miss as in calling a woman "Miss", like "Excuse me miss can I have your phone number". English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. Give her a challenge say for example 'give me 2 good reason why I should have missed you?' Placed in equivalent freezers, would a liter of water or a liter of lava turn from liquid to solid first? (In any case if that "strengthens" the questioner it would thereby "weaken" the responder."). Did you miss me? @LessPop_MoreFizz I can definitely attest to doing that on numerous occasions for just that reason. So, A) and D) are the overwhelmingly more likely answers than B) or C). Do you have a favourite way to cook chicken? All four answers are plausible: A or B if the speaker wasn't missed; C or D if the speaker was. or "Of course not!"). Enter your email address below and get access to 10 videos instantly: We will NEVER spam you. According to my common sense perfect answers can be C) and B) only, and reason behind it is- It is usually more of a rhetorical question. rev 2020.10.21.37848, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, English Language & Usage Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us, That said, this is a point of sufficient ambiguity that even native speakers often sidestep the whole issue by responding with a more complete sentence, often dropping the yes or no altogether. They don’t. in the original question [as in B & C], or as ways to emphasize that the person was (or was not) missed [as in A & D]. (question from a 6 year old), Elegant way to combine multiple filtering functions in Haskell. Do you miss me a little? It totally flips the question around and gets her to validate herself to you you're the prize. I'd go with this. iunno.

New posts | Your posts, Board index » Get Into The Game: New Forum Members Start Here » General Questions. "), I think he might be more likely to answer with C than D, although it'd probably be better punctuated like this: (Starting with a "Yes" might land him in the doghouse before he was able to complete the rest of his sentence.). i usually say did u miss me to be all cute and flirty. by VerityG . D) Yes, I did miss you. I would make some joke like "no i have a friend who looks just like you so that does the trick", We want your email address. it rly all depends what kind of girl she is. Next question how do you escape the friend zone.

or "are they?" Can we round-trip travel to Brazil from the USA with our 5-month-old daughter using just her birth certificate? Why does converter's efficiency degrade with higher V_IN? What was the usage of EModE’s four-form system for answering yes–no questions?

"No your a man" lmao get it? I'm 17 and I am new to all of this. Unlike some other languages, "yes" and "no" in English do not convey agreement and disagreement (respectively) with a question which is negative: they are much more likely to match the negativity of the answer given. Doesn't seem to reflect much on English "strength" at all--whatever you mean by that. but overall, i think she is flirting. What this has to do with how "strong" or "weak" English is, I don't know. You can say, Can you please say 'Yes, I didn't miss you' if you didn't miss me, and 'No, I did miss you' if you did miss me?". I don't see why the questioner should have any special interest in forcing a response where the adverb is positive and the sentence is negative, or vice versa. Is "Hiding Among Zombies" an idea from Walking Dead or has this existed earlier? Do you prefer standard roses or ordinary roses? deliver it with a smile and try to sound sincere. (*Yes by itself sounds wrong as an answer to this question.). Would it have been possible to launch rockets in secret in the 1960s? "ing (a) the main verb by itself or (b) the whole sentence, which has the negative particle in it? Minimum number of independent pairs in a matroid. i wouldn't say that to a guy that i didn't like. I like pope's answer. You: Yeah like a big brother misses his little sister. However, this is entirely different kind of question compared to the two above. Use the same techniques 56,700+ men are using all over the world! For clarity, I like to avoid questions that end in single words like "right?" Her:Do you miss me? "didn't" is used/asked in the question, so if the person answering the question agrees with the person asking the question he will probably say "Yes, I didn't miss you," and if he does not agree he should answer "No, I did miss you.". You are screening her now. Unanswered topics | Active topics | How many cups of tea or coffee are you currently drinking? So, just asking to the experts present here for their views on this, in any context of English language or usage. I'm still in high school and there is this girl that I like and after our end of term breaks (which is generally about 2 weeks) this girl always asks me 'Did you miss me?'.

“Yes” by itself sounds perfectly natural to me as a reply to “…didn't you?”. Ask and answer questions for a share of ad revenue -. Mirrodin Besieged: do I win despite failing to draw a card? so yes..she's tryna be flirting and that only means she likes you. When you cook do you make just enough or more. Your email is 100% safe with us. Failing that, cocky funny would work. Certificates(CA certificate and EE/Local certiificate).

I have checked online everywhere and all four are treated as correct. ", site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. I miss the old you, the new one sucks! lol. etc. Is it legal for Microsoft to install software without user approval? Generally I do notice when people go "missing" for a while though because there are so few of us here. I guess again all the previous answers A,B,C,D are correct. Well, you should never find yourself there in the first place. I never forget a face, but in your case I made an exception. Instead I ask questions that end in "didn't I", or "hasn't she? "Did you miss me?" sometimes, however..girls say that just to get attention and make the guy fall for them. I didn’t know you were a bus. Sarcastic Responses to “Did You Miss Me?” I don’t care about you. I am looking for a cartoon, old one, with virtual reality? It only takes a minute to sign up. A father to whom it is obvious that he has been missed might ask this question jokingly to a child that needs comforting. A life lived in fear is a life half lived ... ) community (19) Image via morgueFile. (i.e. The purpose of the question is to invite an exploration of feelings or to open a conversation offering support to the child, not to gather information. Like a feminist misses the 50s. Let me send you the best seduction techniques ever devised... because they are, http://www.practicalhappiness.com/avoid ... with-women, Get Into The Game: New Forum Members Start Here. How to get employees to respect leave policy?

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