – operation with all. As a result, people moved and bought land away from their ancestral birthplaces. Working Hard. They buried the body with ones person belongings and tools. Spirits exists between an all- powerful God and humans. They gave punishment to offenders of social norms/rules. For example, African communities: A clan is made up of people who have the same forefather. Members of the community were taught how to be hospitable to visitors, strangers and how to assist the needy. Marriage was sacred. The age set held power for 16 to 21 years and handed over to the new generation. Barren women were frowned upon. Unlike the West, no appointment and special invitation are required for one to call on a distant family member or neighbor. Naming of babies was carefully chosen. It gave the initiate a sense of belonging. What is the role of death rites in inculcating moral virtues in traditional African communities? Hence a conclusion can be drawn that African morals are elaborately entwined with culture (African) which is greatly dosed with spiritual beliefs. All Rights Reserved | Home | About Us | Contact Us | Copyright | Terms Of Use | Privacy Policy | Advertise. Modern life changed the concept of land. Some orphans have ended up in the streets because there is no one to look after them Widows. Most of them are neglected and mistreated. For that reason, the authentic African is identified and known, by and through his community. Unity and harmony are to be upheld. There were taboos that the community observed. For example, health improved and people lived longer. What are the examples of African moral values? Cultural regulations were followed and adhered to leading, Caring for others. They were mediators between God, ancestors and the people. People are to be hospitable, warm and caring toward other people. There has been a change in attitude to birth and naming. (Onwubiko, 23). They used magic powers and predicted future occurre-nces. The most valued behavior was obedience. Primary and High School Exams in Kenya With Marking Schemes. study of values rightly belongs to the discipline of philosophy. Study for free with our range of university lectures! This has made marriage costly for the poor. When a woman conceived, and pregnancy was visible, she was treated specially. Everyone depends on others. Each person is expected to value life and to be responsible. In African terms, humanity isnot just an anthropological term; it is also a moral term when it comesto considering the relations between members of the human species. Human sacrifice has been discarded. All work is written to order. There has been considerable awareness of the dialogue between Christian and African Religion. Every element of life has a religious meaning. No plagiarism, guaranteed! Diviners, herbalists, and healers treated the sick people. This is the reason why individualism, as a dogma and code of life, is not encouraged in Africa. Religious specialists include Medicine men / healers, Herbalists, Diviners, Mediums, Prophets / Seers, Rainmakers, Priests and Elders. Regulated marital customs, rules and regulations. Individualism ownership of money replaced communalism. This study adopted expository research design. Perform specialized medical roles in some communities in spite of the fact that we have modern hospitals, counselors and psychologists. African and western ornaments are worn for beauty and style. An example is “Nyumba za wazee”. This is because they were and are able to: Elders were and still are community leaders. Modern mode of dressing is a mixture of African, Asian and European wear. Those converted to Hinduism worship in temples. A baby could be named after either a season, weather. Some of the rituals for the dead included. Life is continuous and unending. Obedience to parents, elders, community leaders and elders. Children born from this union propagated and ensured continuity of family, and the community. This resulted in both migrations and immigrations. This has been made possible through ways such as bible translation. Burial rites created a good relationship between the dead and the living. It explored the For example “Mungiki” a cult in Kenya, made up of young people, worship the traditional Ngai and practice traditional culture. Some mourners shaved their hair completely, while others shaved in a specific pattern. Ensured that all members of the community are have knowledge of community beliefs and practices. Christianity and Islam, which are considered as foreign since their dogma and practices came from outside of Africa. On the other hand, not all spirits are good. Give medicine in form of powder, herbs, minerals or liquid form and observed patients swallowing, drinking, sniffing, and applying on the skin. The education brought families, relatives and friends together. If you calculate, you can see that 16 to 21 years introduced a new age set or group of young people. In traditional society, Illness was caused by witchcraft, sorcery, bad omen, or curses. Life is continuous and unending. This ensured that people were not lonely. There were duties for men, children and women. Other reasons are (i) urbanization and migration, (ii) individualization (iii) Christians religious values. In African thought, the “best” rational justification of the moral imperative is less of an issue than in current moral discourse. Sadly, many writers have misunderstood ATR by attempting to define it under deceptive terms such as magic, superstitions, primitive religion, paganism etc. Religion Compared to the West’s individualism, the African man has a social and communal nature. A community is a group of people who share a common language, religion, and culture and may live in the same geographical location. Provided a sense of belonging which one of the human needs. How is the concept of community applicable in the traditional African culture? They helped in maintaining roles for important religious functions, such as rites of passage. They could bless and curse. In addition the initiates received specialized education. Christians worship in churches. Communities’ belief: Those herbalists are witchdoctors and possess magical powers. This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service. Registered Data Controller No: Z1821391. ATR influence wraps all aspects of life, from before the birth of a person to long after s/he has passed away. As a result different communities came to towns and lived together. Learning moral values was a lifelong process. Each person is expected to value life and to be responsible. Some communities preserved placenta while others threw it into a running stream. Intellectuals who study religion in Africa inform us that every African society have a belief in God. The community did not allow stealing of livestock. Young couples are living together in what is called – come – we – stay arrangements. Several methods were used to dispose the body. What is the role of diviners in traditional African communities? But on the other hand, a widow is encouraged to remarry as society has become individualistic and no longer assists community members as an obligation. Grey hair was a sign of respect and wisdom. Cast out of community. Religious specialists were given power by their parents who taught them religious duties. Death did not mark the end of life. Children become orphans. They were taught how to behave as adults, warriors, future husbands and parents. 1. After delivery, the placenta was seen as a sign of fertility hence it was buried in the fertile land such as a banana plantation. This group of people or an ethnic group shares common interests and characte-ristics. Others received divine call through dreams and visions. In modern society, the mother and child are no longer secluded. Initiation rituals are not popular today as they were in the past.
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